Revised January 2013 - South Dakota Dental Hygienists` Association

Policy and Procedure Manual
SDDHA Administrative Guidelines
(Revised January 2013)
Hygienist of the year
Policies code of ethics
The purposes of the Association are to improve the oral health of the public;
to advance the art and science of dental hygiene to maintain the highest
standards of dental hygiene and practice; to represent and protect the
interest of the dental hygiene profession; to improve the professional
competence of the dental hygienist; to foster research in oral health; to
provide professional communications; and to conduct other activities as may
be permitted by the State of South Dakota to carry out the purposes of this
In order to improve the total health of our community and state, the mission
of the SDDHA is to increase awareness of the cost-effective benefit of
prevention and quality oral health care, promote the highest standards of
dental hygiene education, licensure, and practice, advance the art and
science of the profession, and represent and promote the interests of dental
The goals of the South Dakota Dental Hygienists’ Association are
 Increase membership and participation in the South Dakota Dental
Hygienists’ Association.
 Provide a viable financial base
 Promote to the public the dental hygienist as a provider of
preventative and therapeutic oral health care
Increase understanding of the value of ADHA/ SDDHA membership.
Promote to the public the Registered Dental Hygienist as a provider of
preventative and therapeutic oral health care.
SDDHA will be fiscally sound and responsible to effectively govern the
Procedure Manual:
This manual is not intended to conflict with information contained in the
Bylaws of the South Dakota Dental Hygienists’ Association. It is designed to
serve as a guideline – to define and further explain procedures for the
Officers, Committee Chairs, and Committee Members of this Association.
Because the contents of this manual have been approved by a majority vote
of the Executive Board of the South Dakota Dental Hygienists’ Association,
no changes or additions may be made without a majority vote of the Board.
This manual shall be revised or updated annually. It shall not be altered
without the approval of the Executive Board by a majority vote.
The President-Elect shall be responsible for the manual updating and see
that corrected and/or additional pages are delivered to each holder.
The Policy and Procedure Manual is issued to the Officers, Committee Chairs,
and Committee Members of the South Dakota Dental Hygienists’ Association
and must kept in the appropriate file.
Please read this manual carefully and refer to it often. Familiarize
yourself with the duties of each office and Committee, paying
particular attention to the one you will be responsible for
completing. It shall be the duty of each holder of the manual to
follow the policies and procedures set forth within this manual.
Each Officer, Committee Chair, and Committee Member shall be provided a
policy and procedure manual which contains the responsibility of the officer
or committee, including the purpose and procedures.
You may not establish new policies or extend existing policies of this
association without the approval of the SDDHA Executive Board.
Officers, Committee Chairs, and Committee Members, unless authorized, are
not to act as the official representatives for SDDHA for any liaison with other
No Officers, Committee Chairs, and Committee Members may issue a public
statement in the name of their committee or in the name of SDDHA unless
that statement is clearly in accordance with the policies of this association as
approved by the Executive Board.
Copies of any important correspondence should be sent to the SDDHA
President, Secretary, and any involved persons.
Keep a record of all expenses for budgeting purposes. Budgeted expenses
must be itemized and submitted with receipts to the Treasurer for payment.
Other non-budgeted expenditures must have Board approval.
Each officer and committee chair shall submit an annual report in writing
prior to the annual session of SDDHA and provide copies for all board
members and committee chairs. Use the Long Range Plan for the office or
committee for inclusion in the annual report.
A copy of your proposed budget along with a report of expenditures during
the year should be submitted to the Treasurer prior to the Annual Session of
Submit in writing any suggestions for revisions in the Policy and Procedure
Manual to the President-Elect.
Perform all other duties that are incidental to the respective offices or
prescribed by the Executive Board or the Bylaws.
Board Members will be reimbursed for mileage and room expenses incurred
while conducting SDDHA Executive Board business. Rooms will be
reimbursed 100% based on double occupancy of two board members. The
association is responsible for 50% of the room charge if a room is shared by
a non-board member or if a room is occupied by only one board member.
Prepare yearly objectives and long range goals to be evaluated at the end of
the year.
All Executive Board Members:
You are required to attend all meetings of this Association. In the event that
you cannot attend a meeting, the President must be notified.
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board, cast the deciding
vote in case of a tie, and perform such duties as parliamentary procedure
requires. In the absence of the President, the President-Elect shall preside at
Board meetings. Officers and Board members should notify the President
three weeks prior to the Board meetings if they have business to be brought
before the Board.
Prepare progress report for Board and Business meetings. Copies should be
submitted to the secretary to aid in compiling the minutes.
Each SDDHA officer, component trustee, and committee chairman shall
prepare an Annual Report to be submitted to the SDDHA President 30 days
prior to the Annual Session and retain a copy for the officers’ file.
Committee Chairs:
Contact members by letter or phone, inform them of the committee’s
function, and ask for their assistance.
Keep members informed by correspondence and phone calls as necessary.
The President shall be an ex-officio member of all councils. She shall be
notified of the dates, times, and places of any committee meetings, and
receive a copy of any committee meeting’s minutes.
Committee chairs are expected to attend all SDDHA Board meetings. The
chair should notify the President three weeks prior to the Board meeting if
an item of committee business should be placed on the agenda.
Start early to accomplish your objectives. Use the Long Range Plan for the
development of your committee objectives.
Component Trustees:
You are members of the Executive Board and are expected to attend all
meetings of the Board and this Association.
Each component should send a list of officers and committee chairs including
their addresses to the President and Secretary of SDDHA, ADHA District VII
Trustee, and ADHA Central Office as soon as possible after their election.
Notebook Details:
It is the responsibility for each Executive Board member, officer, and
committee chair to create and maintain an official notebook. The notebook
will also contain a CD with the following items:
SDDHA Letterhead
Policy and Procedure
Strategic Plan
List of Executive Board Members
A detailed record of all the past year’s activities of this office or committee
shall be made and placed in your official notebook for future reference for at
least two years. The exception will be the Secretary, Treasurer, and Vice
President; these notebooks shall be retained for five years.
The notebook shall contain:
 SDDHA Meeting Minutes
 SDDHA Bylaws
 SDDHA Policy and Procedure Manual
 Objectives of Office or Committee
 Incoming Correspondence
 Copies of Outgoing Correspondence
 Record of Expenditures
 Current Budget
 Copies of all Reports, Meetings, and Projects
Protocol for Board E-mail Votes:
 Board member or officer makes a motion
 A copy of the motion must be maintained and submitted to the SDDHA
Secretary at the next Executive Board meeting.
 A second board member must second the motion.
 The President call for discussion and a vote must be made within 5
 The President needs to tally the vote and submit it to the SDDHA
 If any board member objects to an e-mail vote, the vote must be
postponed until the next SDDHA meeting.
The results of the e-mail vote shall be announced by the President at
the next SDDHA Board meeting and recorded in the minutes by the
SDDHA Secretary.
Upon assuming office, study the SDDHA Bylaws, the Policy and Procedure
Manual, and begin a notebook (refer to B-2 thru B-3) of your office or
committee to determine your assigned duties and responsibilities. Notify the
President-Elect promptly if you do not have a current copy of the SDDHA
Bylaws and /or the Policy and Procedure Manual.
All officers and members of the Executive Board must be members in good
standing of this Association at the time of their election or appointment and
must maintain such membership during their terms of office.
If you find you cannot carry your share of the workload, please inform the
SDDHA Board.
Student ADHA members may be contributing members on committees at the
discretion of the SDDHA Executive Board.
Term of Office:
Appointments shall expire upon the installation of new officers at the Annual
Session of this Association.
Elected officers hold office for one year, except the Treasurer, Financial
Resource Director and Newsletter Editor/Webmaster who holds office for two
years or until their successors are elected and installed.
No members shall hold more than one office at a time, and no member shall
be eligible to serve more than three consecutive terms in the same office,
except the secretary, who may serve up to four one year terms. The
Newsletter Editor/Webmaster and Legislative Chair may be excluded from
this section. A member having served more than half a term in an office
shall be deemed to have served a term. The term of office shall begin at the
close of the Annual Session at which they were elected.
When an officer or committee chair/member shall cease to be a member of
this Association, she shall also cease to be an officer or council member and
the President of this Association shall declare the position vacant.
The SDDHA Executive Board shall have the power to fill any vacancies in a
committee or in the office of Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Delegate,
or Alternate Delegate until the next annual election.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of President-Elect, the President shall
delegate those duties to other members until the next Annual Session.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the President-Elect will
fill the unexpired term of office.
End of Office:
At the end of your term as an Officer, Committee Chair/Member and
Component Trustee, update the official notebook and turn it into the
Preparation of Annual Reports:
The report should be typewritten. All board of trustees’ members and
council chairs should be given a copy at the pre-annual session Executive
Board meeting. The original should be kept with your notebook. Keep your
report brief but include all vital information. If no resolutions are submitted,
the report should conclude with the following statement: “This report is
informational and contains no resolutions.”
Preparation and Submission of Resolutions:
A resolution is a form for proposing action to be taken. It may be submitted
to an officer, council, executive board, component, or any voting member.
Any resolution submitted to the Executive Board by a committee, officer, or
component must be received not less than forty-five (45) days prior to the
SDDHA Annual Session.
All resolutions will be reviewed by the Executive Board
recommendations made to the general membership prior to voting.
Each resolution must contain only one item of business.
The explanation of the resolution should be contained in the body of the
report and shall not be included in the form of a “Whereas…” clause.
As a duly elected Officer of SDDHA, the President shall:
Serve as the official representative of SDDHA in its contacts with other
organizations. The President shall have the power to appoint an
official representative.
Preside at all meetings.
Appoint all Committee Chairs, Editor, Historian, and Parliamentarian;
and submit those names to the Executive Board for final approval.
Be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating
Appoint special task forces not provided for in the Bylaws.
Issue public statements that are in accordance with the policies of this
Association or if directed by the Executive Board.
Call all meetings of the Executive Board as specified in the Bylaws;
prepare an agenda for each meeting and send to all officers,
committee chairs and members at least two weeks prior to the
Call any special sessions of the SDDHA as specified in the Bylaws,
Article VI, Section, 4. Notification of the special session shall be in
writing at least two weeks prior to the scheduled time.
Must provide new or amended bylaws to the ADHA Executive Director
within sixty (60) days of approval.
Conduct a Board vote by phone, e-mail, or fax.
Maintain regular communication and liaison with all components.
Upon their installation, send congratulatory messages to the newly
installed Presidents of all components, ADHA, SDDA, and the ADHA
District VII Trustee.
Following SDDHA Annual Session, send introductory letters to the
Presidents of the SDDA and South Dakota State Board of Dentistry.
Report activities, problems, or other items of interest to the ADHA
District VII Trustee.
Inform the ADHA District VII of the Annual Session date at least six
months in advance. Inform the Trustee of any Board meetings and
other major activities (i.e. Long Range Planning Workshop) and invite
her to all activities.
Prepare a President’s Message for each issue of the “Hygiene
Deliver an address at the Annual Session.
Notify honorary members and life members of election to membership
and present them with certificates.
Preside over the Annual Session luncheon and introduce SDDHA
Officers, Past Presidents, honored guests, Annual Session Chair.
Immediately after Annual Session, send letters of appreciation to those
who helped make the meeting a success.
Perform all other duties that are incidental to this office, or prescribed
by the Executive Board or the Bylaws.
Prepares agenda for Annual Session by working with Annual Session
Chair (Vice-President).
Monitor the South Dakota State Board of Dentistry for expiring terms
of office and submit nomination(s) for replacement(s).
Provide a hard copy of by-laws and policy and procedure at each
Executive Board meeting.
The agenda for Executive Board meetings may be e-mailed by the
President to members. Those members without e-mail will be mailed
a hard copy.
Continue communication with all components and encourage
component representation at Board meetings
Maintain a list of potential nominees for representation on boards and
Encourage SDDHA visits to USD SADHA Chapter.
Prepare an Annual Constituent Report for the ADHA Annual Sessions
following format requested by ADHA.
Serve as SDDHA delegate to the ADHA Annual Session.
Receive progress reports from all board members and committee
chairs. Serve as Annual Report Chair. The President is responsible for
putting together the Annual Report and having enough copies made
for the annual business meeting.
As a duly elected Officer, the President-Elect shall:
Serve as a member of the Executive Board.
Assist the President as requested.
Fill the unexpired term of the President in case that position is
Preside at any meetings of the SDDHA, including Board meetings, in
the absence of the President.
Review and update the Policy and Procedure Manual.
Succeed to the office of President without election.
Perform all other duties that are incidental to this office, or prescribed
by the Executive Board or the Bylaws.
Serve as Membership Chair, assisted by the Treasurer.
Serve as National Children’s’ Dental Health Month Chair for SDDHA in
Serve on Policy and Procedure Manual Committee. The Immediate Past
President Chairs this committee.
Collect notebooks from Officers and Committee Chairs at the preannual Board meeting.
Be responsible for the Strategic Planning Session.
Oversee the annual review of the Strategic Plan.
Choose a person to install officers at the SDDHA Annual Session.
Write a congratulatory letter to the President-elect of SDDA and
Serve as alternate delegate to ADHA Annual Session.
Membership Committee:
Recruit committee members from all components.
Develop plans to recruit new members.
Develop plans to recruit student membership.
Encourage student participation in ADHA activities
Publicize all SDDHA activities of interest to the general public.
Publicize SDDHA’s Annual Session and ADHA Annual Session to dental
hygiene students, members and non members. (Coordinate with VicePresident, Editor, Webmaster, and Student Liaison).
Develop PR activities for National Dental Hygiene Month and National
Children’s Dental Health.
Promote the utilization of oral health educational materials from
available sources.
Utilize PR materials developed by ADHA and the Council on Public
Attend all Executive Board meetings and if not possible, submit a
written report to the President one week prior to the meeting.
Contact new graduates and invite them to become SDDHA members.
Send a congratulations letter to all newly licensed dental hygienists in
the state and if they are not members, enclose a membership form
and invite them to become members.
Maintain a current roster of all SDDHA members.
Maintain a current roster of all licensed dental hygienists in South
Contact non-renewals to determine why they did not renew and invite
them to rejoin.
Utilize membership materials developed by ADHA and the Council on
Member Services.
Work closely with components to help recruit and retain members.
Prepare an annual report.
Perform other duties as may be determined by the Executive Board.
Student/Education Liaison:
Act as a SDDHA representative to University of South Dakota Dental
Hygiene Program.
 Perform any other duties as may be determined by the Executive
As a duly elected Officer of SDDHA, the Vice-President shall:
Serve as a member of the Executive Board.
Serve as the SDDHA Annual Session Chair.
Assist the President and President-Elect as requested.
Preside at any meetings of the SDDHA, including Board meetings, in
the absence of the President and the President-Elect.
Perform all other duties that are incidental to this office.
Annual Session
Work with SDDA to determine date and place.
Contact speaker as soon as possible. Honorariums and expenses must
be established. When the speaker and/or speakers are finalized send a
copy of the programs to them.
Keep a file of prospective speakers.
The proposed program and expenses must be submitted for approval
by the SDDHA Executive Board at the semi-annual board meeting.
Submit the approved program to the editor of the newsletter to notify
and inform the members of SDDHA.
Submit the program to the SD Board of Dentistry for approval of
continuing education credit.
Obtain a photograph and biographical sketch of the speaker for use in
the registration brochure and introduction at Annual Session. The
program booklet is generally printed in January.
Arrange for hotel accommodations for speakers if necessary. Request
any equipment or special set-ups the speaker may require for the
presentation. Appoint a host to act as an aide for the speaker at
annual session. This person would be responsible for transportation of
the speaker to and from the airport and assist in any way possible.
Registration forms must be sent to all licensed SD hygienists six (6)
weeks prior to annual session. This can be included in the newsletter
or as a separate mailing. The form must include continuing education
hours available and the refund policy.
Correspond with the SDDHA President to determine the times needed
for scheduling Annual Session board meetings, business meetings, and
other special activities.
Estimate the approximate number of participants attending each event
and reserve a block of rooms accordingly. Review hotel policy on any
remaining rooms. Reserve appropriate rooms at the Convention
Center. This includes board meeting room, meet and greet room, and
room for continuing education speaker. Also reserve room for board
members staying at the hotel. Board members should give the vicepresident their arrival and check-out time. This should be announced
at the spring board meeting. Select menus and refreshments as
needed with catering service. Remember to include gratuity fee in
luncheon prices.
Contact and provide the District VII Trustee with a schedule of events.
Reserve hotel accommodations and offer to provide transportation to
and from the airport.
Arrange door prizes and convention packets which should include a
tablet and pen.
Submit an Annual Session report three (3) weeks prior to Annual
Session. Include all activities which have transpired since the previous
annual session.
Name tags must be provided to all registrants.
All registrants will be provided a program booklet.
A special invitation should be extended to students at the Department
of Dental Hygiene. Look for sponsors for their lunch. (Typically a
component will do this)
Send invitations to the guest of the Association to attend the annual
installation luncheon. This includes guest speakers, The President of
the South Dakota Dental Association, District VII Trustee, Chairperson
at USD Dental Hygiene, and any other special guests.
Send thank you cards to speakers and other volunteering time at the
Annual Session.
Plan the “Meet and Greet” social event for special guests such as the
President of ADHA.
Have convention packets along with other materials ready to hand out
at annual session.
Registration Polices
Keep a list of pre-registered members and the functions they plan to
Each registrant should be provided a name tag.
An accurate count should be given to the convention center for seating
Registration Fees
Registration fees will be at least twice as much for a SDDHA nonmember than a SDDHA member.
The business luncheon may be included in the registration fee.
Review the cancellation notation on the registration form so if a refund
inquiry is made, a clear response can be made. (If a person feels a
refund is necessary due to an unforeseen problem, have the person
send a letter to the President explaining why a refund should be made
and a final decision will be made by the executive board.
Any official representative of ADHA shall not be required to pay a fee
for any SDDHA social activities at the annual session.
The semi-annual and annual registration fees for the following year will
be determined by vote by SDDHA board members.
Continuing Education
The SDDHA is a sponsoring organization and therefore can sponsor
continuing education sessions.
The number of continuing education credit hours available per session
will be included on the registration form.
Continuing education cards may be signed or stamped by the Vice
President and/or Treasurer.
A 50% refund will be made for cancellations received one week prior
to the final pre-registration date.
No refunds will be made for cancellations received one week or less
prior to the meeting.
Registration Desk
The Vice President and Treasurer are responsible for the registration
desk on days of the meetings.
There will be a list of all persons who have pre-registered at the
registration desk.
Have a current listing of the membership roster from ADHA.
Convention packets, handbooks, and other materials should be
available at the registration desk.
Membership forms should be available for recruitment purposes.
As a duly elected Officer of SDDHA, the Secretary shall:
Serve as a member of the Executive Board.
Serve as Secretary of the SDDHA Annual Session and all Executive
Board meetings; custodian of records, and keeping separate minutes
for general meetings and those of the Executive Board.
Record attendance at all Board meetings and certify a quorum present
at the Board and Annual Session meetings.
Record all proceedings of business meetings and executive board
o Record resolutions as follow: abbreviate type of meeting, i.e. EB
is Executive Board and AS is Annual session – Consecutive
number of resolution – year. Example: EB-1-10.
o Keep resume list of motions updated for easy reference.
At the first Annual Session meeting, read the resume of action taken
by the Board at the pre-convention meeting with resolutions to be
acted upon by a vote of the members. At subsequent meetings of
Annual Session, read minutes from the previous meeting of the Annual
Provide presiding officer with exact wording of pending motion or
motion previously acted on.
Record motions and proposals made over e-mail, fax or phone and
submit at the next Executive Board meeting.
Prepare a draft of the minutes to be sent to the President and
President elect for review and correction prior to submitting to the
Executive Board and members.
Send copies of the minutes of all Executive Board and General
Meetings to all members of the Executive Board and the ADHA District
VII Trustee. Minutes may be sent via e-mail or postal service based on
members availability.
Conduct all correspondence required SDDHA and the Executive Board,
with copies sent to the President and any other person having a direct
interest in the correspondence.
The agenda may be e-mailed by the President to the members. Those
members without e-mail will be mailed a hard copy.
Immediately following SDDHA Annual Session, send new roster of
Officers, Delegate, and Alternate Delegate to ADHA Central Office, the
District VII Trustee, Component Presidents, and all the people listed on
the roster.
The roster may be sent via e-mail or postal service based on member’s
Advise ADHA Central Office, and the District VII Trustee of any
changes in the roster.
Order stationery as needed, and supply all Officers and Committee
Perform all other duties that are incidental to this office.
As a duly elected Officer of SDDHA, the Treasurer shall:
General Duties
Serve as a member of the Executive Board.
Must become and maintain bonding throughout term.
File appropriate federal and state tax forms.
Prepare a budget to be presented to the SDDHA Board for Annual
Serve as the Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee.
Serve on Membership Committee.
Monitor the financial status of the Association and recommend
modifications of the budget to the Executive Board.
Prepare a written report for all Board meetings and Annual Session,
including all collections and disbursements, and current balance.
Submit the Annual Report of office as well as the Budget and Finance
Follow ADHA guidelines for new, reinstated, and transferred members.
Coordinate handling of all money, registration, and ticket sales at the
Annual Session with the Vice President.
Provide the Vice President a list of all pre-registrants for the current
Assist in registration for Annual Session and CE courses.
Arrange for an audit of the financial records yearly.
Open checking account and savings account in the name of the South
Dakota Dental Hygienists’ Association, and deposit funds acquired
from the past Treasurer.
Deposit all checks as soon as possible after having recorded the checks
in the journal.
Reconcile check book each month.
Supervise the collection and banking of all monies of the Association.
Disburse monies as authorized by the budget of the Association in a
timely manner. Non-budgeted items are to be approved by the
Executive Board.
The budget guides the expenses approved by the membership for the
current year.
All bills should be paid promptly.
All bills must be accompanied by receipts or photo copies of the bills,
i.e. phone bills, credit card, ect. And should be submitted monthly for
payment. Reimbursement form should be used.
A ledger or journal must be kept of specific expenses and the category
in which these expenditures occur, i.e. legislative, delegate expenses,
officer expenses, newsletter expenses, ect.
All bills must be submitted before Annual Session except those
pertaining to the Annual Session, which are paid during or after the
All expenditures are recorded in the journal and receipts kept in a
National delegate(s) and alternate delegate(s) expenses are to be paid
according to payment schedule approved by the Constituent.
Returned Check Policy
Submit check to the bank for payment.
Contact individual by phone and document the call. Individual will be
informed that SDDHA expects payment of the returned check and they
may also be assessed a $40.00 returned check fee (at the discretion of
the Treasurer) which is to be sent in seven (7) working days by
cashier’s check or money order.
If no resolution within seven (7) working days, contact this individual
by certified letter. In this letter, seven (7) more working days will be
given to respond, otherwise, inform this individual that action will be
taken (i.e. Sheriff’s Department, small claims, collection agency). Any
and all expenses incurred by SDDHA to collect will also be this
individual’s responsibly to pay.
Protocol for Continuing Education Audits
Carry out all member and non-member continuing education audits.
Maintain hard or electronic copies of all continuing education sign-in
sheets for state and component meetings.
Make a copy of the sign-in sheet requested from the person being
Highlight and initial beside the participants name.
Mail the copy to the requesting individual.
Administration Fees for Continuing Education Audits
Complimentary audit services are provided to SDDHA members.
For non-members a $10 fee will be applied to each CE course
Each Audit shall have a $50 maximum service fee.
Fee will be waived if individual becomes a member within one (1)
week and shall provide proof of membership.
CE records (sign-up sheets) shall be maintained for six (6) years.
Immediate Past-President
As a duly elected Officer of SDDHA, the Immediate Past President
Serve as an advisor to the President.
Act as a consultant to the President-Elect.
Serve as a member of the Executive Board.
Perform all other duties that are incidental to this office or prescribed
by the Executive Board or the Bylaws.
Select and purchase a gift for the current SDDHA President.
Meet with President and President Elect to evaluate long range goals
from administration to administration.
Serve as Chairman of Policy and Procedures Manual Committee.
Serve as Chairman of the Nominating Committee.
Serve as Chairman of the Liaison Committee.
Serve as Chairman of the Strategic Operating Planning Committee.
Coordinate components.
Preside over Installation of Officers Ceremony at Annual Meeting.
ADHA/District VII Delegate and Alternate Delegate:
The Association shall be represented by Delegates and Alternates as
provided in the ADHA Bylaws. The Association shall provide the ADHA
Executive Director with the names of Delegates and Alternates within ten
(10) days of their election and no later than thirty (30) days prior to the
Annual Session of the Association.
As a duly elected Officer of SDDHA, the Delegate and Alternate
Delegate shall:
Serve as the voting representative of the Association (Delegate) at
ADHA Annual Session and the District VII meeting.
Review and study the ADHA House of Delegates Manual and Annual
Reports in preparation for attending the ADHA Annual Session and
District VII Meeting.
Attend all meetings of the ADHA House of Delegates, Reference
Councils, District VII Caucuses, Candidates’ Forum, and any other
meetings assigned by the President.
Maintain ADHA Annual Session Manual. Keep three years of minutes
and then send the rest to the Historian.
Receive reimbursement (ADHA Annual Session) from the Treasurer for
accommodations for necessary nights, airfare, ground transportation,
registration fee, President’s Reception and Luncheon (if not funded by
ADHA corporate sponsors), per diem (amount to be approved by
Executive Board), and any other functions approved by the Executive
Receive reimbursement (District VII Meeting) from the Treasurer for
room (2 nights), registration fee, and mileage (amount to be
determined by the Executive Board).
Duties of Delegate:
Prepare the Annual Constituent Report for ADHA Annual Session.
Submit Proposal Resolutions, Proposed Bylaws, and Professional issues
to ADHA in an appropriate time frame.
Prepare a report for the Annual Report and/or Newsletter covering
activities and actions following ADHA Annual Session.
ADHA Marketplace:
The selling of items from our Financial Resource Committee is the
responsibility of the alternate delegate. When not attending
marketplace, the alternate delegate must be in attendance at the
House of Delegates to gain knowledge in preparation for Delegate
The President shall serve as First Delegate.
The President-Elect shall serve as Alternate Delegate.
In the event ADHA Bylaws allow additional Delegates/Alternates they
will be elected by the board.
Delegates and Alternate Delegates shall serve a term of one year.
Newsletter Editor/Webmaster
Editor/Webmaster shall:
Serve as member of the Executive Board.
Exercise full editorial control over the “Hygiene Highlights” and be
responsible to the Executive Board.
Prepare issues of the “Hygiene Highlights” and the deadlines will be
decided by the Editor including “deadline for next issue”.
One issue prior to Annual Session shall go to all dental hygienists in
South Dakota.
Assume responsibility for the creation and distribution, and solicitation
of ads for the newsletter.
Issues may include the following SDDHA activities:
President’s Message
Editorial (when appropriate)
Advertising/Advertising Information
Component News
Continuing Education
Trustee Tidbits from District VII Trustee
ADHA/National News
Upcoming Events/Dates of Importance: Annual Session, Lobby Day
Officers/Executive Board
New Member Welcome/Membership Information
SD State Board of Dentistry Meeting Summary
Scientific Articles/Abstracts of Interest
Change of Address Request/Information
Deadline for Next Issue
Employment Opportunities
Current Features/Events
Legislative Update
Maintain an Updated Roster of Members for Newsletter Mailings
Send a copy of the Newsletter to:
o All SDDHA Members
o SADHA Advisors
o SADHA Members/New SADHA Graduates (prior to converting to
active status)
o Paid Subscribers
o Newsletter Advertisers
o District VII Trustee
o District VII Constituent Editors (Wisconsin, Minnesota, North
o District VII Presidents
Select an appropriate printer
Purchase labels and computer paper as budgeted.
Maintain domain name. Stay current on renewal.
Maintain site on server annually.
Maintain website pages to include an area for professionals and an
area for consumers to include:
Officers/ Executive Board, and Committees
Calendar of Events (Update format to actual calendar)
Legislative Update
Professional Opportunities
Useful Address and Phone Numbers
Programs in South Dakota
Membership Benefits
FAQ about ADHA Membership
Change of Address
Related Links
Annual Session
Message Board
Who We Are
What is a RDH?
What You Need to Know about Who is Cleaning Your Teeth?
Tips for Parents – Children’s Oral Health
Brush and floss Techniques
What is Plaque and Tartar?
What is Periodontal Disease?
What is Tooth Decay?
Emergency Tips
Dangers of Tobacco (in development)
Tooth Development
Fluoride Facts
Bleaching Your Teeth
Related Links
All legislative updates must be approved by President before uploading
to the site.
Webmaster shall have the discretion to edit update or add pages
relevant to the profession of dental hygiene, with the exception of
legislation (see previous bullet) or to consumer information.
Financial Resource Director
As a duly elected Officer of SDDHA, the Financial Resource Director
Serve as a member of the Executive Board.
Serve as Financial Resource Committee Chair, assisted by the
Serve a two (2) year term.
Use the Strategic Planning Session to develop the budget.
Monitor the financial status of the Association and make
recommendations to the Executive Board.
Send report to President to be included in the Annual Report.
Develop and organize fundraising activities for SDDHA.
Any item that cost over $10.00 must be approved by the board.
Maintain an inventory of items to sell at meetings, conventions, etc.
Look for merchandise you feel would sell well. Merchandise
suggestions should be discussed with the Board before ordering.
Coordinate with the Delegate and Alternate Delegate items to be sold
at ADHA marketplace.
An up-to date finance and inventory report should be ready for every
Executive Board meeting. Copies of this report shall be kept in the
financial Resource directors’ file.
ADHA Institute Liaison
A. Purpose The Liaisons for the ADHA Institute for Oral Health are
volunteers appointed by the Constituent President to assist the Institute in
its fund-raising activities. One Liaison is chosen per ADHA constituent
organization. Volunteers can serve a renewable term of two years.
B. Selection
 Institute Liaisons are selected for their commitment to the dental hygiene
profession and to the ADHA Institute for Oral Health.
 Institute Liaisons are recommended to the position by their Constituent
 Recommendations are then forwarded to the Chair of the ADHA Institute
for final approval.
 When selected, each Liaison will receive a “Confirmation Form” to sign
and return to the ADHA Institute for the term specified.
C. Term
 Each Institute Liaison serves for two years (terms are renewable).
 If an Institute Liaison wishes to discontinue her/his term, she/he must
send a letter of resignation to the Institute Chair.
D. Job Description
Direct the promotion of the ADHA Institute at Constituent and
Component meetings.
o Contact IOH office and/or view web site for information on all
grant programs, including deadlines and criteria.
o Introduce to Constituent and Component organizations a short
presentation on mission and programs of IOH. (Presentation
provided by ADHA Institute administration.)
o Convey the importance of a foundation for the dental hygiene
profession to ADHA members.
o Distribute IOH promotional materials such as brochures and
o Seek opportunities in local DHA publications for advertisement
and promotion of the Institute for Oral Health. Contact IOH
Executive Administrator for IOH Ad Copy.
o Provide feedback to IOH Executive Administrator on the
membership’s perceptions of IOH programming.
 Solicit donations for the ADHA Institute from individual members and
Constituent and Component organizations.
o Conduct contests, raffles and challenges to increase the
enthusiasm for supporting IOH during meetings and continuing
education courses.
o Contact individuals in your constituency and ask them to
contribute to the ADHA Institute annually.
o Contact the leadership of your Constituent organization and all
Component organizations and solicit an annual donation to IOH
from each organization.
o Assist constituents in monitoring their progress toward
attainment of their assigned, annual fund raising goal.
 Thank donors from your Constituency for contributing to the ADHA
Institute via phone calls and thank you notes.
o View donations for your Constituency on IOH web site monthly.
o Call and personally thank donors for their support of the
o Write thank you notes to individual donors and organization
 Promote Benefit Reception at Annual Session.
o Solicit the donation of items for the live and silent auctions.
o Promote attendance at Benefit Reception.
o Promote and sell raffle tickets.
 Communicate changes in local Institute leadership (Liaison position,
volunteers) with national office.
o Contact IOH Executive Administrator upon appointment as
o Complete Liaison contact form providing e-mail, phone and
mailing address.
o Communicate to the IOH Executive Administrator the dates your
term begins and ends and who will replace you in the role of
E. Goals
Purpose: To provide Liaisons and foundation staff with a method for
measuring annual fund-raising.
Description: Liaisons are provided with an annual fund-raising goal,
calculated by measuring the past year’s donations from June 1 – May
31 and adding a ten percent increase. This goal is used as the basis
for multiple Liaison awards (described in the Awards section of the
Procedures Manual).
F. Communications
New Liaison Packet
o Purpose: To educate individuals entering their first term as an
Institute Liaison.
o Description: A packet containing an introductory letter, fundraising guide, donation forms, solicitation materials, and the
Liaison job description. It is mailed to Liaisons in order to
provide them with the resources that they need to best fill the
o Timing: Sent upon receipt of new Liaison notification.
Fall Update
o Purpose: To prepare Liaisons for fall appeal and to provide
them with annual goal.
o Description: A packet containing multiple memos from the
Administrator. It details the Liaison’s state fund-raising goal,
provides a copy of the upcoming fund-raising campaign
materials, and updates Liaisons on current foundation
happenings (e.g. online auction solicitation).
o Timing: August/September.
Spring Update
o Purpose: To prepare Liaisons for spring appeal and Annual
Session; provides them with update on annual goal.
o Description: A packet containing multiple memos from the
Administrator. It notifies Liaisons as to the remaining balance
on their fund-raising goal, provides a copy of the upcoming
fund-raising campaign materials and updates Liaisons on
upcoming activities related to Annual Session.
o Timing: March/April.
Web site
o Purpose: To provide Liaisons with access to timely fundraising resources.
o Description: The Liaison section of the Institute website
contains links to donation spreadsheets and updates on their
specific annual fund-raising goals.
o Timing: Updated monthly.
G. Liaison Networking Session
Purpose: To provide Liaisons with a specific networking opportunity;
to educate Liaisons on current foundation events/activities and fundraising strategies, and to obtain feedback from Liaisons regarding
foundation practices.
Description: This event takes place during ADHA’s Annual Session and
is designed to accomplish the above purposes. All Liaisons are invited
to participate, and a seminar-type setting is provided.
Component Trustee
As a duly elected Officer of SDDHA, the Component Trustee shall:
Serve as a member of the Executive Board.
Elected or selected from among the individual component members.
There will be one component trustee from each component. You must
attend all board meetings or find a substitute.
Component Trustees serve as a liaison between members and the
Executive Board.
Provide a verbal report at all Board Meetings. This shall include
component activities, scheduled meetings, etc.
An Annual Report must be submitted to the President prior to the
Annual Session. This report should include significant activities your
component participated in during the year.
Each component will send a list of officers and committee chairmen to
the Treasurer, Secretary, and the President-Elect of SDDHA s soon as
new officers are elected.
Submit a newsletter article highlighting component activities, schedule
of meetings, continuing education courses you are sponsoring, etc.
New components wishing to charter should submit their petition to the
President of SDDHA. Each component is required to have a set of
Bylaws. SDDHA Bylaws require a minimum of one business meeting
each fiscal year to maintain component status.
Continuing Education Audit Protocol
Maintain hard copies Continuing Education sign-in sheets for six (6)
Email electronic copy of the sign-in sheets to the treasurer.
Discard any unused CE cards.
Historian (optional)
Be appointed by the President to serve for a one year term.
Serve as an ex-official, non-voting member of the Board.
Keep records of materials pertaining to the activities of the SDDHA in
scrapbook form, including pictures, newspaper clippings, programs,
etc. Components’ can be of help with providing materials.
Take pictures at Annual Session, Installation, and all other SDDHA
general activities.
The Historian Box includes:
o Constitution of SDDHA
o All Annual Session booklets
o Legislative bills
o All Annual Reports
o Survey and Evaluation Forms
o ADHA Correspondence
o Newsletters from other states in our district
o Business conducted in the past
o SDDHA and SDDA Newsletters
Legislative Chair
The Legislative chair shall represent the Constituent in all legislative matters.
The Legislative Chair will act as a liaison between the South Dakota State
Legislature and the SDDHA. The Legislative Chair shall have other powers
and duties as may be determined by the Executive Board or President.
As a
duly elected Officer of SDDHA, the Legislative Chair shall:
Serve as a member of the Executive Board.
Be familiar with key state legislators in leadership positions.
Be familiar with Senate and House committees that may affect dental
hygiene issues.
 Have a working knowledge of the South Dakota Practice Act/Rules
 Confirm date for Lobby Day by Semi-Annual meeting. Contact Lobbyist
with date.
All communications with the SDDHA lobbyist as directed
Communicate with ADHA Governmental Affairs
Orchestrate a legislative campaign
Activate the legislative phone tree
Prepare letters/postcards for member action
Prepare/give testimony at hearings
Develop appropriate legislative messages
Monitor/propose legislation
Monitor/propose regulatory changes
Report on legislative activities in the “Hygiene Highlights”
Organize SDDHA Lobby Day
o Tours
o Reserve location at Capitol for SDDHA Breakfast
o Fact sheet
o List of Legislators
Mentor other members interested in legislative activity
Keep component members informed and actively involved.
Continue to collaborate with interested entities on workforce issues.
SDDHA Reimbursement Request Form
Complete this form and send to SDDHA Treasurer for payment. Copy
the information for your files, before sending to Treasurer.
Attach receipts to back of form.
No reimbursement will be made without completed form and the
attached receipts.
SDDHA does not assume any obligation to reimburse expenditures
beyond the budgeted amount.
Over expenditures must be approved by the Treasurer or Executive
Board before making the reimbursement.
SDDHA Reimbursement Form
Board Position
Pay to
ADHA Annual Session
SDDHA Annual Session
Executive Board Meeting
Executive Board Member
Financial Resources
Special Committee