Chapter Fifteen * Personality

Chapter Fifteen – Personality
Feb 25th (A) and Feb
26th (B)
Feb 27th (A)and Feb
28th (B)
Mar. 1st (A) and
March 4th (B)
March 5th – ACT Day
No class
Mar. 6th (B) and
March 7th (A)
March 14th (B) and
March 15th (A)
Freud, The Psychoanalytic Perspective and Personality
 The Unconscious
 Id, Ego, and Superego
 Freud’s psychosexual Stages
o Examine personality and behaviors if one is fixated in a
 Defense Mechanisms and how they are used to protect the ego
from anxiety and threatening thoughts
Measuring and Detecting the Unconscious
 Free Association, Dream Interpretation
 Projective Tests
Neo-Freudian Theorists
 Alfred Adler
 Karen Horney
 Carl Jung
Criticisms of Freud
 Discussion on the lack of empirical evidence for Freud – how does
this affect the validity and reliability of his theory
The Humanistic Perspective and Personality
 Maslow’s Self-Actualization
 Carl Roger’s Person Centered Theory
o Importance of developing a self-concept
 Unconditional Positive Regard, Empathy, Genuine
 Criticism of the humanistic perspective
Behaviorist Perspective and Personality
 How does the environment affect our behavior?
Biological Perspective and Personality
 William Sheldon’s Somatotype Theory
 Criticism of the biological perspective
Trait Perspective
 Nomothetic Approaches
o Eyesenck
o Cattell’s 16 PF
o The Big 5 Personality Traits (OCEAN)
o Myers – Brigg
 Idiographic Approach
o Gordon Allport and Cardinal Dispositions
 Criticisms of the Trait Perspective
Social Cognitive Perspective
 Bandura’s Reciprocal Determinism
 Self-efficacy
 Internal vs. External Locus of Control
Chapter 15 Assessment
(Multiple Choice)
Introduction to Ch. 16
Identifying a psychological disorder
 Criterion for psychological disorders
 Using the DSM
Paper Assignment watch movie of your choosing– apply each perspective
to two characters in the movie. Write a detailed essay that describes the
character’s personality and development from the viewpoints of the
following theorists and their perspectives – Skinner, Freud, Bandura,
Pgs. 595 – 599
Objectives 3 and 4
Pgs. 599 – 609
AND Learning
Objective 6
Pgs. 609 – 619
AND learning
Objective 7 AND
complete MyersBriggs Personality
Test online.
Search these
exact words to find
test. Bring in a
printed copy of
your results.
class…A Day
students need to
work on notecards
that are due for
Notecards due`
Paper Assignment
due: March 14th (B)
and March 15th (A)
Maslow/Rogers, Eyesenck/Myers-Brigg, Sheldon, Piaget, and Erikson