Value: 25 points - Porterville College

POP Project:
Personality and Learning Style Assessment:
Value: 25 points
Due Date: February 22, 2011
Assignment Requirements:
Take the “Multiple Pathways to Learning” assessment test (page 116)
Score the “Multiple Pathways to Learning” (page 117)
Take the “Personality Spectrum” assessment test (page 120)
Score the “Personality Spectrum” (page 121)
Write a one – two page typed essay on the results of these two assessment tests.
a. Identify what “type” of learner and personality you are.
b. Assess what study skills might work best for you
c. What might you try differently in studying based on these assessments
Grading Criteria
Identify strengths and weaknesses in multiple pathways to learning (0-5 points)
Identify personal personality spectrum (0-5 points)
Identify types of study skills that will be helpful with this type of assessment (0-10 Points)
Written in essay form, using correct grammar and mechanics (0-5 points)