Homework 1

CENG 341
FALL 2014
Due date: 27 October 2014 23:50
Part 1: Programming
Question 1(10points):
Write a program that calls fork(). Before calling fork(), have the main process access
a variable (e.g., x) and set its value to something (e.g., 100). What value is the
variable in the child process? What happens to the variable when both the child and
parent change the value of x?
Question 2(15points):
Write another program using fork(). The child process should print “hello”; the
parent process should print “goodbye”.
a) You should try to ensure that the child process always prints first; can you do
this without calling wait() in the parent?
b) Now write a program that uses wait() to wait for the child process to finish in
the parent. What does wait() return? What happens if you use wait() in the
Question 3(15points):
Write a program that generates simultaneous processes to execute the following 4
commands at the same time. You may use UNIX Process API functions fork, wait and
execvp. The relationships among the processes are up to you. Just make sure you
use the minimum number of processes to execute the programs simultaneously.
ls –l
mkdir <inputdir_name>
rm –r <anydir_name>
Part 2: Scheduling Algorithms: SJF, FIFO, RR
In this part of the assignment, you will use a special python program to generate
scheduling simulations: scheduler.py. This program will be provided as
attachment to this homework. With this program you will be able to generate your
own scheduling scenarios and actually see the computed turnaround time, response
time and wait time results. With special option flags you will be able to set
parameters such as the scheduling algorithm, the number of jobs, random seeds to
generate job running times (lengths). For a full list of options, use the –h flag.
How to run the scripts:
To be able to run these scripts, you will need to have python installed on your
system. For Windows users, in Cygwin search for python and install everything in
the search results. There are two options to run your program:
./scheduler.py –p FIFO –j 3 –s 100
python ./scheduler.py –p FIFO –j 3 –s 100
Here –p FIFO represents the algorithm, -j represents the number of jobs and –s
represent a random see to randomly generate job lengths. Instead of using a random
seed you could give the running times yourself with the –l option:
./scheduler.py -p SJF -l 5,10,15
First run your simulation and calculate the scheduling results for turnaround time
and response time, then use the –c flag to actually see the results.
$ ./scheduler.py -p FIFO -j 3 -s 100 -c
ARG policy FIFO
ARG jobs 3
ARG maxlen 10
ARG seed 100
Here is
Job 0
Job 1
Job 2
the job list, with the run time of each job:
( length = 2 )
( length = 5 )
( length = 8 )
** Solutions **
Execution trace:
[ time
0 ] Run job 0 for 2.00 secs ( DONE at 2.00 )
[ time
2 ] Run job 1 for 5.00 secs ( DONE at 7.00 )
[ time
7 ] Run job 2 for 8.00 secs ( DONE at 15.00 )
Final statistics:
0 -- Response: 0.00
1 -- Response: 2.00
2 -- Response: 7.00
Average -- Response: 3.00
Turnaround 2.00 Wait 0.00
Turnaround 7.00 Wait 2.00
Turnaround 15.00 Wait 7.00
Turnaround 8.00
Wait 3.00
Question 4(15points):
For what types of workloads does SJF deliver the same turnaround times as FIFO. Give
an example. For what types of workloads and quantum lengths does SJF deliver the
same response times as RR? Give an example.
Question 5(15points):
What happens to response time with SJF as job lengths increase? Use a graphic to
represent the trend.
Part 3. MLFQ Algorithm
In this part of the assignment, you will use a Python simulator called scheduler-mlfq.py
The usage options of the MLFQ scheduler is given below.
Usage: scheduler-mlfq.py [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SEED, --seed=SEED the random seed
-n NUMQUEUES, --numQueues=NUMQUEUES number of queues in
MLFQ (if not using -Q)
-q QUANTUM, --quantum=QUANTUM length of time slice (if not
using -Q)
-Q QUANTUMLIST, --quantumList=QUANTUMLIST length of time
slice per queue level, specified as x,y,z,... where x is
the quantum length for the highest-priority queue, y the
next highest, and so forth
-j NUMJOBS, --numJobs=NUMJOBS number of jobs in the system
-m MAXLEN, --maxlen=MAXLEN max run-time of a job (if
-M MAXIO, --maxio=MAXIO max I/O frequency of a job (if
-B BOOST, --boost=BOOST how often to boost the priority of
all jobs back to high priority (0 means never)
-i IOTIME, --iotime=IOTIME how long an I/O should last
(fixed constant)
-S, --stay reset and stay at same priority level when
issuing I/O
-l JLIST, --jlist=JLIST a comma-separated list of jobs to
run,in the form x1,y1,z1:x2,y2,z2:... where x is start
time, y is run time, and z is how often the job issues an
I/O request
-c compute answers for me
Question 6(15points)
Craft a workload with two jobs and scheduler parameters so that one job takes
advantage of the older Rules 4a and 4b (turned on with the -S flag) to game the
scheduler and obtain 99% of the CPU over a particular time interval.
Question 7(15points)
Given a system with a quantum length of 10 ms in its highest queue, how often
would you have to boost jobs back to the highest priority level (with the -B flag) in
order to guarantee that a single long-running (and potentially-starving) job gets at
least 5% of the CPU? Give an example execution trace.