Assignment #1 Unit 12 Project What motivates you??? 25 points

Assignment #1
Unit 12 Project
What motivates you??? 25 points Due on:
This assignment is all about you. You can write or type it. I want to know what really motivates you? I would
hope you would see that I want you to understand motivation and be able to apply it to real life. You can use
the information you learn here and apply it beyond these walls. We define motives as specific needs or wants
that both arouse and then direct a person toward a specific goal. Drive-reduction theory does a great job
explaining what biologically motivates us for drives such as hunger, thirst and sex. Yet, even these most basic
of motives are heavily influenced by our cognitive processes, environmental cues, and social context.
Therefore, I want you to dig deep for this project.
You are to use the theories/motives below to explain the motivations behind a meaningful behavior in your
life. You should have one behavior for each of the six. This should be conceived of as a journaling prompt
rather than an essay assignment. Please note that “meaningful” is highlighted for a reason. The assignment
would be mere busywork if it only served to explain: why you wore jeans instead of khakis yesterday, that you
ate fruit loops instead of Fruity pebbles this morning, or that you want to go to Florida because you’re cold right
now. Confidentiality is a given. Staple this to your paper. It needs to be typed and printed out or I will not
grade it.
Rubrics: 10 points on describing a meaningful behavior.
Theories: (please indicate what theory you are using in your paper) You need to apply it to your behavior not
just tell me what the theory is. You will not get credit if you don’t do that.
1. Drive Reduction Theory (5 pts.)
2. Arousal Theory (5 pts.)
3. Incentive Theory (5 pts)
4. Instinct Theory (5 pts)
5. Social Motivation (can use Achievement w/David McClelleland) or Affiliation) (5 pts.)
6. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (5 pts.)
One day late -10 pts., 2 Days late -20, 3 Days late -30 No more after three. A day is a school day not when
your class meets again.
Please note the following
You will be tested in the Stress, Motivation and Emotion Chapter and the famous psychologists within
the first two weeks of school.
Assignment #2 Stress, Emotion and Motivation Chapter
Directions: You will be outlining several modules in this assignment. You will need to handwrite your
notes to this . You cannot hand in a typed copy of your notes. Answer each of the objectives in question
format as you read the modules that correspond in the Meyers textbook.
DIRECTIONS: On separate sheets of paper, respond to each of the following objectives. This will serve as a
note taking guide for this chapter. Attach this paper to your work.
Define motivation as psychologists use the term today, and name four perspectives useful for studying
motivated behavior.
Discuss the similarities and differences between instinct theory and the evolutionary perspective.
Explain how drive-reduction theory views human motivation.
Discuss the contribution of arousal theory to the study of motivation.
Describe Maslow’s hierarchy of motives.
Describe the physiological determinants of hunger.
Discuss psychological and cultural influences on hunger.
Explain how the eating disorders anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa demonstrate the influence of
psychological forces on physiologically motivated behavior.
Describe the human sexual response cycle, and discuss some causes of sexual disorders.
Discuss the impact of hormones on sexual motivation and behavior.
Describe the role of external stimuli and fantasies in sexual motivation and behavior.
Discuss some of the forces that influence teen pregnancy and teen attitudes toward contraception.
Describe trends in the spread of sexually transmitted infections.
Summarize current views on the number of people of homosexual orientation, and discuss the research on
environmental and biological influences on sexual orientation.
Discuss the place of values in sex research.
Describe the adaptive value of social attachments, and identify both healthy and unhealthy consequences of
our need to belong.
Discuss the importance of flow, and identify the three subfields of industrial-organizational psychology.
Describe how personnel psychologists help organizations with
performance appraisal.
Define achievement motivation, and explain why organizations would employ an I/O psychologist to help
motivate employees and foster employee satisfaction.
employee selection, work placement, and
1. Identify the three components of emotion, and contrast the James-Lange, Cannon-Bard, and two-factor theories
of emotion.
2. Describe the role of the autonomic nervous system during emotional arousal.
3. Discuss the relationship between arousal and performance.
4. Name three emotions that involve similar physiological arousal.
5. Describe some physiological and brain-pattern indicators of specific emotions.
6. Explain how the spillover effect influences our experience of emotions.
7. Distinguish the two alternative pathways that sensory stimuli may travel when triggering an
emotional response.
8. Describe some of the factors that affect our ability to decipher nonverbal cues.
9. Describe some gender differences in perceiving and communicating emotions.
10. Discuss the research on reading and misreading facial and behavioral indicators of emotion.
11. Discuss the culture-specific and culturally universal aspects of emotional expression, and explain how
emotional expressions could enhance survival.
12. Discuss the facial feedback and behavior feedback phenomena, and give an example of each.
13. Name several basic emotions, and describe two dimensions psychologists use to differentiate emotions.
14. State two ways we learn our fears.
15. Discuss some of the biological components of fear.
16. Identify some common triggers and consequences of anger, and assess the catharsis hypothesis.
17. Describe how the feel-good, do-good phenomenon works, and discuss the importance of research on subjective
18. Discuss some of the daily and longer-term variations in the duration of emotions.
19. Summarize the findings on the relationship between affluence and happiness.
20. Describe how adaptation and relative deprivation affect our appraisals of our achievements.
21. Summarize the ways that we can influence our own levels of happiness.
Describe some effective management techniques.
Stress and Health
1. Identify some behavior-related causes of illness and death, and describe health psychology’s contribution to the
field of behavioral medicine.
2. Discuss the role of appraisal in the way we respond to stressful events.
3. Describe the dual-track system by which our body responds to stress, and identify the three phases of the
general adaptation syndrome.
4. Discuss the health consequences of catastrophes, significant life changes, and daily hassles.
5. Discuss the role of stress in causing coronary heart disease, and contrast Type-A and Type-B personalities.
6. Distinguish between a psychophysiological illness and hypochondriasis.
7. Describe the effect of stress on immune system functioning.
8. Discuss the findings on the link between stress and AIDS.
9. Discuss the findings on the link between stress and cancer.
10. Describe the impact of learning on immune system functioning.
11. Contrast problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping.
12. Describe how a perceived lack of control can affect health.
13. Discuss the links among explanatory style, stress, and health.
14. Describe some of the ways that social support acts as a stress buffer.
15. Discuss the advantages of aerobic exercise as a technique for managing stress and fostering well-being.
16. Compare the benefits of biofeedback and relaxation training as stress-management techniques, and discuss
meditation as a relaxation technique.
17. Discuss the correlation between religiosity and longevity, and offer some possible explanations for this link.
18. Explain why people smoke.
19. Discuss ways of helping smokers to quit smoking—or preventing young people from ever starting.
20. Discuss the adaptive advantages, and modern-day disadvantages, of a body that stores fat.
21. Describe some of the social effects of obesity.
22. Discuss some research findings on the role of heredity and environment in determining body weight.
23. Discuss the chances of success for an overweight person who wants to lose weight.
Instructions to complete Summer Assignment #3
On the “Summer Assignment #2 are the most frequently occurring names on the AP Psychology Exam and the
sooner you become familiar with them, the better. There is a term in psychology called "the mere exposure effect,"
which basically states that just by merely being exposed to a stimulus, the more likely you are to become familiar
with and prefer that stimulus. In this case, familiarization and exposure to these influential psychologists will help
you to build a solid foundation for this course. Some tricks of the trade when it comes to "memorizing" these
names is to make associations - perhaps with names of people you already know, or make up a little story about
the individual's names and what they are known for, or create flash cards with their names on one side and their
contributions to psychology on the other. This information will appear on the first chapter test, so the sooner you
start to become familiar with these names, the better off you will be. Don't worry, we will be spending a great deal
of time this year learning all of these names (and many more!) and about all of the information presented here this is just a head start.
If you have any questions about these requirements, please email me as soon as possible, before the end of this
school year or check my webpage. During the summer, you can also contact me via email at
, but please note I will be on vacation for part of August. I am looking forward to seeing you in September! Let’s
have a great year!
(Note: you will not be turning in anything with this assignment – it is a self-study assignment and you will
be tested during the first week of school on the material you research for this assignment)
Directions: Using a search engine of your choice, look up each of the names below and complete a bit of research
about each of these influential psychologists. You ahould to create index cards of each name with their
accomplishment to psychology.
Note that next to some names, I have indicated specifically what you should know about that individual.
Contributions to Psychology
1. Mary Ainsworth (strange situation)
2. Solomon Asch
3. Albert Bandura
4. Alfred Binet
5. Noam Chomsky (language acquisition device)
6. Erik Erickson (psychosocial stages of development)
7. Sigmund Freud
8. Carol Gilligan
9. G. Stanley Hall
10. Harry Harlow (contact comfort/surrogate mother experiment)
11. David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel
12. William James (first textbook in psychology)
13. Lawrence Kohlberg
14. Elizabeth Loftus (misinformation effect)
15. Abraham Maslow (hierarchy of needs/humanist)
16. Stanley Milgram (obedience)
17. Ivan Pavlov (classical conditioning)
18. Jean Piaget
19. Carl Rogers (unconditional positive regard/client-centered therapy)
20. Stanley Schachter (Two-Factor theory)
21. B.F. Skinner (operant conditioning/skinner box)
21. John B. Watson (Baby Albert experiment/behaviorism)
22. Benjamin Whorf (linguistic relativity hypothesis)
23. Wilhelm Wundt
24. Philip G. Zimbardo (Stanford Prison Experiment)