Motivation & Emotion

Motivation & Emotion
(6-8% of the Test)
Chapter 11 (Pages 443-495)
Chapter 12 (Pages 497-551)
Barron’s Book
Chapter 8 (169-185)
Theories of Motivation
Instinct Theory
Drive Reduction Theory
-*Primary Drive*
-*Secondary Drive*
Incentive Theory
-*Extrinsic Motivators*
-*Intrinsic Motivators*
Optimum Arousal Theory
-*Yerkes-Dodson Law*
Hierarchy of Needs
Theories of Emotion
James-Lange Theory
Cannon-Bard Theory
Two-Factor Theory
Lateral Hypothalamus
Ventromedial Hypothalamus
Appetite Hormones
Set Point
Basal Metabolic Rate
-Anorexia Nervosa
-Bulimia Nervosa
-Binge-Eating Disorder
Biological Basis of
Nucleus Accumbens
Sexual Response Cycle
-Excitement Phase
-Plateau Phase
-Resolution Phase
Refractory Period
Sexual Disorders
Sex Hormones
Sexual Orientation
Fraternal Birth-Order Effect
Expressing & Experiencing Emotions
Display Rules
Facial Feedback
Behavior Feedback
-Feel-Good, Do Good Phenomenon
-Subjective Well-Being
-Adaptation-Level Phenomenon
-Relative Deprivation
Chapter 11: Motivation
Theories of Motivation
 What is an instinct?
 What is the difference between Drive-Reduction Theory & Incentive Theory.
 Understand Optimum Arousal Theory.
 Understand Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
Social & Work Motivation
Anterior Cingulate Cortex
Achievement Motivation
Industrial/Org. Psychology
-Personnel Psychology
-Org. Psychology
Achievement Motivation
Task Leadership
Social Leadership
*Management Theory*
-*Theory X*
-*Theory Y*
Behavioral Medicine
Health Psychology
General Adaptation Syndrome
-Alarm Reaction
Coronary Heart Disease
Psychophysiological Illnesses
-Problem Focused Coping
-Emotion Focused Coping
Aerobic Exercise
Understand the roles played by the Lateral Hypothalamus & the Ventromedial Hypothalamus.
Know the function of hormones related to appetite (Insulin, Orexin, Ghrelin, Obestatin, Leptin).
Understand the arguments for & against Set Point Theory.
How do cultural influences (i.e. Social Facilitation & Unit Bias) affect eating?
Understand the different Eating Disorders & their causes.
What Biological Factors, Psychological Factors, & social-cultural factors influence eating.
Understand the causes of Obesity & its various personal & social risks.
Sexual Motivation
 Be able to explain the stages of the Sexual Response Cycle.
 How is sexual motivation influenced by hormones (i.e Estrogens & Testosterone)?
 What internal stimuli & external stimuli influence sexual motivation?
 Be able to explain what factors (Especially biological ones) influence Sexual Orientation.
Social & Work Motivation
 For what reasons might humans feel a desire to “belong?”
 What is the difference between Personnel Psychology & Organizational Psychology?
 What factors can negatively influence interviews & performance evaluations?
 What is the difference between Task Leadership & Social Leadership?
Chapter 12: Emotion
Theories of Emotion
 Match William James, Carl Lange, Water Cannon, Philip Bard, & Stanley Schachter to their theory.
 Be able to explain each of the 3 theories of emotion & how they differ from each other.
Embodied Emotions
 Be able to explain how the Autonomic Nervous System controls emotional arousal.
 What are the similarities and differences in how the human body expresses different emotions?
 How do our thoughts (Cognitions) & feelings (emotions) affect each other?
Expressing Emotions
 Does ones’ gender affect their ability to detect nonverbal expressions? If so, how?
 Understand Paul Ekman’s research into the effect of culture on nonverbal expressions.
 Do our facial expressions have an effect on our feelings?
Experiencing Emotions
 Understand Carol Izzard’s discovery.
 What are the environmental causes & biological causes of fear?
 What role does the Amygdala play in fear?
 What are the negative consequences of Anger? Does “venting” work?
 What are the positive consequences of Happiness?
 How is the long-term effect of positive or negative life-events on our happiness?
 What effect does wealth have on happiness?
 Have a general idea of what factors are & are not related to happiness (Table 12.1).
Explain how the Fight-or-Flight response works.
What effects do the hormones Cortisol & Oxytocin have on stress response?
Be able to explain Hans Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome & it’s 3 phases.
What are the negative consequences of stress on the heart?
Understand the difference between Type A & Type B Personalities & their relation to stress.
What effect does stress have on the immune system, and our ability to resist AIDS & Cancer.
Managing Stress
 Understand what can be done to reduce ones’ level of stress
 Understand how Biofeedback works.