MED TERM 2, Review for Test 3 (chpt 9, 14, 15)


MED TERM 2, Review for Test 3 (chpt 9, 14, 15)

Chapter 9

Pyelonephritis: Inflammation of both RENAL PELVIS and KIDNEY...bacterial infection has spread up from the bladder

 Stress Incontinence: Inability to control urine with physical stress-- like running, sneezing, laughing or coughing

Renal cortex: Outer layer of kidney

Nocturia: Excessive urination during the night (noc)

 Urethrostenosis: Abnormal narrowing of a tube that carries urine out the body

 Interstitial cystitis: Chronic inflammation of the walls of the bladder

Vestigovaginal fistula: Abnormal opening between vagina and bladder (urine leaks into vagina)

 Dysuria: Painful urination

 Nephropyosis: Pus in the kidney

 ureterectasis: Enlargement of ureter

 ureteroplasty: Surgical repair of the tube from the kidney to the bladder

Nephrolysis: Freeing a kidney from adhesions

 Anuria: Suppression (absence of) of urine formation by the kidneys

Nephrolith: Stones in the kidney

Nephrolithotomy: Remove kidney stone by surgical incision

Cystoscopy: visual examination of the bladder

 Enuresis: Involuntary discharge of urine

Anuria: Absence of urine formatio n by the kidneys

Cystocele: Hernia of the bladder through the vaginal wall

 nephropathy: any disease of the kidney

 Ureterolith: stone in the ureter

 Pyeloplasty: Surgical repair of the renal pelvis

Trigonitis: Inflammation in the bladder in the region of the trigone

Renal Failure: Inability of kidneys (1 or both) to perform

 Polycystic kidney disease: Inherited disease, kineys enlarged with multiple cysts

 Hydronephrosis: Enlargement of renal pelvis of 1 or both kidneys

Ureterostenosis: narrowing of a ureter

Urinary sphincter: located at the ends of the urethra, controls flow of urine

 Hemodialysis: removal of waste products directly from the blood

Chapter 14

Conization: Removal of a cone shaped specimen from the cervix. Also called cone biopsy

 Fimbriae: catch the ovum when it leaves the ovary

Prostate gland: thick fluid that aids motility of sperm

Eclampsia: complication of pregnancy with convulsions and sometimes coma

Colposcopy: direct visual exam of tissues of cervix and vagina

 Cervical dysplagia: Abnormal cells in the cervix, detected by pap smear

 Priapism: erection 4 or more hours, not accompanied by sexual excitement

Colostrum: fluid from the breasts secreted first days postpartum

Cryptorchidism: developmental defect, 1 testicle fails to descend in the scrotum

Salpingitis: inflammation of a fallopian tube

 Dysmenorrhea: difficult or painful monthly flow

Perimetrium: tough outer membrane of the uterus

Mastopexy: fix up sagging breasts in a more elevated position

Fibrocystic breast disease: single or multiple cysts (usually benign) in the breasts

 Oophorectomy: surgical removal of an ovary

Torsion of testes: Pain caused by twisting of vas deferens and blood vessels leading into the testes

Multiparous: given birth 2 or more times

 Dysmorrhea: painful periods

 Amenorrhea: absence of menstrual periods

Colporrhexis: tearing of vaginal wall...a laceration, not bleeding from the vagina

Oligomenorrhea: light/infrequent menstruation...not absent

 Fallopian tubes = uterine tubes

 Lochia: vag discharge in the first week or 2 after childbirth

Vasectomy: male sterilization

Hysteroscopy: examination of the INTERIOR of the of the uterus

Fundus: bulging rounded part of the uterus above the fallopian tubes

 Menarche: beginning of normal menstual function

 Vaginitis: inflammation of vaginal lining

Foreskin = prepuce

 anovulation = absence of ovulation

 Chorion: THIN outer membrane that protects the embryo...the amnion is the inner tough inner sac

Anorchism: absence of 1 or moth testicles

Episiorraphy is suturing the incision (episiotomy) that was used to enlarge the vaginal oriface during childbirth

Varicocele: knot of varicose veins in the testes

 Azoospermia: absence of sperm

Hypomenorrhea: small amount menstrual flow

Chapter 15

Assessment: Evaluating a patient

 Pulse rate: reflects the how many times the heart beats per minute

 Albuminuria: albumin in urine

Radiopharmaceutical: given before nuclear scan

Pericardiocentesis: drawing fluid from pericardial sac

 Nuclear Medicine: used for diagnostic and treatment purposes

 sphygmomanometer: to measure BP

Otoscope: used to examine tympanic membrane

Auscultation: listen through stethascope

 Specific Gravity: measures wastes,minerals and solids in urine

 Hypothermia: low body temp

Rale: abnormal rattle/crackle during inspiration

Paradoxical drug reaction: opposite of normall expected result from medical treatment

Erythrocyte sed rate elevated: inflammation

 Parenteral: medication by injection

 SQ: medication fiven into fatty layer below skin

Placebo: no medication...

Bolus: single ingection of medication, given over short period of time

 Phlebotomy: puncture of vein

 Opthaloscope: examine interior of the eye

Blood urea nitrogen test; monitor kidney function

C-reactive protien test: inflammation

 Prone: face down

 Crossmatch; compatibility of blood

Perfusion: blood flow through an organ...not just radionuclide

REVIEW: diuresis, enuresis, nocturia, urinary incontinence, urinary retention

REVIEW: multiparous, nulligravida, nullipara, primigravida, primapara
