
Medical Terminology 2
Final Exam
A blood disorder; red blood cells are larger than normal: megaloblastic anemia
Specialist treats diseases and disorders of the blood: hematologist
One cell in thickness and are the smallest blood vessels in the body: cappillaries
Pulmonary arteries carry oxygen poor blood
Balloonlike enlargement of an artery wall: aneurysm
Highest pressure against the artery walls, when the ventricles contract: systolic blood
Medication that blocks the enzyme action that causes the blood vessels to contract: ACE
Most common type of white blood cells: neutrophils
Iron containing pigment from erythrocytes, Transports oxygen hemoglobin
Irregular quivering action of the muscular wall of the atria: atrial fibrillation
Portable electrocardiograph that is worn by an ambulatory patient : Holter monitor
Cancerous blood condition (preleukemia): myelodysplastic syndrome
Leukocytes less than normal: leukopenia
Medication controls irregularities of the heartbeat: antiarrythmic
Heart is unable to pump out all of the blood: congestive heart failure
For nonprofessionals, externally shocks the heart to restore a normal cardiac rhythm: AED
Automatic external defibrillator
Smallest formed elements of the blood, important role in the clotting of blood: throbocytes
(same as platelets)
Systemic condition caused by microorganisms and their toxins: Septicemia
Tissue plasminogen activator Dissolve blood clots
A physician who specializes in the disorders of the blood vessels: Vascular surgeon
Infects wounds, causes toxic shock syndrome, and produces food poisoning: Staphylococcus
Toxoplasmosis: from feces of pets
Acyclovir is an antiviral
Bacteria form chains: streptococci
Not life threatening and does not recur: benign
Autoimmune disorders attacks the digestive system: Crohn's
Malignant tumor that arises from connective tissues. Sarcoma
Mark these foreign invaders and attracts phagocytes to destroy these antigens: Complement
Immune response is weakened, reduced, absent: immunodeficiency disorder
Malignancies affecting lymphoid tissues: lymphoma
Also known as the adenoids: nasopharyngeal tonsils
Major hemolytic function: spleen
Infectious mononucleosis: viral
Malignant tumor derived from muscle tissue: myosarcoma
Blood test is used to confirm an HIV diagnosis: Western blot test
Hodgkin's lymphoma: Reed Sternberg cells present
Fungal infection: Tinea Pedis (athletes foot)
Chickenpox: varicella
Causes Rocky Mountain spotted fever: rickettsia
Treatment that disrupts the blood supply to the tumor: antiangiogenesis -anti blood supply
Sarcomas: connective tissue, NOT GLANDULAR TISSUE (that would be lymphoma)
Process by which cancer spreads from one place to another: metastasize
Breast cancer at its earliest stage: Ductal Carcinoma in Situ
Exchange of gases within the cells: Internal Respiration
Pumps air or oxygen through a liquid medicine to a vapor, then inhaled by face mask or
mouthpiece: nebulizer
Measures the oxygen saturation level in the blood: pulse oximeter
Surgical incision pharynx: pharyngotomy
Viral infection during the colder months: influenza
Functional endoscopic sinus surgery: enlarges opening between nose and sinus
The Adam's apple: thyroid cartilage
A pattern of alternating periods of hypopnea or apnea, followed by hyperpnea: CheyneStokes (last chance breathing)
Absence of oxygen from the body's gases, blood, or tissues: Anoxia
Upper respiratory bacterial infection is characterized by a paroxysmal cough: pertussis
Paralysis of the larynx: laryngoplegia
The region of the chest containing the heart, aorta, esophagus, trachea, bronchial tubes, and
thymus: Mediastinum
Loss of speech: aphonia
Absence of spontaneous respiration: apnea
Lung fails to expand, because air cannot pass beyond the bronchioles that are blocked by
secretions: atelectasis
Carries both food and air: oropharynx
Abnormal buildup (high) of carbon dioxide in the blood: hypercapnia
Abnormal escape of fluid into the pleural cavity: Pleural effusion
Airways have become inflamed and thickened, and there is an increase in mucus-producing
cells: chronic bronchitis
A collection of pus within a body cavity: empyema
Cystic fibrosis: genetic disorder
Black lung disease: anthracosis
Mechanical device for artificial ventilation: ventilator
Polysomnography: diagnoses sleep apnea
A portion of the stomach protrudes upward into the chest through an opening in the
diaphragm: hiatal hernia
Fourth part of the colon: sigmoid (S is 4th)
Earliest stage of periodontal disease: gingivitis
Any disease of the mouth that is caused by a fungus: stomatomycosis
Secretes bile: liver
Ringlike muscle that controls the flow from the stomach to duodenum: pyloric sphincter
Single pouch or sac occurring in the lining or wall of a tubular organ such as the colon:
Difficulty swallowing: dysphagia
Return of swallowed food into the mouth: regurgitation
Surgical fixation of the rectum to an adjacent tissue or organ: ProctoPEXY
Surgical creation of a connection between two hollow or tubular structures: anastamosis
Breaking down of body cells or substances: catabolism
Narrow passage that connects the stomach with the small intestine: pylorus
Involuntary clenching of the teeth during sleep: bruxism
Endoscopic procedure that allows direct visualization of the upper GI tract: EGD
Bolus: chewed food, ready to swallow
Eating disorder that is characterized by binge eating: bulemia
Yellow discoloration of the skin caused by excessive bilirubin in the blood; jaundice
Pain in the gallbladder: cholecystalgia
Inflammation of both the renal pelvis and the kidney. This is usually caused by a bacterial
infection that has spread upward from the bladder: Pyelonephritis
Inability to control the voiding of urine under physical stress such as running, sneezing,
laughing, or coughing: stress incontinence
Outer layer of the kidney; cortex
Abnormal narrowing of the tube that carries urine out of the body: urethrostenosis
Sudden onset condition is characterized by uremia: acute renal failure
Nnephrotic syndrome; may see edema, high protien in urine, low lipids: not pyelitis
Urethral meatus: external opening of urethra
Chronic inflammation within the walls of the bladder: interstitial cystitis
Placement of a catheter into the bladder through a small incision made through the abdominal
wall: suprapubic
Pus in the kidney: nephropyosis
Abnormal enlargement of a ureter: ureterectasis
Late stages of chronic renal failure, in which there is irreversible loss of function in both
kidneys: End Stage Renal Disease
Urethral opening is on the upper surface of the penis: EPIspadias
Freeing of a kidney from adhesions: nephrolysis
Radiographic study of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder without the use of a contrast
medium: KUB
Complete suppression of urine formation by the kidneys; anuria
Toxic condition resulting from renal failure in which kidney function is compromised and
urea is retained in the blood: uremia
Presence of stones in the kidney: nephrolithiasis
Neurogenic bladder: interference with nerve pathways for urination
Removal of a kidney stone through a surgical incision into the kidney: nephrolithotomy
Surgical removal of a cone-shaped specimen of tissue from the cervix: conization
Catches the Ovum when it leaves the ovary: fimbrae
Secretes a thick fluid that aids the motility of the sperm: prostate gland
Complication of pregnancy that is characterized by convulsions and sometimes coma:
Direct visual examination of the tissues of the cervix and vagina: colposcopy
Sexually transmitted diseases is caused by a virus: genital herpes
Growth of abnormal cells in the cervix that can be detected by a Pap smear: cervical
Painful erection that lasts 4 hours or more but is not accompanied by sexual excitement;
Abnormal absence of menstrual periods for 3 or more months.: ameorrhea
The fluid secreted by the breasts during the first days postpartum: colostrum
Developmental defect in which one testicle fails to descend into the scrotum: cryptorchidism
Difficult or painful monthly flow: dysmenorrhea
Severe itching of the external female genitalia: pruritis vulvae
Procedure performed to facilitate a vaginal delivery; episiotomy
Tough-membrane outer layer of the uterus: perimetrium
Ovaries cease functioning before the age of 40, is due to disease, a hormonal disorder, or
surgical removal: premature menopause
Inflammation of the cervix lining: endocervicitis
Performed to affix sagging breasts in a more elevated position: mastopexy
Placenta is abnormally implanted in the lower portion of the uterus: placenta previa
Single cyst or multiple cysts, usually benign, in the breasts: fibrocystic breast disease
Surgical removal of an ovary: oophorectomy
Torsion of the testis: twisting vas deference and blood vessels
A woman who has given birth two or more times: muliparous
Evaluation or appraisal of a condition: assessment
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): produces images in coronal, sagital or oblique planes
without radiation
The pulse rate: reflects heart beats
Albumin in the urine and is a sign of impaired kidney function: Albuminuria
Radiography: hard structures appear gray or white
Given in preparation for a nuclear scan: radiopharmaceutical
Drawing of fluid from the pericardial sac: pericardiocentesis
Nuclear medicine: used for diagnosis and treatment
Positron emission tomography: combines tomography with radionuclide tracers
Medication administration that involves a liquid or ointment that is rubbed into the skin:
Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA): Combines MRI with contast to locate blood
Used to examine the tympanic membrane: otoscope
Listening for sounds within the body, and it is usually performed through a stethoscope:
Reflects the amount of wastes, minerals, and solids in the urine: specific gravity
Very low body temperature: hypothermia
Abnormal rattle or cracklelike respiratory sound heard during inspiration (breathing in): rale
Result of medical treatment that yields the exact opposite of normally expected results:
paradoxical drug reaction
A C-reactive protein (CRP) blood test: inflammation
Radiographic projection has the patient positioned facing the film and parallel to it:
Class of drugs that relieves pain without affecting consciousness: analgesic
Undesirable reaction: adverse reaction