This I Believe

This I Believe is a powerful collection of essays, which explores the
personal philosophies of men and women of all ages, races, and
backgrounds. After reading several examples in class, each of you
will choose to write about your own personal philosophy by
selecting one belief as your focus. This belief can be a moral or trait
that you value, a hobby that has taught you important lessons, or an
abstract idea which guides you through life. Be vulnerable and be
honest about your belief. It will help if you can think of a life
experience that has shaped or initiated this belief. There will be
multiple steps in the writing process for this assignment, which are
listed below. Once these essays are complete, I will take volunteers
to share in class. This composition will be worth 70 points.
1. Choose a belief to write about. The belief you choose should be of significant value to you – be fully invested in
this belief. Below are some possible choices.
- sports
- music
- family
- friends
- honesty
- optimism
- dedication
- trust
- forgiveness
- hard work
- respect
- religious beliefs
2. Pre-Writing: there are three parts to the pre-writing step. Be thorough in your writing for each step, especially
the third. Each of these steps will be incorporated into your writing in some way.
- Denotation: A denotation of a word is its dictionary definition. Use a class dictionary to look up your belief, or
any words that you will be focusing on, and write down the definition(s). I suggest also copying down any listed
synonyms, so that you may improve your diction while writing this essay.
- Connotation: A connotation is your own definition of the word and what personal feelings are attached to that
word. Your connotation may be vastly different from the denotation, or it may be quite similar. Either way, be
specific in writing your own definition and feelings about this word.
- Significance: The belief you have chosen should be very important to you. Moreover, if this belief matters
enough to you, you will also want others to see its importance. Thoroughly explain the significance of your belief
in each of the following ways:
* How/why is this belief important to you? What events, experiences, or influences have caused you to
believe in this moral, hobby, or attribute?
* How is/why should this belief be important to those around you? Think of your family members, close
friends, classmates, teammates, co-workers, etc.
* How is/why should this belief be important to our society/world? Think of the big picture. You may
discuss events or circumstances going on in another country or make a connection to a past historical
* How would our society/world be different if this belief did not exist at all?
3. Format and style options: You have many options in which to write this essay. Below, I have listed some ideas,
but you may come up with your own as long as it follows all required criteria. Choose a form of writing that will
showcase both your value/belief and your abilities as a writer.
* expository essay – must include introduction, body, and conclusion
* persuasive letter – must have a specific audience
* poem/song – be creative, but make sure all criteria is included
* fictional short story – create a story in order to tell about your belief
* other options include but are not limited to: journal entries, skits, speeches, comic strips, etc.
4. After you write a draft of your essay, we will have a day of peer critiques. Each student will have a chance to
share their draft with at least two other students and receive feedback. This feedback should be taken into
consideration when writing your final draft. If you are struggling with your introductory sentence, see the attached
handout entitled “Essay Starters.”
* you will receive a completion grade for having a draft ready for our peer critique day
* each of you will be given a peer critique form – this may be taken home and used as you create your
final draft
5. Your final draft must include the following criteria and use the guidelines listed below.
* one belief that is clear and holds the focus for the duration of your writing (i.e., do not discuss multiple
* definition of your belief (both a denotation and your connotation)
* significance to you, others, our society, and how our world would be different without your belief
* attention-grabbing intro sentence
* must be at least 250 words in length
* MUGS: mechanics, usage, grammar, and spelling – proofread and then proofread again!
* must be neat and legible, but is not required to be typed
6. On the day your final draft is due, I will take volunteers who would like to share their This I Believe essay with
the class.
* This writing assignment is worth 75 points.