Six Core Beliefs for Every School Leader

Core Beliefs for a
Successful School Year
Jeff Moorhouse, Ed.D.
Morristown West High School
My Journey
 Elementary= 1st, 5th and system wide p.e.
 Secondary= Biology and Physical Science
• Assistant Principal- h.s and m.s
• Principal- elementary, alternative school, high school
“To the mediocre, mediocrity appears great”
Indian Proverb
“Only the mediocre have a great day every
Coach K
“The enemy of GREAT is good”
Jim Collins
The Journey from mediocre
What is the vision for your
What are the characteristics of
great schools and great
Core Beliefs
Core Beliefs
• Core Belief #1
Our School is a
Special Place
Our School Is Special
Our School Is Special
Our School is a Special
Use your data for Positive P.R.
Family Atmosphere
Hedgehog concept
Hall of Fame
What Makes Your School
• Be specific
 List as many things as possible.
 What do you want you school to be noted for
Core Belief #2
Achievement is the
Most Important
Thing We Do
Student achievement is the
most important thing
Why is this method best for student learning?
Students come first
Core Subjects
Ban artificial prerequisites
Expand advanced offerings
Put resources with the students that need them the
• Keep students in the classroom
• Keep everyone off the P.A.
• What does an A or F mean in student learning?
Student Achievement is the
most important thing
What actions have you initiated to
prove that student learning is the
top priority in your school?
How do you emphasize effort and
hard work?
(Remember….be specific!)
Core Belief #3
The power of
Multiple Data Sources
What gets measured, gets done!
20 mile march
“SMaC” recipe
High expectations-for whom?
Mindset by Carol Dweck
 Fixed or Growth
Core Belief #4
Your School is as
Great as your Staff
Great Staff
• People, Not Programs
• Random or Plandom?
• In every situation, ask who is the most
comfortable and who is the least comfortable?
• Teacher is the filter
 “When teacher sneezes, the whole class catches a cold”
Todd Whitaker
Core Belief #5
Each and Every
Student is
Different and
Every Student is Important
Students come before policies
Know when to “bend” the rules for equity
Make students feel special
Treat students as if they were your own
• Are you guilty of making blanket
statements with your students?
Every Student is Important
How does your
school place
importance on the
individual student?
Core Belief #6
You must be the
“Lead Learner”
Lead Learner
• You must be on top of “Best Practices” as it
relates to your area
• You have to take time to “sharpen the saw”
• You have to be the first to try new things
• It takes 10,000 hours of practice to be a
Lead Learner
What are ways that you keep abreast of “Best
Practices” in the field?
How do you model the appropriate use of
Core Belief #7
Our community
would miss us if
we were gone
• The reason that we educate our students is
to solve probles of today and in the future
• Make it cool to care!
 Food drives
 Blood drives
 Global issues
Thank You/Good Luck
• Working with students
• Professionalism
• Safe and Productive Year