Crown Quarry site monitoring

Please find detailed below the report for the site monitoring undertaken on 12 March
2014. If you should have any queries or require any photographs taken on site
please do not hesitate to contact me.
File Ref: 14 421 37
Date: 12 March 2014
Visit no: 4 of 4
Monitoring Officer: Tom McCarthy Time on site: 14:00
Time off site: 14:45
Tel No: 03330 136816
Site Co-ordinator: Tom McCarthy Tel No: 03330 136816
Site Name: Crown Quarry (Wick Farm Ardleigh – Reservoir Extension)
Operator: SRC
Site Representative: David Hunter
Permission Number(s):
 ESS/57/04/TEN – Extraction and Reservoir
 ESS/57/04/TEN/NMA1 – Changes to the plant and operations area
incorporating improved visual screening and increased areas for stockpiling
 ESS/57/04/TEN/NMA2 – Enlarged stockpiling area; further
bunding/screening; revised access to the silt lagoon area; re-alignment of the
landscaping along the north-east boundary; and revised phasing for working
Permission Number & Romp Date Due: ESS/57/04/TEN - 25 March 2025
Dry/ Windy / Rain / Snow
Acceptable/ Not acceptable N/A
Approach Roads:
Dry / Dusty / Wet / Muddy / Flooded
Dry / Dusty / Wet / Damp / Muddy / Flooded
Obstructed / Not Obstructed / Mud on Road / Ice /
Wheel Cleaning:
Washer (not operational) / Spinner / Sweeper / None
In Use / Not In Use / N/A
Working / Not working
In correct position:
Yes / No / N/A
Various Heights
Profiled / Grassed / Weeds
Actions From Last Site Visit:
 Redirect the electricity pylon/overhead wires before commencing any further
stripping or extraction in Phase D to ensure noise mitigation is in place.
ECC Comment: See Inspection Results Summary for comment.
Provide written clarification as to whether the Panel Engineer has been
appointed and timescale for construction of engineering works to construct
reservoir liner in Stage 1.
ECC Comment: DH indicated that a Panel Engineer had been appointed. DH
will provide formal clarification to ECC, in due course, together with timescale
for construction of engineering works for the reservoir lining.
Submit details in relation to outstanding conditions/obligations – in particular
3.1.16-3.1.20 (ground water monitoring scheme) and 3.2.7 (ground stability
monitoring and mitigation scheme) of the accompanying s106 to planning
permission: ESS/57/04/TEN.
ECC Comment: Following discussions with DH, it has been agreed that ECC
will collate the information which has to date been submitted in view of
identifying what needs to be done to allow these obligations to be discharged.
Inspection Results Summary:
 The access point to the site off Old Ipswich Road and haul road to the
designated parking area were relatively clean. Around the site, the haul road
was also clear and the footpath crossings were not obscured or in a
dangerous condition.
 The stockpiles of sand within the processing/stockpile area had reduced
since the last monitoring visit. The heights of the sand stockpiles were well
below the screening bund (north of the plant and operations area). It was
however noted that the bund to the north of the stockpiling area was being reprofiled to facilitate adequate access around this area. The operator, in view
of this, is reminded of the permitted gradient/slope of this bund and the
potential implications increasing the slope could have on its stability (see the
cross sections on the ‘Illustrative Revised Plant & Operations Area’ drawing,
plan no: 96032/RP/1).
 Soil screening is taking place, on an as needed basis (ad-hoc), in the soil
screening/store area to the east of the plant and operations area. The plant
(screener) was not operational at the time of visit but the soil stockpiled and
the plant were not higher than the adjacent screening bunds.
 As an update to that detailed in the previous monitoring report, the works to
the silt lagoons has now been finished and one of the silt lagoons is full. As
previously noted part extraction of the field adjacent to the silt lagoon area
has taken place however this was to facilitate work to the silt lagoons and no
further extraction will take place until operations reach this point (Phase E
and F).
 An unauthorised stockpile of sand was noted to the east of the silt and water
management area. DH indicated that this was placed here as a temporary
measure and will be cleared/moved shortly.
 Main site extraction was taking place in Phases B and D. Work within these
Phases is well underway (extraction to permitted level) and engineering, as
per the approved progression construction/restoration plan, was noted in the
south-east corner.
 The western part of Phase D was being readied for extraction with top and
sub-soil being removed and stored to the north (in the area approved for this
identified on the Phase 1 drawing (no: 96032/O/S1d V7)). DH anticipates
that extraction will next take place here, followed by extraction of the area
currently occupied by the haul road between Phases A and B and D. This
once extracted would join the Phases and form the shape of the void for
progression into Stage 2 (Phases E-G).
 The reservoir created within Phase C is complete and grassed, as per the
approved details, and further planting is now taking place in this area.
 DH indicated that archaeological work will likely commence in Phases F and
G in summer 2014. As per the on-going management of the silt lagoons,
these will be emptied in August 2014 with last year’s silt being used to fill a
cavity behind the main wall of the reservoir.
Compliance with Conditions
Scope of
Action to be taken by
Operator or MPA/WPA
ESS/57/04/TEN 3.1.16 –
Ground Water
Submitted, awaiting consultation
Ground Stability
Results submitted
Noise Monitoring
Noise Monitoring was last
submitted for November 2013.
In accordance with the
requirement of this condition
further noise monitoring is
expected June/July 2014.
Actions to be taken before next site visit:
 Resolve outstanding conditions/obligations of ESS/57/04/TEN, in discussion
with ECC.
Pay due attention to the approved gradient/slope of the bund to the north of
the processing plant/stockpiling area if further re-profiling works are to occur.
Remove/relocate stockpile of sand to from the east of silt and water
management area.
Note: The actions noted in this report are required in order to ensure adequate
progress is made and to avoid potential enforcement action against a breach
of planning control.