Spelling List (01/11)

Mrs. Rigsby’s Newsletter
01/11/16 - 01/15/16
Mon.: 10 min. Moby Max
math, 10 min. Moby Max
language, 15-20 minutes of
reading (Raz Kids, Moby
Max, or book of choice)
Tues.: 10 min. Moby Max
math, 10 min. Moby Max
language, 15-20 minutes of
reading (Raz Kids, Moby
Max, or book of choice)
Wed.: 10 min. Moby Max
math, 10 min. Moby Max
language, 15-20 minutes of
reading (Raz Kids, Moby
Max, or book of choice)
Thurs.: 10 min. Moby Max
math, 10 min. Moby Max
language, 15-20 minutes of
reading (Raz Kids, Moby
Max, or book of choice), ) &
study for spelling quiz
*4 journal entries per
Spelling List
1. night
2. kind
3. spy
4. child
5. light
6. find
7. right
8. high
9. wild
10. July
11. fry
12. sigh
13. by
14. why
I’d like to start off by letting parents know of a discussion I had
with students last week. We are in the height of our year.
Students know what is expected of them, they’ve had time to get
acclimated to a new grade and a new school. Now is the time that
I expect them to soar, both academically and as a leader. Having
said that, I was a little concerned with the amount of incomplete
homework last week. Between Moby Max and journal, there were
very few who got credit for completed homework. I know it is the
first week back and students are getting back into the groove of
school, but I felt I needed to keep you informed as parents. Mr.
Gordon is a firm believer in the importance of homework
(especially writing homework) as a way to succeed in the future.
This is the reason that strict homework policies have been instilled
into our program. Please remember that students who are
struggling to complete homework from week to week are not
allowed to take after school electives. Additionally, behavior clips
get moved down for not having complete homework during
homework checks. (Homework checks usually happen midweek.
Be sure to keep all reading logs and the behavior log in the
homework folders at all times so students are not getting penalized
for incomplete homework when they don’t have these items.
Journals should also be coming to school each day. Students get
opportunities to work on their homework writing in class if they
have their journals.). If you have any questions about our
classroom homework policies please contact me so we can
discuss it. Thank you for your support in this area.
Important Reminders:
1.) Read to Succeed logs went home last week. This is an
optional reading program that gives students 1st – 6th grade an
opportunity to earn a free ticket to Six Flags Magic Mountain. To
*15. behind
*16. lightning
I Can Spell List:
*Individualized lists are in
each student’s homework
folder. Tests are on Tues,
& Thurs.
qualify students must read a total of 6 hours in additional to their
nightly reading homework. Students must then return the
completed log, signed by a parent on or before February 1st.
2.) Students should be working on researching information about
the dinosaur they selected before break and filling in the research
packet provided. These items (the research and the packet) need
to be completed and brought to school as soon as possible.
Students will begin writing their dinosaur reports in a couple weeks
using the information gathered. That part of the project will be
completed at school (unless your child is absent and/or falls
behind). The due date for the filled packets and printed
research is January 15th.
Important Dates & Reminders:
01/18 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day – No School
01/25 – January Poems due
01/28 – Extended Day (dismissal @ 3 p.m.)
01/28 – Leadership Assembly (12 p.m. Lions’ Den)
01/29 – January Book It! logs due
02/01 – Read to Succeed reading logs due
02/08 – No School
02/12 – Class Store
02/12 – Valentine Exchange
02/15 – No School
02/25 – Dino Museum Projects due
02/25 – Extended Day (dismissal @ 3 p.m.)
02/25 – Leadership Assembly (12 p.m. Lions’ Den)
02/26 – Dino Museum (12:30 – 1:00 p.m. Lions’ Den)
**Our P.E. days are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Please be
sure to wear the appropriate shoes on those days.**