Pierson E10 Moby Dick - Hillsdale Community Schools

Pierson E10 Moby Dick
What does the crew look for to indicate the presence of a whale?
With what is the Pequod adorned?
After what is Ahab's ship named?
What covers Queequeg's skin?
What are the irons?
Who survives the sinking of the Pequod?
What does Starbuck tell Ahab about chasing Moby Dick? (I am here to hunt whale…)
What does Moby Dick represent to Ahab?
With whom does Ishmael share a bed at the Spouter-Inn?
Which biblical figure is the focus of Father Mapple's sermon?
What does Ahab nail to the ship's mast to motivate his crew in his quest for Moby Dick?
From what is Ahab's false leg made?
Which body part has Ahab lost to Moby Dick?
How does the Pequod sink?
Who is the protagonist of Moby Dick?
What is the season of the year in which the story begins?
Who is the author of Moby Dick?
What is the name of Ahab's ship?
For what were whales primarily hunted?
What frightens Ishmael the most about Moby Dick?
What keeps Ishmael afloat after the Pequod sinks?
What is unusual about the pulpit when Queequeg and Ishmael visit Father Mapple's
Short Answer/Essay
Imagine that you are a crew member of the Pequod. Make up a name for yourself. Explain the effect this
voyage has had on you. Include a description of your feelings about Captain Ahab and his obsession with
Moby Dick. (5-7 complete sentences) Use detail remembered from the movie to write this essay.