Maddy Smith 8-4 DRACULA Chapters 3 & 4 – Study Guide Chapters

Maddy Smith 8-4
Chapters 3 & 4 – Study Guide
Chapters 3-4:
1. Describe Jonathan Harker’s thoughts after he discovers the Count laying the table in the
dining room. After Harker discovers the Count laying the table in the dining room he
begins to think that if he is doing all of the chores fit for a servant than he must have been
the driver of the coach. This is a bad thing because if he was the driver it means that he
can control the wolves with just a raise of the hand. He begins to wonder if all of the
things that the people in Bistritz were saying were true. He is thankful for the crucifix
even though he was raised to reject it. He decides that he must learn more about the
Count, but secretly of course.
2. Count Dracula claims to be the ancestor of what famous warrior? Dracula claims that he is a
descendant of Attila the Hun.
3. What does the Count warn Jonathan not to do when he is alone at night? The Count warns
Jonathan to not sleep in any other room but his own for if he does he will have horrible
nightmares due to the bad memories in the other rooms.
4. Describe the way Jonathan Harker sees the Count leave the Castle. Jonathan sees the Count
leave the Castle by crawling down the outside wall face down with his cloak spreading out
around him like great wings.
5. Jonathan Harker falls asleep in the parlor. What does he see upon waking? Jonathan wakes
up to three beautiful woman vampires that were about to suck his blood.
6. Describe the Count’s reaction to finding the women with Jonathan Harker. The Count
becomes furious and throws them away from Jonathan.
7. What does Jonathan Harker believe he hears coming from the bag the Count had thrown to the
floor? Jonathan thinks that he hears a child in the bag.
8. What happens to the women and the bag? The bag and the women seem to disappear into the
moonlight together.
9. The Count instructs Jonathan to write three letters home. What is the content of these letters?
The first letter says that Jonathan will be leaving soon. The second letter says that Jonathan will
be leaving tomorrow. And the third one says that he has left the Castle and is now in Bistritz.
10. Jonathan attempts to send letters home without the Count reading them. What happens to the
letters? The person who was supposed to deliver Jonathan’s letters ended up giving them
straight to Dracula. Dracula decides that he will send the letter to Peter, but he burns the one to
11. What does Jonathan discover upon waking on 31 May? Jonathan realizes that almost all of
his belongings are missing.
Maddy Smith 8-4
12. What do the Slovaks deliver to the castle? The Slovaks deliver boxes that are supposedly
empty according to Jonathan.
13. When Count Dracula leaves the castle on 24 June, what does Jonathan Harker notice?
Jonathan notices that the Count is wearing one of his suits and has the bag that he had earlier
given to the three vampire women.
14. Jonathan goes to the window when he hears the agonizing cry of a woman. What does she
yell upon seeing Jonathan’s face in the window? Once the woman sees Jonathan in the window
she yells “Monster, give me my child!”
15. What happens to the woman as she continues to bang on the door of the Count’s castle? As
the woman continues to bang on the wall, the Count “activates” his wolves and sends them to the
woman. The wolves eat here and then they leave.
16. Jonathan decides to climb the wall of the castle into the Count’s room. Describe what
Jonathan Harker discovers in the Count’s room. He sees a pile of gold from all around the
country in a corner of the Count’s room. He also notices that the Count’s room is quite similar to
the southern rooms and it rather empty. He finally finds a door that leads to a ruined chapel.
17. Jonathan tells the Count that he wants to leave the night of 29 June, but he suddenly changes
his mind. Why? Jonathan changes his mind because he fears that if he wishes to leave that
Dracula will feed him to the wolves.
18. What does Jonathan Harker find when he goes back to the Count’s room to look for a key to
the door? Jonathan doesn’t find anything in Dracula supposed room. He takes the door to the
chapel and sees one of the boxes that the Slovaks had delivered. He takes the lid off and finds the
Count sleeping with blood ruining down his mouth.