Form E: UNCG Experimental Course Proposal

Experimental courses are regular academic credit courses offered through established academic programs to
UNCG students. Please use a separate form for each experimental course proposal.
• Undergraduate level courses may use any number from 100 to 499 not currently in use (please contact
Registrar’s Office for available course numbers).
• An experimental course can neither carry General Education category core nor marker credit nor be
listed as a major or minor requirement.
• Routine change requests for 500-level courses will be forwarded to the UCC after review by the GSC.
• Undergraduate experimental courses may be offered ONLY ONCE without further consultation and
• Department may offer no more than three undergraduate experimental courses per semester.
• Graduate level courses must use 589 for courses open to both undergraduates and graduates and 711 for
courses open to graduate students only. Graduate experimental courses require approval of the
Curriculum Subcommittee chair. Departments may offer no more than two graduate experimental
courses per semester. When using the same number, courses should be numbered 589A and 589B or
711A and 711B.
*CIP Code:
Contact Person:
Semester/Year of Course Offering:
☐ Fall
☐ Spring
☐ Summer
* CIP Code Selector (IPEDS):
Department Abbreviation:
Course Number:
Credit Hours:
Course Title:
Grading Format:
☐ S/U
☐ Letter Grades
Course Prerequisites:
Course Description (concise, 30 words or less):
Mode of Delivery:
☐ Face-to-Face on campus
☐ Face-to-Face off-campus site
☐ Interactive Real Time
☐ Video
☐ Online internet
(☐ synchronous or ☐ asynchronous)
☐ Storage Device or Non-Web Media
☐ Other (See complete list of course types in the Curriculum Guide):
Has this course been offered in a previous semester (i.e., with the same course number, title, credit hours,
prerequisites and/or description)?
Yes ☐
No ☐ If yes, during which semester and year was it offered?
Do you plan to submit a proposal making this a permanent course to be included in the UNCG bulletin?
Yes ☐
No ☐ If yes, when will the proposal be submitted?
Will this course fulfill requirements for any graduate degree or certificate program?
Yes ☐
No ☐ If yes, which degree or certification program?
If requesting a 589 course, please address the differentiation of requirements for undergraduate and graduate
students. The syllabus should also demonstrate separate learning outcomes for each, including evaluation
and grading.
☐ Attach a course syllabus.
Please sign and date below and forward this form to the next appropriate reviewing authority.
Department Head
Associate Dean for College/School
GSC Curriculum Subcommittee Chair
UCC Chair