ED 450: Authorization Specialty/Classroom Management (3 credits)

ED 450: Authorization Specialty/Classroom Management (3 credits)
Spring, 2009
Western Oregon University, College of Education
“Connecting Teaching & Learning”
Instructor: Dr. Mary Mangan Reynolds
Email: reynolm@wou.edu
Phone # 503-838-8830
Office: Ed. 202L
Office Hours: Wed. 11-1, Thurs. 2-4:30
and by appointment.
You will obtain the most from opportunities provided through ED 450 when you commit to:
active learning, cooperation, using critical thinking processes, and effective oral, non-verbal
and written communication.
Course Description
This course focuses on best practices for addressing age-level educational issues. Topics
covered will enable early childhood, elementary, middle, and high school teacher candidates to
better serve the emotional, social and academic needs of their students. Course components
reflect current thinking on such issues as classroom climate, and developmentally appropriate
practices for each authorization level. Throughout the course, there will be an attempt to keep the
instructor's formal presentations to a minimum. Emphasis will be on active class participation
and modeling of strategies being taught.
Required: Wong, Harry and Rosemary, The First Days of School, 2009 edition, Harry K.
Wong Publications: Mt. View, CA.
Recommended: Gathercoal, Forrest, Judicious Discipline
This course will focus on:
 exploring the nature of learners;
 understanding implications of the setting, influences of the community,
 examining unique needs of the age/developmental level; and the cultural context; and
 understanding and applying processes for establishing a classroom climate conducive
to learning.
Student Outcomes:
Students will:
 become familiar with the nature of learners;
 develop a more in-depth understanding of unique needs of the age/developmental level;
 demonstrate understanding that setting, the community, and overall cultural context have
implications on classroom climate and students’ performance; and
 become increasingly effective with processes for establishing a classroom climate
conducive to learning.
Proficiencies Addressed in this Course:
 Proficiency 5-Classroom Climate Conducive to Learning
o Human Dignity
o Physical Environment
o Standards for Student Behavior
o Classroom Climate
Proficiency 8
o Reflective Practitioner
o Educational Research
Proficiency 9
o Professional Behavior
o Professional Communication
Proficiency 10
o Constructive Communication
o Assistance & Support
o Learning Community
Sources of Evidence (See attached for details of assignments.)
Total Points
Attendance, Engaged Participation, Professionalism, Reflections
- Proficiency 9A&D (9 x 8.3 points)
Article Review - Proficiency 8D (10 points)
Wong - Reading Responses - Proficiency 8B&D (2 x 15 points)
Critical Issues Findings - Proficiency 5C&D, 8B&D (4 x15 points)
Presentation on Management Models-Proficiency 5E, 8D, 10A (40 points)
5-Minute Video Clip of a Lesson and Written Analysis
- Proficiency 8B, 10A (30 points)
Classroom Management Philosophy and Plan or Classroom Management ABC Book
- Proficiency 5E, 8B&D, 10C&D (40 points)
300 Total Possible
Requirements for Attendance, Participation and Professionalism
Punctual attendance, engaged participation, and preparation for class activities are indicators of
professional behavior. If an absence is necessary, it is a student’s responsibility to inform
her/his instructor prior to the absence, as well as arrange a time to meet and cover missed
information. During the term, there will be opportunities for you to offer thoughts through
dialogues and class meeting, work with small groups on in-class assignments, collaborate with
peers outside of class on a shared project, and communicate with your instructor through
informal written Reflections. Reflections will not be scored; they are expected as part of
attendance and participation and included in those points.
All reading assignments and course work are to be completed and/or ready to submit
at the beginning of class on the date due. Late assignments may be accepted, only when prior
arrangements have made with the instructor. All assignments, with the exception of Reflections,
should be properly word processed on a computer. All papers must meet the scoring criteria,
as explained for each specific assignment.
Plagiarism is not acceptable. The Internet offers many resources, all easily downloaded,
however, use of another person’s thinking, writing, or graphic/visual presentation, without
crediting the author, is plagiarism. All information that is taken from another source must be
cited with the appropriate information.
Any student who feels that s/he may need an accommodation for any type of disability,
should make an appointment to see me during office hours the first week of the course and
should contact the Office of Disability Services (838-8250v/tty) in the AP 405.
280 - 300 = A
270 - 279 = A260 - 269 = B+
250 - 259 = B
240 - 249 = B230 - 239 = C+
220 - 229 = C
210 - 219 = C-