Elm Church of England Voluntary (Controlled) Primary School

Elm Church of England Voluntary (Controlled) Primary School
Minutes of the Meeting of Governors of Elm School held on Tuesday, 22nd June 2010.
E Chenery
S Rhodes
C Child
D Roy
M Guarino
C Ingle
T James
P Rhodes
M Thompson K Tucker J Wickes F McCallum C Jobson (Clerk)
Apologies were received and accepted from D Mason and G Searle due to illness.
Minutes of the meetings held on the 11th May 2010
The minutes of the meetings held on the 11th May 2010 were signed as a true record.
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising
Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
Notification of any Other Business items.
Mr Child informed the meeting he had one item for any other business
The chairman advised the meeting that he had received a thank you from Mr Sellors for the small
gift given to him on his retirement from the Governing Body as a Local Authority representative.
The publication Governors Summer Term 2010 and Learning Together Summer 2010 were
Ballot papers for the election of a Parent Governor Representative on the Children’s Services
Scrutiny Committee should be returned by 5.00 pm on Friday, 9th July and the votes will be counted
on the 12th July 2010.
The clerk advised the meeting that she had received two dates 1st and 15th November for In House
training on Governors Roles and Responsibilities. It was agreed that the 1st November be booked
as the first choice, but if this is no longer available we then book the 15th November.
Head Teachers Report
The Heads Report was distributed prior to the meeting.
The Roll
Mr Child advised the meeting that he had been contacted by a family looking for three places in our
Reception, Year 2 and Year 4 classes in September.
The caretaker has been off sick from the 9th June and during his absence Mr Hobart and two midday
supervisors have been covering his duties. Mr Child would like to record his thanks to them, especially Mr
Hobart, as he has covered three major events in the school calendar Elm Fete, Sports day and assembling
the stage for the end of year performances. The meeting was informed that we had taken insurance cover
from day one so we will be able to recoup most of these extra costs.
There had been 95 applications for the Teaching Assistants position and Mrs Guarino agreed to join Mr
Child and Mrs McCallum on the selection committee.
Mr Child confirmed that the revamping of the caterers kitchen is going ahead in the summer holidays, but
it has been confirmed that they will be using the existing stairs onto the roof and the solar panels will not
be moved. We have been advised that this work will be undertaken right up to the last day of the holiday
and there are contingency plans if this date is extended for the children to be given school dinners albeit
there may have to be a menu that does not need to be cooked.
A meeting with Mrs Crabb had been set up for the 16th June, but she had cancelled. We had emailed her
with alterative dates, but to date done had been confirmed. It was agreed that we contact her again to
arrange a date for this meeting to take place.
Other Matters
Mr Child advised the meeting that he had present Mr Sellors with a small gift on behalf of the Governing
Body to show our appreciation for his 8 years service to Elm School.
Key Stage 1 Results against Targets 2010
It was agreed that the writing especially for the boys was still very low, but we had always been aware that
this was a poor cohort. It was pointed out that the Government expected Year 2 children to reach a Level 2
at this stage of their education. Level 2 was then split into 2A, 2B and 2C with 2B being the average and
the expected level for a Year 2 pupil. Mr Child stated that if any Governor would like to come into school
he was quite happy to go into the results in more detailed.
Finance meeting
The minutes of the meeting of the 15th June 2010 were distributed prior to the meeting.
It was agreed that the budget was performing as expected, but we are only two months into the 2010/2011
Financial Year.
Mr Child stated that a local business man Andy Edgoose has taken over the Artful Dodger and together
with an ex-parent Mr Floyd held a barbeque that raised £500, which they have donated to the school for a
specific project. After a discussion it was agreed that the donation should be used on picnic benches. It
may be possible to have table games on them such as drafts etc.
It was agreed that more governors need to be on this committee in the new academic year.
Premises meeting
The minutes of the meeting of the 15th June 2010 were distributed prior to the meeting.
It was agreed that the work on the drains from the Year 6 boys toilets needs to be completed as a matter of
A discussion took place in respect of the installation of a water fountain either in the playground or in the
First Aid room. Due to Health and Safety regulations Mr Child agreed to investigate whether water
fountains could still be installed outside.
A discussion took place in respect of the speed bumps signs and that the one nearest to the Elm Centre has
been damaged and is now potentially dangerous to young children. Mr Child agreed to investigate this.
It was agreed that more governors need to be on this committee in the new academic year.
Self Evaluation Form
Mr Child stated that no further work had been undertaken on this form, but it would be updated as soon as
the Key Stage 2 SATS were received.
11. School Development
The following items had been agreed by the committee.
Make sure correct information is on the website.
The school office to work with Mr Pulford to keep the website information up to date.
Investigate the use texts to parents as a more regular communication method.
Newsletters to be placed on the school notice board.
Look at the homework policy in the next academic year. This was a concern of many parents.
Look at the style of reporting back to parents.
Discuss ways of inviting more parents to come into classrooms for lessons.
It was agreed that a letter be sent to parents early next academic year sharing our findings and actions from
the parents consultation meetings on communication.
Curriculum Committee Report
No further meetings have taken place, but it was agreed that this committee meet again at the beginning of
the new academic year.
SIAS Committee
A further meeting took place on the 19th May at 2.00 pm
At this meeting the committee looked at Christian symbols in school and it had been suggested that perhaps
a cross should be placed in the entrance hall made up of pictures or artefacts and that the work making up
this cross should be refreshed on a regular basis.
It had also been suggested that one of the display boards in the hall be used to present some of the RE
Head Teachers leaving
A general discussion took place in respect of Mr Child’s retirement. A committee was set up of Mrs Ingle,
Mrs Jobson and Mrs Rhodes to finalise arrangements.
Any other business
Mr Child thanked the Governors for their support over the last 21 years.
At this point of the meeting the Governors thanked Mrs Jobson for all her efforts especially in preparing
the documents for the FMSIS and presented her with a small gift of appreciation.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30 pm.
Date of next meeting 22nd June 2010
Dates of Governors Meetings 2010/2011
28th September 2010