Middle School Newsletter

Middle School Newsletter
March 22, 2010
Check out our class websites at www.imagineschoolslakewoodranch.com
for homework, project, and test information.
***Last Week of the 3rd Grading Period!***
6th- We are finishing our reading fair projects this week. The schedule is as follows:
Monday- Themes sheet due
Tuesday- Character Progression sheet due HW- students should have a board
for tomorrow. They may assemble it Tuesday night to use Wednesday as a study hall
and get caught up for report cards or they may bring a blank board and final
copies to assemble in class.
Wednesday- Projects due. Class sharing.
Thursday- Spring Break Activity and project judging.
Spring Break HW- Ch 1-3 with PJ's in "The Outsiders"
7th- Holocaust all week. Monday-Tuesday we will be doing writing assignments and
Thursday-Friday we will work on art projects. Spring Break HW- Finish Art projects!!!!!
Bring the day we come back!
Website is updated every few days but agendas are the most reliable source of
current info. PLEASE check to make sure agendas are filled out every day for all
6th - We are working on stations this week. The stations revolve around continuing
to reinforce Chapter 10, and half of Chapter 11. We will have a short Quiz Thursday
covering the material in stations (all of Chapter 10 and first half of Chapter 11 ~
Probability). Please email me with any questions. Homework will be to complete
station work from Exploration #2. It is a two-sided worksheet and part of it is to be
completed during class. There will be no Math Help Class on Thursday due to it
being the last day before Spring break and an early release day.
**Students with a low grade on their last test will be able to retake it on
Wednesday. All makeup work and retakes must be taken by Thursday. Grades will
be entered at end of day on Thursday for report cards.
7th - We are working on stations this week. The stations revolve around continuing
to reinforce Chapter 8, and half of Chapter 9. We will have a short Quiz Thursday
covering the material in stations (all of Chapter 8 and first half of Chapter 9 ~
Probability). Please email me with any questions. Homework will be to complete
station work from Exploration #2. It is a two-sided worksheet and part of it is to be
completed during class. There will be no Math Help Class on Thursday due to it
being the last day before Spring break and an early release day.
**Students with a low grade on their last test will be able to retake it on
Wednesday. All makeup work and retakes must be taken by Thursday. Grades will
be entered at end of day on Thursday for report cards.
6th – The Reformation – Notes on Monday and Tuesday (see calendar on website)
Chapter test Thursday of this week. Printed notes will not be allowed for the test.
Students may use hand-written notes.
HW: Study notes for test on Thursday.
***Online Study Tool – jat.glencoe.com – Student Center – Chapter 17
7th – Citizenship and The Bill of Rights Test today! Students will be working on either a
brochure or letter to a congressman about Sandra Day O’Connor’s Civics
Education Act.
HW: Continue in-class Civics Education Act project if extra time is needed.
6th Grade – Today we finished up our last stations for the quarter. The stations must
be submitted by Tuesday (first thing). The station task cards are posted on the class
website calendar if you would like to check that all work is complete before
submission. Graded stations will be sent home on Wednesday. Please sign and
return the station packets on Thursday. SCIENCE FAIR PRESENTATIONS ARE THIS
WEEK!!!! Students must have the board, written report, and data notebook on the
day of their presentation. Students wrote presentation dates in their agendas last
week. **The presentation, written report, and board are worth 3 test grades. It is
VITAL that these are submitted on time.
Homework: None this week 
7th Grade – SCIENCE FAIR PRESENTATIONS ARE THIS WEEK!!!! Students must have the
board, written report, and data notebook on the day of their presentation.
Students wrote presentation dates in their agendas last week. **The presentation,
written report, and board are worth 3 test grades. It is VITAL that these are
submitted on time.
Homework: None this week 
3/25 – MOSI Permission slips due (6th Grade)
3/25 – LAST DAY OF 3rd QUARTER - Early release – 1:00pm
3/26 – No School – Teacher Work Day
3/29 – 4/2 – Spring Break
4/5 – Report Cards go home
4/5 – TSA reconvenes every Monday from 3-4pm until May 24th.
All Teachers
 Tissues
 Paper
**Updated grade reports will be sent home on Tuesday. If you need a snapgrades
login sheet, please contact Mrs. Carpenter.