Lunch Permission Slip

Lunch Permission Slip
2015-2016 School Year
Please return to your child's teacher on
Tuesday, September 8th
Student’s Eating in School
Please send your child to school with lunch or drop off his/her lunch no later than 11:45 a.m.
If you choose to drop off lunch for your child please clearly label your child’s bag with their first and last name
and grade. There is a cart in the main entrance of the school that is labeled grades PK-8. Please place your
child’s lunch on the shelf with their grade level.
We do NOT permit soft drinks in a cup with a lid or
glass bottles. Twist caps are okay (i.e. water bottles).
Student’s Eating Outside of School
Please keep in mind that a note must be sent to school whenever there is a change in your child's lunchroom
Students who eat lunch outside of school must be picked up at 11:55 a.m. and are not to return to
school grounds before 12:50 p.m. This is in the interest of your child's welfare and safety.
Children in grades Pre-Kindergarten through grade 4 must be picked up by their parent / guardian or
an authorized adult. Children in grades 5-8 can walk home for lunch with written permission from
their parent/guardian.
Student’s Name: _______________________________________________________________
Grade: _____________________ Teacher: ________________________________________
My child will be eating lunch...
(check one box)
In school
At home
I will pick up my child daily
My child will walk home daily
(Crossing guards are NOT on duty)
I know that whenever there is a change of lunchroom routine, the school requires a written consent of change
either by note, fax (201-440-9156) or e-mail ( Be sure to include the
following: child’s name, grade, date and contact number(s).
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature