Chronic Bed-Rest Complication Prevention And Treatment agreement

Pingtung Christian Hospital
Chronic Bed-Rest Complication Prevention
And Treatment
2003.7 issue
2004.10 modify
● The effect of chronic bed-rest:
1. (1)weakness (2)waist/back pain (3)muscular atrophy (4)joints cramp (5) osteoporosis
2. effect to skin: easy to create decubitus, symptom like sit on toilet for excessive time, bed-rest all the time, bed sheet not
tidy, innutrition, dropsy.
3. cardiovascular effectiveness: 1.heart overly stress position low blood pressure 3.thrombosis
4. Respiratory system effectiveness
(1) Breast dilation reduce and respiratory exercise decreased
(2) Secretion accumulation, bacterial infection, bronchopneumonia,
(3) respiratory acidosis.
5. gastrointestinal system effect: Bed- rest can cause weakness of catharsis, the reflect of catharsis disappear, cause
6. Uninary system effect:
(1) Urine difficulty or Urine contain
(2) Infection
(3) Urinary stone
7. Mental effect: Social separation, slow stimulation, disorders of perception.
●Bed- rest complication prevention:
(1) Change patient’s position often: every 1-2 hours..
(2) Massage: to prevent muscular atrophy and joints cramp also prevent decubitus
(3) Avoid .thrombus: Increase activities, and improve patient’s vein flow(vena cava)
(4) Prevent dislocation of hip..
(5) Prevent lagging feet: daily feet joints exercise
(6) Improve breathing exercise: deep breath and cough to expel spitting.
(7) In bed exercise: Prevent muscular atrophy and keep joints move freely.
(8) Early relief from bed: Take progression way to keep more exercise out of bed.
(9) Maintain balance diet and electrolyte: Take balance diet and protein vitamin C drink more water to prevent vein
thrombus and possible urinary stone infection.
(10) Maintain well emotional condition.
●Long term complication:
(1) Systematic health rehabilitation.
(2) Help the emotional care and condition.
(3) Give consistency nursing care and tracking..
※ Consultation phone: 08-7368686 ext:___________
Professional. Care. Diacognal, wish you recover soon
Chronic Bed-Rest Complication Prevention And Treatment Care sign slip
Patient __________________family member or myself has read carefully and accept medical staff given Chronic Bed-Rest
Complication Prevention And Treatment Care slip and explain the related topics.
Pingtung Christian Hospital Foundation
Family member signature: _____________ relationship with patient: ___________ Medical Staff:____________________