3-2 organelle



Cell Structure and Function

Write everything that is underlined

3.2 Cell Organelles

KEY CONCEPT Eukaryotic cells share many similarities like organelles

(mini-organs) Open your text to pg.


3.2 Cell Organelles

Cells have an internal structure .

• The cytoskeleton:

– supports and shapes cell

– helps position and transport organelles

– provides strength

– assists in cell division

– aids in cell movement

– Refer to page 73 in your text book

3.2 Cell Organelles

Several organelles are involved in making and processing proteins .

• The nucleus stores genetic information ( DNA - that is the

code for making proteins)

• The endoplasmic reticulum is a transport system for proteins

3.2 Cell Organelles

• There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum :

– rough ER with ribosomes on it

– smooth ER without ribosomes

– Ribosomes link amino acids to make proteins

3.2 Cell Organelles

Golgi apparatus: Processes, sorts, and delivers proteins

3.2 Cell Organelles

• Vesicles are membrane-bound sacs that hold materials

3.2 Cell Organelles

• Mitochondria supply energy to the cell

3.2 Cell Organelles

Vacuoles are fluid-filled sacs that hold materials

3.2 Cell Organelles

Lysosomes contain enzymes to digest and destroy materials

3.2 Cell Organelles

• Centrioles are tubes found in the centrosomes

– Centrioles help divide


– Centrioles form cilia and flagella

3.2 Cell Organelles

Plant cells have cell walls and chloroplasts

– animal cells do not

• A cell wall provides rigid support

(because of cellulose…)

3.2 Cell Organelles

• Chloroplasts convert solar energy to chemical energy (make food for the plant)
