ionic bond

Write “No Catalyst” on Catalyst sheet
Take out a pencil and a red pen
Create test barrier with arts binder
Put everything else away
Periodic Table Test
Use pencil
Follow directions
When done, bring up to me
Complete notebook check
Tape on inside front cover, put notebook on
• Get article from me, start homework
Take Out
Get science notebook from shelf
Catalyst sheet
North Side of Table
Pretend that you’re the size
of an atom, observing a
reaction between a
potassium atom, and a
fluorine atom. Write an
account of the formation of
an ionic bond as the atoms
react. Tell what happens to
the valence electrons on
each atom and how each
atom is changed by losing or
gaining electrons.
South Side of Table
Pretend that you’re the size
of an atom, observing a
reaction between a fluorine
atom, and another fluorine
atom. Write an account of
the formation of an covalent
bond as the atoms react.
Explain what happens as the
two atoms come together.
When you’re finished, tape
the papers I give you onto p.
54 & 55
Bonding Activity
• Work as a team to follow directions on page
• Everyone must complete pages 54 and 55
• Clean up any mess made around the sink
• Be careful with glassware
• When everyone in the group has completed
pages 54 and 55, raise your hands
Exit Ticket
Of the substances that you observed today
(Distilled water, Table Salt, Sugar, Vegetable
Oil, Isopropyl Alcohol), which do you think are
held together by ionic bonds, and which do
you think are held together by covalent
1. Explain how metal atoms form
metallic bonds in crystals.
2. What role do the valence
electrons play?
3. How does a metallic bond differ
from an ionic bond?