Development plans

High Level Seminar and Workshop
On ACSS Strategic Plan 2016 -2020
17 – 18 June 2014
Year Plan: 11th Malaysia Plan
 Government Transformation Programmes
 New Economic Model
 Economic Transformation Programmes
 Political Transformation Programmes
 Social Transformation Programmes
 Five
at main user committee – members, most
of the stakeholders
 Presented
 Request
for budget if necessary
 Documented
in department’s strategic plan
 At
national level with detailed breakdown of industry
and components – social and economy.
 Smaller
level, state, development area and
administrative district
 Micro
 Taylored
towards the scope of the study
Quality of life :
High income: per capita USD15,000 by 2020
annual GDP and income - sustainability
CPI at lower income group and geography.
Inclusiveness (income and basic amenities by
ethnicity, access to ICT, expenditure
Liberalisation of selected services sectors – 45
 Contribution
of SMEs in economy, employment and
export of SME.
input for specific traces studies eg. Tax incentives,
GST, price watch, productivity, knowledge contents in
establishments …
GNI and investment by 12 National key economic areas – palm
oil & rubber, oil gas & energy, E&E,
WRT, education, healthcare, communication content
& infrastructure, tourism, financial, business services and
Statistics on jobs created
Index of services, ICTSA, e-commerce
Detailed information on GDP and investment on fixed assets, FDI
Opportunity – enhanced integrated computer
system and statistics training institute
Developing data warehouse
 Expand NEWSS (integrated census/survey system)
 More hostel rooms and teaching facilities
 Contributions
– statistics for evidence
in inter agency planning groups (IAPG) –
(12 groups) and technical working groups (43 groups)
 Members
IAPG Groups
Tourism, Distributive Trade, construction
Services, Professional Services, Healthcare
services, Private Education, Financial Services,
Halal Products, Creative industry, Sport
Statistics on poverty
Enhanced on delivery systems:
focused on Productivity, Creativity, Innovation,
Timeliness and Integrity.
advanced release calendar for non SDDS
web data base on external trade statistics
free downloading of reports from portal
engage the data suppliers (household and