2014-2015 back to school powerpoint

Mrs. Long’s
Classroom Policies and Procedures
Room 204
Meet the Teachers
Mrs. Long
• I graduated from The College
of New Jersey where I
studied Elementary
Education and Psychology.
• I taught 5th grade in NJ for
3 years and 3rd grade in
Goose Creek. This will be my
3rd year teaching fifth grade
at Pinckney, and I LOVE it!
This will be my 7th year
teaching and my 5th year
teaching all subjects!
• I love to cook, bake, travel,
read, paint, and scrapbook!
Mrs. Little
Mrs. Little will
be co-teaching
with me during
my reading
block assisting
Classroom Goals
• In the beginning of the
year, the students
discussed what they felt
was important to ensure
a successful year.
• We then compiled them
into major goals, signed
and posted them in our
Individual Self-Discipline
ClassDojo is a teacher tool I will be using to help build your
child’s individual learning habits and boost classroom
ClassDojo allows me to track student behavior and learning
skills throughout the day!
One of the great features of ClassDojo is that it allows you
to view a “behavior and skills report” daily at home. My hope
is that this will bring you and us closer together and help you
better understand the progress of your child on a week to
week basis.
Students are eager to see how many points they have and
what their avatar looks like. See the sheet on your desk for
directions to gain access to your child’s class dojo account.
Class Dojo Expectations, Rewards & Consequences
Positive “dings”: appropriate use of time, asked good questions,
cooperation, helping others, held door, on task, organization,
participating, respectful, raised hand, responsibility, teamwork,
working hard, neat handwriting, working independently, special
area behavior.
Negative “dongs”: bathroom behavior, bullying, chatty, rude
comment/gesture, disrespectful, disrupting class, hallway
behavior, job, late to class, unorganized, missing name, morning
work incomplete, no homework, off task, out of uniform, playing in
cafeteria, recess behavior, special area behavior, talking out of
turn, unprepared, talking during announcements, leaving before
dismissed, or ipad misuse.
Every 2 weeks you’ll see their accumulated points and turn them in
for a reward.
Class Dojo Rewards:
40 Points: Stinky Feet Pass, Bring a Blanket Pass, Write in Pen for the Day Pass
50 Points: Wear a Hat for the Day, Chew Gum for a subject period, Sharpen
your pencil at anytime Pass
60 Points: Extra Day on an Assignment Pass, Pick your own Partner Pass,
Teacher cleans and organizes your binder & cubby Pass
65 Points: Sit next to a Buddy Pass
70 Points: Get Out of Trouble Pass, Skip Morning Work Pass
75 Points: No Homework Pass
80 Points: Prize Jar (which contains all of these passes and many more fun
Class Dojo Consequences:
-2 Points: Laps
-3 Points: Silent Lunch and Laps
-4 points: Think Sheet, Silent Lunch,
and Laps
-5 points or more: Parent
Contact/Written up, Silent Lunch,
and Laps
My Class Dojo Reward Sheet!
Class Dojo Rewards: Cash in rewards every TWO weeks
40 Points: Stinky Feet Pass, Bring a Blanket Pass, Write in Pen for the Day Pass
50 Points: Wear a Hat for the Day, Chew Gum for a subject period, Sharpen your pencil at anytime Pass
60 Points: Extra Day on an Assignment Pass, Pick your own Partner Pass, Teacher cleans and organizes your binder & cubby Pass
65 Points: Sit next to a Buddy Pass
70 Points: Get Out of Trouble Pass, Skip Morning Work Pass
75 Points: No Homework Pass
80 Points: Prize Jar (which contains all of these passes and many more fun things!)
1st week of school
Group Discipline
• Students will learn to work as a team to earn
marbles for our class marble jar!
• Students earn class marbles when they are
ALL following directions or receive
compliments from other teachers.
• Once the marble jar is full, the class can
earn a prize such as Pajama day, Board Game
Day, Crazy Hat Day, Dance Party, etc. These
rewards are made as a class and decided as
a class.
Active-based Learning
I’m a firm believer that students need to move
around while learning. Students participate in brain
breaks throughout the day to keep them engaged.
My classroom contains an active based learning
table, wobble cushions, and fidget items that
students will be able to use and rotate their seats
each day.
• Everyone lends a
helping hand.
Students will
change jobs every
TWO weeks.
• Each student will
have each job at
least once during
the school year.
• Students will have homework
each night, Monday through
• Their agenda will be sent home
every night and is to come
back with them each day.
• Students are responsible for
writing down their homework in
the beginning of the day, then
I’ll review and stamp it.
• Once their homework is
completed, parents must sign
the agenda.
• Any information such as important papers
or fliers for parents will be put in the
agenda or in the front of the binder.
• It might also be sent home in a bi-weekly
folder with grades, quizzes, and tests.
• Occasional email updates will be sent out
as needed. Please let me know if you do
not have access to an email account and
other arrangements can be made.
Expect Math and Reading HW Monday-Thursday
Spelling homework will be assigned twice a week
SS and Science homework will be assigned as needed.
Maximum amount of time per night is 50 minutes, which won’t
happen often. If your child has spent more than that time please
write a note- don’t spent hours if your child is struggling!
If a student misses a homework assignment, their homework is
incomplete, or they forget to do their homework they must write
their name in the no hw binder AND fill a homework slip. So that
no student falls behind, the consequence for incomplete homework
is to complete it during their lunch time and/or finish it at home.
The homework slip is to be sent home, and signed by a parent. It
will be noted by the teacher if it has been completed in school.
Name:__________________Date:_____________ #:_____
My homework was:
Subject: ______________
Assignment: ______________
Reason: _________________________________________________
*Parent Signature: _________________________________________
Bi-Weekly Progress Report
• Every other Friday I will
send home a packet full of
quizzes or tests that your
child has completed that
week, their progress
report with their grades,
and a behavior and work
habit report.
• The packet will be on the
“Bring Back” side and must
be signed and returned
regardless of grade the
following Monday.
• Class work will be on the
“Stay Home” side of their
Bi-Weekly Progress Report
Personal and Social Development
Cooperates with others
Demonstrates responsibility
Demonstrates self-discipline
Demonstrates respect for authority
Respects the rights and property of others
Follows classroom, school rules and procedures
Work Habits
Participates/ shows interest
Completes homework assignments on time
Completes assignments at school
Works independently
Takes pride in quality work
Uses classroom materials purposefully and respectfully
Parent Initials
Quality of Work
• I ask that each and every student
try their best on all assignments.
• Papers that are ripped, wrinkled,
stained or illegible will not be
accepted and must be redone and
• Plagiarizing will not be acceptable,
and students will receive a zero.
Morning Procedure
Students are asked to come in in the morning and complete
the following:
•Students order lunch
•Unpack and take out their HW from the night before and
hand in any notes for me
•First person at each table takes that groups chairs down.
•Copy down their homework and spelling words, then bring
agenda up to be stamped.
•Sharpen 3 pencils for the day
•Begin their morning work- Reading & Math4Today warm up
•Watch the morning news
•Get ipad and if time begin writing activity
Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday
Morning Work
Morning Work
Literacy Groups
• Students will participate in literacy groups or
novel studies throughout the week based on
their lexile level.
• Reading Workshop
– I do: I teach and model a new skill
(ex. Theme)
– We do: The class completes an activity on
this skill together
(Theme activity)
– You do: Students complete the skill based
on their novel study book independently.
Reading Challenge
•Students will have the option to earn extra credit before
the quarter ends by completing a 5 question review after
they’ve finished a novel. They can write as many reviews as
they want, obviously the more reviews, the more extra
credit! Students will earn a star on our challenge chart for
each review completed. I ask that your signature is on the
form somewhere in order for it to count.
•Once 5 reviews are completed students will receive a
special treat!
•10 or more reviews get TWO special rewards!
•There are hard copies in my classroom, and forms are also
available on my website under the Reading and Writing tab.
..\Reading (2)\Reading Review Form.pdf
Independent Reading Log
• ALL students will be required to read a book of their
choice (chapter book) on or above their lexile at home
for 100 minutes a week (20 minutes a night). They will
log the times and pages read in their IRL notebook.
• Students will also be required to write a friendly
letter to me summarizing what they read, and
responding to a question each week reflecting on what
they have read using 7up sentence format!
• Independent Reading Logs will be due once a week
according to the schedule on the website.
• I ask that parents SIGN IRL notebook to assure that 100 minutes
were read.
*Each paragraph should have ATLEAST 5 7up sentences for 5th grade!
(7-up sentence is 7 words or more)
BOOK Title
# Pages Read
# of Minutes
Total: 100 MINUTES
Charles Pinckney Elementary
3300 Thomas Cairo Blvd
Mount Pleasant, SC 29466
August 18, 2014
Dear Mrs. Long,
This week I read a realistic fiction book called Stacy. Stacy was not the smartest girl in her class, and she
got very nervous when it was time to take tests. One day, she almost cheated by looking off her neighbors paper! Stacy
thought about it, but she knew better, and completed the test on her own. After grades were handed out a couple days
later she found out she passed with a high B! Stacy’s confidence went up, especially because she knew she made the right
choice by doing the work herself. It actually turned out the student she was going to cheat off of got a C anyway!
(#57. ) I think the author intended to write this story to help influence students and the decisions they
make. I think the author wanted to show that everyone sometimes struggles when given an opportunity and it’s up to
them to make the right choice. I know if I were in Stacey’s shoes, I also might have struggled making the right choice. It’s
important to take responsibility for your own actions, and to rely solely on yourself. Life can throw some curve balls, but
you need to be the one to choose the right path to take.
Independent Reading Log
Due Dates
1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12
13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18
19, 20, 21,
22, 23, 24
25, 26, 27,
28, 29, 30
Students will start the year off with Wordly Wise Spelling. They
will receive a packet with their 15 words, definitions, and activities
that will be completed in class. This packet will last them 2 weeks,
so it’s important they don’t loose it! I do have the spelling words
posted online, however not the activity worksheets.
The first week of spelling will be focused on ONLY spelling, then
the second week will focus on definitions. The homework will
reflect whether they’re practicing the spelling or meaning.
Week 1
spelling word 3
times each
Week 2
7 sentenceshighlight each
Spelling word
stairs for each
Study, spelling
8 sentenceshighlight each
Study hard!
All 15 due today
Social Studies Topics
• War Divides a Nation
• An Expanding Nation
• Expansion Change
• Prosperity, Depression, and War
• Challenges at Home and Abroad
• Moving into the 21st Century
Social Studies Binder/Red Folder
There are 6 standards we’ll be covering in SS this
year. 5-1 all the way to 5-6. Each standard has multiple
standards within it, 5-1.1, 5-1.2, 5-1.3, etc.
The red folder will be designated for SS as well a
section in their binders. We will empty the SS binder
section after we finish a unit of study. You should keep
these materials AT home, as they will need them for
PASS review in May.
Social Studies Quiz Wednesday
Study note sheet 5-1.1 and sort! The quiz will be T/F and matching.
Each standard will most likely have a short quiz, followed by a test to
finish the entire unit.
Promised an
after an
assassinated. presidential
Said that
10% of the
people of a
state had to
states to
ratify the
violence and
threats to
Passed laws
known as
Black Codes.
Wanted to
Not willing
to grant
rights to
was out,
states to
form new
s to
Did not want
society to
Passed the
Wanted to
establish a
network of
Refused to
let former
s take seats
in Congress.
Wanted to
ensure that
the Civil war
had not
been fought
in vain.
access to
land and
What was Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction?
•To have at least 10% of the people in their state pledge allegiance
to the U.S.A.
•Ratify or approve the 13th amendment to abolish slavery
What was Andrew Jackson’s plan for Reconstruction?
•He wanted to punish or humiliate the Southern elite by making
plantation owners ask for pardon.
What was the Southerners plan for Reconstruction?
•They wanted to end slavery, but didn’t want to change their way of
life, or grant freedom to African Americans. Black Codes were
passed to keep the freedmen inferior to whites, limiting their full
What did Congress plan for Reconstruction?
•They passed the 14th amendment to grant African Americans
•They prevented Confederates from joining congress.
•They wanted to make sure the civil war was no fought in vain.
What did African Americans want during Reconstruction?
•They wanted to reunite their families and set up communities
(consolidate) where they could live and work as citizens. They
wanted to improve education for their children, have access to land,
and independence.
Social Studies
Scholastic News is a GREAT program that keeps kids in the loop with
current events happening now. It’s a fun interactive magazine that
gets the students interested in non-fiction topics. I have some
examples at your desk. The students LOVE reading these!! I’ve
already ordered a class set for the year at $5 a magazine, and
received the 1st two issues! Thank you for those who have already
donated! The $5.00 cash donation is MUCH appreciated 
Everyday we’ll start math with a math4today warm
up, each day students will complete 4 short math
problems and then we’ll review.
Problems that are starred or highlighted are
problems that will be most similar to the ones on
Friday’s 10 question quiz.
They will take a quiz each Friday on the problems
that were completed throughout the week, as well
as an Assessment from the main skill we learned
that week.
Therefore, Friday will be Spelling and Math tests.
Math materials will be kept in their binder
and green folder
We have a powerful year of math planned for
your child! We will cover standards and skills
from these three sources: SC state
standards which are tested on the PASS
test, Common Core national standards, and
MAP standards which vary according to
students’ individual needs.
To thoroughly teach all of these standards,
I’ll use many resources. One you will see is
this new math textbook aimed at meeting
Common Core standards. This is a workbook
containing practice pages and homework
pages. I will use these as needed, but might
not use them all, nor will I necessarily use
them sequentially.
Math Multiplication Fact Challenge
• We’ll be learning some multiplication songs this year to
help us with our math facts.
• http://www.emsisd.com/Page/827
• Each time your child memorizes and sings (says) the song
to me before recess they’ll receive a star on their goal
• Multiplication facts start at 3, and end at 12.
• Once they’ve memorized 3-7 they’ll receive extra credit
points before the quarter ends.
• Once they’ve memorized 3-12, they’ll receive extra credit
points before the quarter ends AND a special baked good
of their choice!!
• Cells and Ecosystems
• Forces and Motion
• Mixtures and Solutions
• Weathering and Erosion
Materials will be kept in their binder and yellow folder
We’ll be doing lots of fun science projects, experiments, and
will end the year with the Science Fair in April! Each child
will be required to conduct an experiment at home and write
a report. It will be extra credit to enter that into the fair.
More information on this towards the end of the year! 
Writing Workshop
• This year we’ll cover many types of
different writing styles!
• Students will be encouraged to write in
their notebooks throughout the week to
record anything!
• This will be their own journal to keep
forever to document memories!
Writing Workshop
• Students will decorate their writing notebook
with pictures of themselves, family, and friends
to represent any special memories that have
been made. The pictures will help students draw
on their own life experiences when writing.
• Students will or have already signed
an ipad contract.
• Ipad Rules: No drinking or eating, no
running, clean hands, sitting down
while using an ipad on a desk- not left
on the floor, holding ipad with two
hands, staying on task, plugging ipad
in at the end of the day, no changing
of the settings.
Ipad Consequences: Grounded for
the day, or week decided by teacher.
• Lock screen on ipad must be set as a
selfie photo of yourself so we can easily
identify one if it’s left out.
• Home screen can only be changed once
every quarter on report card day.
• Edmodo will be used daily.
• Ipads will be used occasionally for
morning work as well as throughout the
day in different subject areas.
Fun APPs we’ll be using on our ipads:
My BIC notes
Web Whiteboard
POW Strip Designer
I movie and trailers
Book Creator
Explain Everything
Extra Credit?
• In each subject extra credit will usually be
within numerous quizzes and tests.
• Additional extra credit, worth a quiz grade,
will be offered twice within the school year.
Once per semester, due at the end of 2nd
marking period, and 4th marking period.
There are numerous activities students can
complete whenever they finish an
assignment early. Directions are on my early
finishers bulletin board.
Grading Parameters
Spelling 20%
Writing Process & Prompts 30%
Final Writing Pieces 50%
Major Assessment 40%
Quizzes 30%
Projects 20%
Class work 10%
Major Assessment 50%
Quizzes 40%
Class work 10%
Social Studies and Science:
Major Assessment 40%
Quizzes 30%
Projects 20%
Class work 10%
Uniform Policy
•All clothes must be solid navy blue, light blue, khaki, gray or red, or pink
•No bold letters or logos (other than the school logo). Logos must be less
then one square inch
•No oversized jackets, coats, or shirts.
•No oversized trousers, pants, sweat pants, or shorts.
•Blue jeans are allowed but must be plain (no embellishment OR sequins).
•No halter or midriff bearing tops, or shirts/dresses with spaghetti
•All shoes must have closed toe and socks must be worn.
•Sandals are not permitted.
Morning Procedure: 7:15-7:50
Math: 7:50-9:00
Writing: 9:00-10:00
Social Studies: 10:00-10:50
Science: 10:50-11:35
Lunch: 11:40-12:00
Special: 12:05-12:50
Recess: 12:50-1:15
Reading/Snack: 1:15-2:20
Dismissal: 2:20-2:30
SAIL Friday Schedule
SAIL students gone 8:25-11:40
Morning Procedure: 7:15-7:50
Spelling Test: 7:50-8:20
SAIL: 8:25-11:45
Centers: 8:30-10:30
Library or Reading/Writing Review: 10:30-11:00
Scholastic News: 11:00-11:35
Lunch: 11:40-12:00
Special: 12:05-12:50
Recess: 12:50-1:15
Math Tests: 1:15-2:15
(SAIL students library in the morning or afternoon after tests or at recess)
Dismissal: 2:20-2:30
Special Area:
Day 1: Red: Drama
Day 2: Orange: Computers
Day 3: Yellow: PE 1
Day 4: Green: PE 2
Day 5: Blue: Active Brains
Day 6: Purple: Art
Day 7: Pink: Music
We have Library every other Friday from 10:30-11:00.
Students also have the opportunity to visit the library
when they’re finished work early, as well as during recess.
How to be Involved:
• I love involving parents and family
members in the classroom!
• Opportunities to be a part of the
classroom: classroom helper (copies and
filing), lunch buddy, room parents, mystery
reader, or speaker during organized events
throughout the year.
Check out my class website!
Go to the Charles Pinckney website
Click: Directory
Fifth Grade
Kimberly Long
• Here you can find updates on
homework as well as occasional study
• I always love to hear from parents. Please
feel free to contact me whenever you have a
question or concern in any of the following
• You can email me at :
• You can write a letter and have your child give
it to us requesting a phone call
ext. 26204 (Long)
• You can call and leave a message on our class
voicemail box.
Contacting me:
Please be aware that I’m very busy teaching
throughout the day and only have a chance to
usually look at my email from
7:00-7:10am, 12:05-12:50 (special area), and
after 2:45pm. If you need to contact me
regarding an emergency throughout the day,
it’s best to send a TEXT to my email address:
kimberly_long@charleston.k12.sc.us OR call
the office!
Lend a Hand
I know the beginning of the year can be
expensive buying loads of school supplies and
sending in money here and there for school
functions. But, teachers also appreciate a
hand in helping the school year run smoothly
with the basic classroom supplies. Feel free to
send in reams of paper and CHLOROX wipes!
Email me if you’re interested in taking our
class to lunch from 11:40-12:05!
Park West Ed Fund
Last year I was able to get
my active based learning
table from all the funds
collected. Look at what
they’re planning for this