Preparing an eSNAP

The principal investigator (PI) is responsible for
preparing the eSNAP report and routing it to OSPRA
for review and submission.
The deadlines for pending progress reports may be
found on the NIH website at
◦ For awards subject to SNAP, the deadline for
submission is the 16th day of the month following the
due date that is stated on the website (e.g., if the
stated due date is 6/1/10, the eSNAP report would be
due on 6/16/10).
The PI may delegate PI authority to another
registered Commons user through the
“Delegate PI” function. Delegating this
authority allows the selected user to assist in
the completion of the eSNAP application but
does not allow for the delegate to release the
report for submission to NIH
To delegate PD/PI authority:
1. Login to eRA Commons
2. Select the Admin tab
3. Select the Accounts tab
4. Select the Delegate PI tab
5. Select the individual who needs PI authority from the
Current Institution Users box
6. Click the Assign button
7. Click the Save button on the Delegate PI Confirmation
8. The system directs you back to the Delegate PI Access
screen where you are notified that the delegate is
successfully assigned
To revoke PD/PI authority, follow the previous
steps 1-4 and:
1. From the Current PI Delegates list, select the
name of the desired PI delegate
2. Click the Revoke button
Login to eRA Commons
◦ Select the eSNAP tab. You will be directed to the
Manage eSNAP screen
◦ Select the desired grant number hypertext link
to access the eSNAP Menus screen
Click on the Upload Science tab in the second
line of the menu bar. This tab is used to upload
information associated with research
accomplishments. All documents should be in
PDF format.
Progress Reports:
◦ A brief presentation of the accomplishments
during the reporting period.
◦ The entire Progress Report for regular projects,
exclusive of the list of publications and the
“Inclusion Enrollment Report,” should not
exceed two pages.
◦ Use Research Accomplishments to summarize
scientific highlights and other significant
◦ The report should follow the outline and
numbering system that follows.
A. Specific Aims – The aims, as actually
funded, may differ in scope from those stated
in the original, competing application,
because of Scientific Review Group (SRG) and
Council recommendations and/or budgetary
modifications made by the awarding
component. If the aims have not been
modified, state this. If they have been
modified, give the revised aims and the
reason for the modification.
B. Studies and Results – Describe the studies
directed toward specific aims during the
current budget year and the positive and
negative results obtained. If applicable,
address any changes to the innovative
potential of the project. If technical problems
were encountered in carrying out this project,
describe how your approach was modified.
C. Significance – Emphasize the significance
of the findings to the scientific field and their
potential impact on health.
D. Plans – Summarize plans to address the
Specific Aims during the next year of support.
Include any important modifications to the
original plans. Address any changes involving
research using human embryonic stem cells,
human subjects, and/or vertebrate animals.
These files are optional
 Other File
◦ Attach any Other Support files
◦ PDF format
Cover letter
◦ Attach a cover letter
◦ PDF format
◦ When the eSNAP image is generated, the cover
letter appears at the beginning of the report
Publication Information
◦ Publications that are associated with the eSNAP are
indicated here
◦ With the July 2010 Enterprise Release all
publications must be entered in the MY NCBI
system (
PD/PIs will be required to have an account in MY
NCBI system that is linked to their NIH Commons
Designate as Complete
Edit Business
◦ Select Edit Business from the second line of the
Org Info
◦ PD/PI data is auto-populated from the personnel
file, but is editable
◦ Applicant organization is pre-populated
◦ Administrative official: Select Kathy Young from the
drop down list
◦ Signing Official: Select R. K. Iyer from the drop
down list
◦ Contact information for the signing official and
administrative official will populate based on the
◦ Save and Designate as Complete
Project/Performance Sites
◦ The primary performance site for UIUC is 506 S.
Wright Street, Urbana, IL 61801. The form may be
edited, if necessary to reflect this
◦ The DUNS # is 041544081
◦ The congressional district is a required field. UIUC
is located in the IL-015 congressional district.
◦ If there is more than one performance site (e.g.,
subcontractors), list all of the sites
◦ Save and Designate as Complete
All Personnel List (cont’d)
◦ PD/PI names are pre-populated
◦ List all personnel (salaried and unsalaried) who
participate in the project for at least one-personmonth or longer, for the current budget period at
the applicant organization or elsewhere. The
Commons ID is required for all PD/PIs and all
individuals with a postdoctoral role.
◦ All users with a postdoctoral-like role should select
"Postdoctoral Scholar, Fellow, or Other Postdoctoral
Position" from the dropdown list of project roles.
All Personnel (cont’d)
◦ If you know an individual's Commons user ID,
use the "Prepopulate" feature.
◦ FAQs for the All Personnel Report are available
All Personnel List
Research Subject
◦ Human subjects
SNAP and Other Progress Report Questions
and Checklist - eSNAP
◦ Has there been a change in the other support of
Senior/Key Personnel since the last reporting
period? If yes, explain the changes and
complete Other Support information.
 Specific information is to be provided only if
active support has changed.
 If a previously active grant has terminated and/or
if a previously pending grant is now active, submit
complete Other Support information
SNAP and Other Progress Report Questions
and Checklist - eSNAP
◦ Will there be, in the next budget period a significant
change in the level of effort for the PD/PI or other
Senior/Key Personnel designated on the Notice of
Award from what was approved for this project? If
yes, justify.
◦ Is it anticipated that an estimated unobligated
balance (including prior year carryover) will be
greater than 25% of the current year's total
approved budget? If yes, justify.
SNAP and Other Progress Report Questions
and Checklist - eSNAP
◦ Change in Select Agent Research? If yes, explain in
the Progress Report
◦ Change in Multi PD/PI Leadership Plan? If yes,
explain in the Progress Report
◦ Change in human embryonic stem cell (hESC) line(s)
used? If yes, justify
SNAP and Other Progress Report Questions
and Checklist –
◦ Inventions and Patents
 Were any inventions conceived or first actually
reduced to practice during the course of work
under this project?
 If yes, has the invention been previously
◦ Program Income
 Is program income anticipated during the
proposed period for which support is requested?
 If yes, save changes and click hyperlink to
enter/edit program income information
SNAP and Other Progress Report Questions
and Checklist –
◦ Facilities and Administration
 Complete this section only if there is a change in
Performance sites that will affect F&A costs
Save and designate as complete
Inclusion Enrollment Report
◦ Complete required information
◦ Designate as Complete
How is your report submitted to OSPRA and
Make sure all of the sections of the report
are Complete before routing
Validate the eSNAP, correct any errors and
release for Routing
R.K. Iyer should be selected as the Next
OSPRA will receive an e-mail notification
Fax or e-mail a completed NIH Progress Report
Transmittal form to OSPRA. A template is
available at
Fax: 239-6830
E-mail via the “Contact OSPRA” portal on the
OSPRA website
Our receipt of the transmittal form informs us
that your progress report is ready for review and
submission. The original transmittal form
should be filed in the department that maintains
the grant award for audit purposes
OSPRA will review the report content and
return route it to the PI if any corrections are
necessary, with comments. The PI will receive
an e-mail that includes the comments.
After any corrections are made and the report
is re-routed to OSPRA, a coordinator will
submit it through the NIH Commons.
The eRA Commons Electronic Streamlined
Non-competing Award Process (eSNAP) User
NIH Progress Report Transmittal form
eRA Commons
Thank You!