PowerPoint Presentation - BNC

Complexity Reduction Program “Funnel”
Selection of improvement topics (page 1 of 3)
Legend for status column:
Priority 1: Topics prioritized by the CR Representatives team* as high-priority
Priority 2: Topics prioritized by the CR Rep. team to be reviewed at a later time
in order to respect/ accommodate timelines of current stakeholder efforts
Qualified: Topics selected by the CR Core team as company-wide high-impact items
Unqualified: Various improvement topics collected from Bayer employees world-wide
Dismissed: Topics dismissed by the CR team on a case-by-case basis
Claim1 (summarized)
Self-service/ selfadministration
Time spent on self-service tasks, could be better spent on
performing critical business functions, e.g., strategic and
conceptual work by senior managers.
Effective onboarding
A quality onboarding process is key to the “onboardee” quickly
adjusting to his/ her new role and becoming productive from day 1.
Priority 1
Developed success factors,
high-level business case, etc.;
Initiative currently led by HROTM
“Inflation” of Intranet
sites/ Intranet User
Experience (UX)
Over the years at Bayer, there has been an “inflation” of intranet
sites, i.e., a large number of sites have been created, all requiring
valuable resources for design, ongoing operation, and periodic
refresh. These resources can be saved by optimizing the number
of intranet sites.
Priority 1
Developed success factors,
high-level business case, etc.;
Initiative not yet launched
"Inflation" of online
Reduction in number of online tools and applications, may result in
improving the user-experience for the end customer.
Priority 1
Topic addressed as part of #1
("Self-service/ selfadministration“)
Customer satisfaction
Time could be saved and response rate increased if satisfaction
survey was included in the closing ticket from the helpdesk.
Priority 1
Topic addressed as part of #1
("Self-service/ selfadministration“)
Parking @ KaiserWilhelm-Allee
Visitors can't find suitable parking within expected timeframe,
therefore, ultimately may find themselves parking illegally or at the
S-Bahn stop, which is far away and may compromise on-time
arrival for scheduled meeting(s).
Priority 2
Expansion and upgrades
already in-progress; To be
reviewed in Q1 2014
Ease of Procurement
Procurement of items not listed in the standard catalogue is seen
as unnecessarily difficult and time-consuming.
Priority 2
To be reviewed in Q1 2014
Priority 1
Developed success factors,
high-level business case, etc.;
Initiative currently led by CIO
* Rep. team including BCS, BHC, BMS, BBS, BBTS, BAG (Holding), and Regional Coordination
Page 1 • Complexity Reduction Program • October 2013
1 - Summarized and paraphrased, based on numerous mentions in proposal collection from
Complexity Reduction Program “Funnel”
Selection of improvement topics (page 2 of 3)
Legend for status column:
Priority 1: Topics prioritized by the CR Representatives team* as high-priority
Priority 2: Topics prioritized by the CR Rep. team to be reviewed at a later time
in order to respect/ accommodate timelines of current stakeholder efforts
RAF model
Golden Rules book ("Knigge")
Master data management
End-to-end process ownership
and effectiveness (e.g., M&A,
Mobility, Procure-to-pay)
Interface improvement (e.g.,
BAG - TKs or Inter/ Intra TKs)
Review Badge Security and
Access Protocols for Global
access - especially at Bayer HQ
Leverkusen (and Cologne sites)
Qualified: Topics selected by the CR Core team as company-wide high-impact items
Unqualified: Various improvement topics collected from Bayer employees world-wide
Dismissed: Topics dismissed by the CR team on a case-by-case basis
Claim1 (summarized)
RAF model is rarely used in peer companies to Bayer, difficult to
understand, and leads to significant confusion and workload (e.g.,
need for alignment, work-around to HR policies and systems).
Comprehensive, consolidated, and easy-to-access repository of
golden rules (e.g., conventions, best practices, desired behaviors,
checklists, etiquettes) will lead to more effective work through
less confusion or misunderstandings.
Lack of diligent master data (Stammdaten) management causes
need for frequent manual data validation, adjustments, and
corrections. Reduction in the number of duplicate and manual
data entries can help avoid potential errors.
Several cross-functional “mega*” processes contain a lot of
complexity which could be overcome through harmonization and
standardization. (*”Mega” deliberately kept vague for now, so not
to interfere with “global”)
Fragmented accountability is created by multitude of committees,
councils, and communities. Stronger accountability would lead to
faster decision-making, allow managers to put a stake in the
ground, and then also defend their decisions (and/ or draw
lessons learned).
Greater harmonization and synchronization would help speed up
decision-making, reduce process cycle time, reduce errors, and
free up resources.
This would allow visiting employees (e.g. senior executives) to
avoid spending time at the visitor center for signing in each time
they visit a different global location. Specifically in LEV, badges
are deactivated even though you visit frequently for Business.
Priority 2
To be reviewed in Q1
To be reviewed by the
CR Representatives
team for prioritization
To be reviewed by the
CR Representatives
team for prioritization
To be reviewed by the
CR Representatives
team for prioritization
To be reviewed by the
CR Representatives
team for prioritization
To be reviewed by the
CR Representatives
team for prioritization
To be reviewed by the
CR Representatives
team for prioritization
* Rep. team including BCS, BHC, BMS, BBS, BBTS, BAG (Holding), and Regional Coordination
Page 2 • Complexity Reduction Program • October 2013
1 - Summarized and paraphrased, based on numerous mentions in proposal collection from
Complexity Reduction Program “Funnel”
Selection of improvement topics (page 3 of 3)
Legend for status column:
Priority 1: Topics prioritized by the CR Representatives team* as high-priority
Priority 2: Topics prioritized by the CR Rep. team to be reviewed at a later time
in order to respect/ accommodate timelines of current stakeholder efforts
Qualified: Topics selected by the CR Core team as company-wide high-impact items
Unqualified: Various improvement topics collected from Bayer employees world-wide
Dismissed: Topics dismissed by the CR team on a case-by-case basis
Efficient internal/ intercompany orders,
contracts and billing
Claim1 (summarized)
Reduce cycle times and avoid extra effort by standardizing the Contract
and Billing process across TKs, while reducing the number of hand-offs
and non-critical steps to create a more efficient process.
Integrating IT
Inflation of IT organizations (O&I, BBS, Local IT, etc.) creates much
confusion and potential duplication.
Controlling & Reporting
(i.e. Standardized
reporting/ single version of
the truth)
Invoicing at Bayer
Harmonized and
synchronized budget
Ease of doing business
with Bayer/ Customer
Introduction of "P-Card"
(i.e., dedicated company
credit card for small
department purchases)
Reporting through the various levels of hierarchy at Bayer is duplicative
and very time-consuming. It requires a lot of resources, and may even
invite errors along the way. Standardized and consolidated reporting
can help free-up time that can be used for creation of insights and
additional recommendations for helping the businesses.
Incorrect/ inaccurate invoicing results in a lot of inefficient use of
employees' time.
Budget process at Bayer is viewed by many as complicated, timeconsuming and involves too many people. By harmonizing, streamlining
and synchronizing the Budget process across Bayer, the organization
could save valuable resources and focus on other critical business
Bayer is seen by large, big box retailers as well as other customers as
one of the more difficult suppliers to do business with. A streamlined
approach could generate more sales, while simpler administrative
processes could allow sales personnel to focus on customer needs.
Introduction of "P-Card" globally can effectively replace the error-prone
handling of petty cash and the time-consuming "Your Docs" system
(only compliant method as of today).
To be reviewed by the
CR Core team for
To be reviewed by the
CR Core team for
Dismissed with understanding that Business
Intelligence project is a
first step taken by GAC
to address this topic
Dismissed as it is being
addressed already
Dismissed as the Budget
Process has actually
been simplified over the
past year or so – see
separate communication
Dismissed with the
understanding that this
should be addressed by
the business (sub-groups)
Dismissed with the
understanding that this is
a core task of
Procurement and
availed, when feasible
* Rep. team including BCS, BHC, BMS, BBS, BBTS, BAG (Holding), and Regional Coordination
Page 3 • Complexity Reduction Program • October 2013
1 - Summarized and paraphrased, based on numerous mentions in proposal collection from