Writing the Team Report

Writing the Team Report
Chairs and Evaluators Workshop
Before the Team Visit
Read the Self-Study Report
Note general impressions of the whole
Make notes and observations on your
assigned standard(s)
Develop a preliminary draft report
Preliminary Draft
Your preliminary draft report should
Your overall impression, initial analysis, and
observations on the content of the self-study
List of questions regarding the report
List of documents you want to review on site
List of individuals/groups you would like to
During the visit
Team chairs should provide guidelines
regarding the format, style, and logistics
of individual team member reports:
The report should follow structure of selfstudy when possible
Each team member should write the report in
the style, font, and format set by team chair
The chair should set time-line for report
During the visit (cont.)
Evaluators should:
Take notes to use for preparing their report
Get answers for their questions
List documents reviewed and related findings
List people or groups interviewed
Identify additional documents needed or
individuals to interview
Note important findings and discuss at team
Preparing the Report
Provide a summary or overview of the
area being reviewed and whether they
meet the Standard(s)
Document findings and evaluation in your
narrative that will support your
requirements, recommendations, etc.
Note commendations, requirements, if
any, recommendations, and suggestions
Developing the Final Report
Chairs should follow the templates in
Team Visits
Take individual reports and combine them
into the final report
Make sure the report documents key
findings that support your team’s
conclusions, recommendations, and any
Structure of the Evaluator Report
Standard (s) Covered
Narrative of Findings
Other Information
People interviewed
Documents reviewed
Team Report Structure
Context & nature of visit
Compliance w/ eligibility requirements
Compliance w/ federal & other
Evaluation overview
Compliance w/ accreditation standards
Summary of
Essential Components
Document findings and support your
recommendations, requirements, etc.
Err on the side of too many findings,
recommendations, etc
Make sure your conclusions and the team
action are supported by the report
Note compliance with Requirements of
Affiliation, Title IV, Regulations, and HEOA
Compliance with Federal
Affirm that the institution’s Title IV cohort
default rate is within federal limits
Verify that the institution meets relevant
requirements under the HEOA of 2008
Verification of Student Identity
Transfer of Credit Policies
Verification of Student Identity
Institutions must verify the identity of
students who participate in course or
programs provided through distance or
correspondence education
Teams look for clear processes, such as
Secure login and password
Proctored exams
New technologies and practices
Transfer of Credit Policies
Institutions must demonstrate that
transfer policies are disclosed to students
and to the public. Policies must contain
information about criteria used to make
Teams review policies, placement of
policies, established criteria, and lists of
articulation agreements.