Critical Assumptions - independent projects

Critical Assumptions
What are Critical Assumptions?
This budget is based on the following
critical assumptions:
Shoot - an estimated # Day shooting
schedule, based on the # draft of the
Location - where, and what is the
surrounding area?
Unions - non-union, or will it be SAG,
WGA, Teamster, DGA? If it is non-union,
you must cite that.
Critical Assumptions cont.
Prep - ## of days, weeks, Monday-Friday
Principal Photography: ## days.
Scheduled start date is M/D/Y.
Scheduled wrap is M/D/Y.
Critical Assumption cont.
Post Production
## of weeks (5 day workweeks)
Scheduled start date is M/D/Y at Columbia
College Chicago.
The finished film is expected to be ready and
screened M/D/Y.
Critical Assumptions Cont.
Professional Crew
List all crew that are not Columbia College
students that you will have to pay.
Other crew must be accounted for, for craft
service, catering, and general bodies that
are going to need parking, etc.
Assume the following ATL Costs:
Script: Est. Development Costs, WGA
registration, US Copyright Office, Script
Option Cost.
Cast: Actor’s name, SAG or Non-Union.
Fill in the amount that this will cost.
ATL Costs
 Travel and Living: Example - 3 x nights at the
Holiday Inn at $45 per night, 10 crew members
and cast.
 In accordance with SAG student film guidelines
applicable to ?
 Rehearsals: Assume rehearsal time will take
place (date, time, place and attendees)
 Stunts: Stunt Coordinator $$$
Below the Line Costs:
Schedule: There are ## days of Principal
There are ## Days of Second Unit
Scheduled to shoot in ?? Location.
Holidays (list all holidays and date itself)
Shooting Days: Based on a ## hour day,
or more for some departments.
BTL Continued.
 Key Crew Rates : (in the event you pay any crew
to work)
 Example: Steadicam operator $400/day
 Film is ?? (super 16mm, 35mm)
 Food Costs: all food costs are created through
the following assumptions: how many crew, how
many meals, cost per meal, names of
restaurants. Also include Craft Service.
BTL Continued….
Transportation Costs
This cost center includes the total, based
on the following assumptions:
How much crew will be reimbursed for travel?
By what means? Gas, Taxi, public
transportation, car rental?
Are cast members going to be self drive? If so,
are you reimbursing them?
BTL Continued…
Construction: the following sets will be
built either on a stage or in a warehouse
which has been converted for use as a
stage. All other sets are assumed to be
practical, with enhancements:
Int. Print Shop… Cover Set
Int. Book Store…. Cover Set
BTL continued….
 Production Design: the following will be
 Storyboards: there is an allowance of $$ for
storyboards. Artists will be coming from ?
 Special Effects: There is a budget of $ for
special effects to include all labor and materials,
including Second Unit. (All special effects
planning was approved or will be approved by
CCC faculty and staff.)
BTL continued….
 Animals: there is an allowance of $ to include all
live action photography with animals, including
an animal wrangler.
 Picture Cars: There is an allowance of $.
 Tests: There is an allowance of $ for make-up
and hair tests (name the types of tests that will
take place)
 Facilities: Describe key locations for Principal
Post/Visual Effects/Music
 Post: It allows for a ?? Week schedule
(electronic editing - 5 day work week)
 Post-production Supervisor: the post-production
supervisor is ___ and will work (describe work
schedule: how many days per week?)
 Music: An allowance of $ is included to cover all
costs of score, assuming score is recorded in
Chicago. There is an additional $ to cover all
other music costs, such as licensed music.
Post/Visual Effects/Music
Visual effects: There is a VFX allowance of
Greenscreen: Assume greenscreen shots
for the following sequences:
Production to provide all live action
Post-Production sound: All ADR is
explected to be done (where and by
Post/Visual Effects/Music
Main and End Titles: The titles will be
designed by ?? And will be delivered no
later then ??
Dailies: Assumes viewing film (video or
online) dailies (where?)
General Expenses
Legal Costs: Includes estimates for
production ,distribution, financing, music,
labor relations, clearance administration,
expenses, incorporation fees, copyright
report and title report.
 Production Insurance: An estimate of ??% of
cost is assumed. (Standard coverage maybe
provided through CCC. There are a number of
different types of coverage that must be
coordinated and confirmed with Charles
 Completion Bond: An estimate of ??% of cost is
assumed (for a student film, this will not be
 Contingency: There is a 10% contingency
included in the bottom line.