
Rocks Are Everywhere!
Rocks are good for skipping…
Rocks are good for climbing…
Rocks are good for collecting…
Rocks are even good for making
silly things…
But what else can we do with
We can build houses with rocks.
Bricks are made
from rocks.
Is your house
made of
You might find
rocks inside your
Many fireplaces
are made from
Even some kitchen counters are
made from rock!
You can find rocks outside your house.
Garden paths can be made from rocks.
Sidewalks are
made from
concrete, which
is made from
Even roads are made from rocks!
Things you use
everyday are made
from rocks.
Ceramic dishes are
made from clay,
which is a kind of
So is your
piggy bank…
Even that
vase your
mom doesn’t
want you to
The lead in your pencil is made from a
special rock called graphite.
Sidewalk chalk is also made from rocks.
Have you ever found a rock you can write
Anything made from metal
comes from special rocks
that are melted (just like
magma inside the earth)
and shaped into new things…
Your forks,
spoons and
Most of your car…
Your scissors…
And coins!
Rocks can make beautiful
sapphires, rubies, turquoise,
silver and gold are all rocks!
The sand you
build castles
from is
millions and
millions of
tiny little
If you melt sand and shape it,
you can make glass!
Look at this gigantic rock! How did it
get that way?
But there are some things rocks are not good for.
Rocks are not good for sleeping…
Rocks are not good for eating…
(Yes…all that food is made from rocks!)
And rocks are NEVER good for
throwing on the playground!
Can you think of anything else
rocks are good for?
The End
Rock on!