Peasant Wedding by William Carlos Williams

With your groups analyze the painting
and discuss what emotions you think the
artist is trying to portray. (5 mins.)
William Carlos Williams uses ekphrasis,
imagery, and structure to communicate
issues of class, wealth, and love.
People sometimes choose to get married for
shallow reasons
“gabbing all but the bride hands folded in her
lap is awkwardly silent…”
 Groom - higher class, bride – lower class
“Pour the wine bridegroom”
“a head of ripe wheat is on the wall beside her”
 Bride represents calmness and serenity in a
chaotic place
 Bride is focus of attention in beginning, then
other characters/ surroundings take lime light
from her
7 stanzas, 3 lines per stanza
 4-6 words per line
 No rhythm
 No punctuation
 Enjambment – awkward bride
 Capitalization – only the first word and
Tone- Williams uses a serious and
sarcastic tone throughout the poem.
 Pov- 2nd person
 Motif- Party/Wedding
 Mood- chaotic
 Repetition- 3 lined stanzas to create an
endless flow
Uses imagery to inspire emotions in the reader and
uses details to help the reader imagine the scene.
“Pour the wine bridegroom” line 1
“The bearded Mayor” line 10
“A spoon in his hatband” line 21
“Hound under the table” line 9-10
Wheat represents poverty, wine represents
wealth/higher class
Uses onomatopoeia to add to the
description of the wedding.
“gabbing” (5th stanza, line 1)
“clabber” (6th stanza, line 2)
 Alliteration
 “lap is awkwardly silent simple” 5th
stanza, line 3
With your group write a 4-5 sentence
paragraph telling the significance of
each character that’s listed in the poem.
(5 mins.)
(bridegroom, bride, bagpipers, mayor,
guests, servers)
William Carlos Williams makes it apparent
that the man and woman have chosen
to get married for the shallow reason of
wealth instead of happiness or love.