Wedding traditions in Romania

You may wonder why a wedding has
some kind of symbolic gestures and
what they mean. Many times, many of
our documents are in fact some
remnants of history of mentalities,
and the wedding, the key ritual in
social life of any individual, gestures
has its mysteries.
We will try to mention the
most popular traditions in our country
even if some of them still meet only
in limited areas of the north.
It seems that the exchange of rings
comes from ancient Egypt. Egyptians
believed that the third finger of the
left hand has a vein that led directly
to the heart. The rings were made of
fabrics (hemp) and they symbolized
the union of hearts. Later the Romans
adopted the habit of exchanging rings
but have innovated iron rings to
symbolize the powerful relationship
between spouses. The Middle Ages
British replaced the iron with gold,
emphasizing the idea of sustainability
and purity.
Romanians respected the tradition that,
at the end of the marriage ceremony,
bread was to be torn over the bride's
head. There is the belief that the
number of crumbs could indicate how
many children the new couple will have.
The participants to the wedding would
pick and keep the crumbs for good luck.
For larger weddings, the guests do not
leave empty-handed, the loaves were
increasingly larger. As time passed and
refinement found its way in all weddings,
the bread was replaced by the cake we
know today.
The young man who wanted to marry chose some of his
friends (sometimes even the father or other relatives) and
determined the day when they would go to the bride's
house. Of course, the bride and her family were announced
in order to have time to prepare themselves to greet
guests. On the agreed uoon day, the groom and the wooers
went to the bride’s home, where they held a speech, which
differed from area to area. Then the father and the son
talked to the bride's parents, discussing various aspects of
future family. Sometimes the decision to make the wedding
was already taken; the petition was merely a formality or
an opportunity to spend some wonderful moments. Often
there was a small party, especially if it was settled that
the wedding would take place.
On the morning of the wedding,
the groom, together with two
close friends adorns two trees
with different objects, fruit and
rolls. Trees are carried by young,
godfather’s house, where it is
attached to the gate. Then, the
procession continues on to the
bride's house, a place where the
second tree is placed. The tree is
the symbol of youth and vigor; its
decoration symbolizes the future
family’s wholesome life.
The bride, bridal procession and the young
man with the tree go to the third well to
the east, counting from the bride's house,
accompanied by musicians. Along the way,
the bride and the young man wearing a
pitcher (or a wooden bucket in other
areas), tied with homespun cloth, to the
well. Here, the lad takes out water three
times and each time, along with the bride,
sprays the crowd with a bunch of basil,
soaked in water from the jug, as a token of
good luck for young girls to get married,
for young boys to find their partner.
Returning from the well, the
wedding guests start a wedding
dance and the bride puts a
participant’s chest. The same
flowers or wedding badges will be
godparents, and other guests at
the church.
Popa Alexandra Raluca
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