Exam 2 – Fin 3321 – Statement Analysis Spring 2015...

Fin 3321 – Spring 2015
Exam 2
Exam 2 – Fin 3321 – Statement Analysis Spring 2015 (Moore)
Section Time:
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assistance will be assigned a score of zero (0) for this piece of assessment. Using unauthorized
materials during the exam will result in the same penalty. Ours’ should be a self-monitoring
profession. It is the obligation of all students to report violations of the honor code in this course.
By signing below, you are acknowledging that you have read the above statement and agree to abide
by the stipulated terms.
Student’s Signature:
The First 4 Problems must be completed in Class. No extra time will be allowed on these items. The
excel file work and accompanying write-ups are to be done after class are of a take-home nature. Do
not violate the trust I have placed in you. Email me the completed excel file as you did with the
previous exam. You will have until 11pm on Sunday, 12 April to submit the excel file work associated
with the take-home part of the exam.
Download the indicated Excel file with information related for Johnson and Johnson Corp, a
medical equipment and integrated Pharmaceutical manufacturer. You will need this file and the
information to answer much of this exam. Clearly show all inputs to be eligible for credit. Numerical
answers must be taken to 2 decimal places (e.g. 25.42) and percentage based answers must be
taken to the tenth of a percent (e.g. 36.4%). Time measures must be denoted by days, turnover
ratios by turns, and pure numbers should have no suffix. All information (on financials) stated
in thousands except share data.
Fin 3321 – Spring 2015
Exam 2
Problem 1 (10 Points) (multiple choice at 2.5 points each)
1. Within the context of forecasting, which of the following ratios best links the income statement to
the balance sheet?
a. Net profit margin
b. Current Ratio
c. Return on Equity
d. Asset Turnover
e. Day’s Sales outstanding
2. You have just computed the Beta of a stock to be 1.5 and the estimate the expected market
return next period is 7.3333%. The estimated cost of equity is 16%. What is the estimated long
run market risk premium if we assume a 3.0% risk free rate?
a. 2.00%
b. 3.00%
c. 4.00%
d. 5.00%
e. 6.00%
3. You are trying to value JNJ (financials on the spreadsheet). Today is April 7, 2015. In one week
valuation forecasts will be made. Assume JNJ publishes its 10-K’s no earlier than 6 weeks after
the fiscal year end and 10-Q’s no earlier than 2 weeks after the period end. How many quarters
of activity must you forecast (in one week) when estimating the annual net income that will be
reported on the next published 10-K?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
e. 4
f. 5
4. Which statistic is used to assess the level of systematic risk associated with the firm when
performing a CAPM regression to estimate Beta?
a. Beta
b. T-Statistic of the intercept
c. T-Statistic of the independent variable
d. Adjusted R-squared
e. Correlation coefficient
Fin 3321 – Spring 2015
Exam 2
Problem 2 (10 Points) (Regression Results, CAPM and Potential for
Finding Mis-priced Securities)
Provided below are regression results from estimating Beta for XYZ and ABC companies.
Monthly stock returns and the excess return on the S&P 500 (Rm – Rf) to estimate the
Beta of the stocks.
Use this information to answer the following question:
XYZ Corp
Regression Statistics
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Standard Error
X Variable 1
Coefficients Standard Error
t Stat
Lower 95%
Upper 95%
t Stat
Lower 95%
Upper 95%
ABC Corp
Regression Statistics
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Standard Error
X Variable 1
Coefficients Standard Error
Questions are on the next page
Fin 3321 – Spring 2015
Exam 2
If your Last Name (surname) begins with A – L then perform the
analysis on ABC corp. Otherwise, perform the analysis on XYZ corp.
1. What is the estimated Beta of the company?
2. Assume a Long-run Market Risk Premium 6.8% and a risk-free rate of
2.75%. What is estimated cost of equity by CAPM and these
3. How much of the firm’s return is explained by systematic risk?
4. How much of the return is explained by non-systematic risk?
Fin 3321 – Spring 2015
Exam 2
Problem 3 (10 Points) (Potential for Finding Mis-priced Securities)
Use to previous results for the regressions used to estimate Beta for XYZ and ABC
companies to structure the following persuasive essay.
Provide a short essay (you may continue on the back of the paper) to
describe which of the two firms has the highest likelihood of being mispriced and/or where fundamental analysis my prove to be the most pro
Fin 3321 – Spring 2015
Exam 2
Problem 4 (10 Points) (Short Essay) Company Valued:_________
Briefly comment on the Liquidity, Profitability, Operating Efficiency, and Capital Structure risk or
performance for the firm your group has been tasked with valuing this semester.
Be sure to discuss trends of the firm and the benchmark companies. Also, discuss any identified subindustry (benchmark) segmentation you have observed in the analysis.
Operating Efficiency:
Profitability and Returns:
Capital Structure, Leverage and Debt Service Capacity: