Name ___________________________________________ Date __________________ Period ___________

Name ___________________________________________ Date __________________ Period ___________
Use the maps listed on the following pages to answer the questions.
Ch. 5 Ancient China, Section 4-Achievements in Ancient China
Map Quiz
Use the History of Our World map on page 157
1. Looking at the Silk Road map on page 157, what does the color green represent? __________________
2. What color shows the Silk Road? ________________________________________________________
3. The Silk Road stretches from what city in China to what city of Asia?
a. From Huang River to Mediterranean Sea
b. Chang River to Ctesiphon
c. Antioch to Chang’an
d. Chang’an to Antioch
4. Why did the Silk Road split into two routes in Central Asia?
a. Probably to avoid traveling the Tian Shan mountain.
b. Probably to avoid bandits raiding the bazaars.
c. Probably to avoid traveling the Great Wall of China.
d. Probably to avoid the harsh cold winds of the Taklimakan Desert.
5. Judging from the map, what might have been the most difficult part of the route?
a. the deserts and mountains
b. the deserts and seas
c. crossing the Great Wall of China
d. the many rivers of China