University of North Florida Student Senate Office of the Student Senate

1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Agenda – June 11th 2012 – 6:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order
Pres. Varshovi calls the meeting to order at 6:34pm.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Chris Brady –
Quorum is established with 16 voting members.
Approval of Minutes
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy to approve the minutes from May 21.
Approval of Agenda
Motion from Sen. Brady to add Sergio Saavedra to student’s reports. Second. No objections. Added.
Motion to strike transfer funds from agenda. Second. Stricken.
Motion from Sen. Jones to add to new lighthouse title to second read. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Brady to approve the agenda as amended. Second. Approved.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
Student seeking general senate seat.
Student Remarks
Guest Speakers
a. Director of Operations Betty Garris – Couldn’t make it tonight.
Senate President’s Remarks: Senate President Zak Varshovi-
Held interviews for new B and A Chair. Have appointed Sen. Chris Brady. Feel this is what is best for SG. Feel very confident of
what he will do with this position. Pro tempore position is now open. Will be doing panel interviews for open positions from
now on. If interested contact Pres. Varshovi by 5pm this Friday.
Passed around timesheet to schedule time with Pres. Varshovi for bill writing workshop.
Senate Committee Chair Reports
a. Elections and Appointments Committee – Chairman Joel Versace –
b. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Jerry Barrs –
c. Student Advocacy Committee- Chairwoman Megan Jones-
715 students surveyed for lighthouse. Only 10 out of 20 senators did the surveys. Must pick up from Megan. Not doing the
survey causes an absentee point. Only 2 senators did orientations last week. Come and see Megan after about
volunteering for them, something we all agreed to participate in.
d. Budget and Allocations Committee –
Chris Brady- Last week passed the free printing initiative and a minimum wage increase.
e. University Affairs Committee - Chairwoman Monica Bowman –
First UAC meeting last week. Went over our goals and expectations. Next week going over Title 13 revisions and a faculty
meeting discussion.
Student Government Judicial Report
a. Chief Justice – Matthew Yost -
Vacancy on judicial board. Want more people to apply for more choices to have the most qualified board. Parking video is
in works. Just did the voice over. Revisions are due by July 13. Also working on the parking tips document and working
with SG and parking website to launch these tips.
Student Government Executive Reports
a. Attorney General – Joe Turner - (3-minutes)
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Yields time.
Treasurer – Billy Namen - (3-minutes)
Vice- President – Mike Naughton - (5-minutes)
Congrats to the senators that became SG Ambassadors. Vetoed two pieces of legislation, the involvement act because it
was going into Title 12 and was affecting the entire branch. Elections and Appointment Act vetoed, the bill needs to be
gone through thoroughly. Take time to look over Blue and Grey Wednesdays, think it is great. Free printing initiative is
something we ran on so think over as well. Get involved in orientations, will be giving tours and talking to the new
students. Personnel change, appointed Tony Hendricks as the Deputy Chief of Staff.
Student Government Agency Reports: (3-minutes each)
a. Volunteer Center – Tony Hendricks -
Hired 3 new people for VC. Stop by to get to know the new staff. On June 19 and 28, the pantry needs volunteers.
June 25 is the Summer B Cookout. Need more volunteers for that event and have the opportunity to get to know the new
students. First meeting is July 2 at noon. First event- Beach clean up on July 5.
Osprey Productions – Brent Fine -
New promo item- sunglasses for OTC came in and will have those at the next senate meeting. Excited for osprey tailgate
classic. It is in its 5 year. Will be on a Saturday night this year. Music artist will be at 8 and food at 7.
Also in July- showing The Lorax, Contraband, and will be having an airbrush artist. Keep up with the Facebook page, will
be posting details on there.
c. Club Alliance - Paige Lehman -
Margaret Szerba: Registration Open House is Tuesday and Wednesday from 11-3. Stress ball came in this week. Started
handing out at orientation. First club alliance is this Thursday.
d. Sergio Saavedra for Student Advocate. VP Naughton highly suggests Sergio for this position.
Sen. Saavedra- for this position, would like to deal with tuition issues were having. Up 15% every year, been going over
how to approach this in a better way and how to benefit the students. Requests confirmation for this position.
Sen. Bowman- Any other goals with the position?
Sen. Saavedra - Work on academic appeals, having general sign in forms for events to get to know what an agency’s
populations are.
Sen. Hebeishy- What types of ideas do you have for being a student advocate?
Sen. Saavedra- Get ideas from suggestion box and working with the ombudsman and a hotspot to get a better idea of what
the students want.
Motion from Sen. Brady to confirm Sen. Saavedra as student advocate.
Electronic vote.
Motion passes 17-00.
Sen. Saavedra is sworn into office.
Old Business
a. Vetoed Legislation
a. SB-12SA-2597: Senatorial Involvement Act – Senator Megan Jones
b. SB-12SA-2598: Elections and Appointments Act of Summer 2012 – Senator Joel Versace
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy to send back SB-12SA-2597 to committee. Second. No objections. Passes.
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy to send back SB-12SA-2598 to committee. Second. No objections. Passes.
Fiscal Requests from Committee
SB-12SA-2606: Transfer of Funds – Sen. Jerry Barrs
SB-12SA-2607: Minimum Wage Increase – Sen. Jerry Barrs
Sen. Bowman in for Sen. Barrs. Another minimum wage increase across the state. Pretty mandatory because its state law.
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy to approve SB-12SA-2607. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Hebeishy yields her time.
Electronic vote.
Passes 15-00.
SB-12SA-2608: CDRC Provisionary Language Change – Sen. Jerry Barrs
Sen. Bowman in for Sen. Barrs. Child Development Research Center has had a student position vacant for some time.
Would like to look for someone outside the university system.
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy to approve SB-12SA-2608. Discussion: Sen. Hebeishy- feel this is necessary since they have not
found a student yet.
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Electronic vote.
Passes 16-00.
SB-12SA-2609: Free Printing – Sen. Megan Jones
VP Naughton- Spring Senators all ran on this and got a lot of students votes. Get 25 free prints. Separate line item in
account (only able to use for free printing). Printers are in student union and library.
Sen. Jones- If a student prints 30 pages, what would happen?
VP Naughton- without enough money on the card, no pages would print.
Sen. Laundy- is there a separate account just for printing?
VP Naughton- no need for separate index because can only use that SG funded line for printing.
Sen. Ring- where will the money go if students don’t use it?
VP Naughton- It doesn’t roll over. Like other indexes will get swept up.
Motion from Sen. Stevens to approve SB-12SA-2609 for $50,005.75.
Sen. Stevens repeals his motion.
Motion from Sen. Stevens to amend enacting clause to read to be enactive from special request index from the fiscal year.
Discussion: Sen. Stevens- we ran on this initiative so we should stick with.
Electronic vote.
Passes 16-00.
Motion from Sen. Caudio to approve SB-12SA-2609 as amended for $50,005.75. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen.
Caudio yields her time.
Electronic vote.
Passes 16-00.
New Business
Constitution and Statutory Changes on 1st Reading
Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
a. SR-12SA-2610 Senate Policies and Procedures Revision of 2012 –Sen. Jerry Barrs
Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
a. SB-12SA-2600: Title III Revisions Act of Summer A – Sen. Tom Ritter
Revisions to Title 3, a few other language corrections, and reducing unnecessary language. Exec branch changing
to executive cabinet. Allowing the president to appoint an individual, not necessarily the VP. Changing overseeing
to oversee and working to work. Remove cabinet level positions to executive branch positions. Adding terms of
all, end with the term of president.
Sen. Bowman- 307.2 c, will that change pose a problem later?
Attorney General Turner- that is how it was in past, no longer than 30 days.
Motion from Sen. Brady to amend 307.2b to strike majority and replace with 2/3. Second. No objections.
Discussion: Sen. Brady- always was 2/3. Motion from Sen. Brady for unanimous consent. Second. No objections.
Motion from Sen. Brady to approve SB-12SA-2600 as amended. Discussion: Sen. Brady yields his time. Motion
from Sen. Hebeishy for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Passes.
b. JR-12SA-2601: Declaration of Support for Blue and Gray Wednesdays – Sen. Megan Jones
A part of the branding act. Used to have a uniting Fridays but not a lot of students on campus on Fridays. This is a
great branding idea. Make every Wednesday a spirit day. Boathouse willing to take off 50% off smoothies if
wearing UNF apparel. And bookstore will take off 50% for gifts and apparel if wearing UNF apparel.
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy to approve JR-12SA-2601: Declaration of Support for Blue and Gray Wednesdays.
Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Hebeishy- this will be a lot of fun, will definitely approve. Motion from
Sen. Hebe for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Passes.
SB-12SA-2605: Presidential Authority Act – Sen. Jerry Barrs
Sen. Brady in for Sen. Barrs. If president wants to term agency will bring to senate and need 2/3 vote. Also
language changes, such as adding the word only. Also striking unneeded language when idea is already stated.
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy to approve SB-12SA-2605. Discussion: Sen. Hebeishy yields her time. Motion from
Sen. Brady for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Passed.
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Change the name of Lighthouse to Osprey Voice.
VP Naughton- Point of info: Lighthouse was used because the SG was a beacon for the students and was there for
the student to find them.
Motion from Sen. Stevens to approve the name change. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Stevens- a lot of
students do not know the lighthouse name understanding, this new name has a clearer understanding. Motion
from Sen. Brady for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Passes.
a. Committee meetings will be next Monday, June 18th
b. The next Senate meeting will be held on Monday, June 25th
c. Lighthouse will be held on Tuesday June 12th and Wednesday June 13th
d. Pick up calendar on way out to be more informed
Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Chris Brady –
Quorum is reestablished with 16 voting members.
Pres. Varshovi adjourns the meeting at 7:37 pm.
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution