City College of San Francisco Anthony Costa, David Pena

City College of San Francisco
UNAPPROVED Minutes from ITAC Meeting on November 18, 2013
Committee Members: Craig Persiko, Joe Jah, Cynthia Dewar, David Yee, James Rogers,
Anthony Costa, David Pena
Resources: Carol Reitan, Sue Homer
Guests: Tim Ryan, Robert Lam, Sue Homer, Doug Re, Chun-Hoi Hung, Korey Brunetti
The meeting was called to order at 11:16 am.
1. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the October meeting were approved
2. Participatory Governance Council-Susan Lamb, VC of Academic Affairs is the Chair.
Craig will talk with Kathleen White about ITAC’s role in the PGC and possibly having the
topic added to the PGC agenda. James can also bring up the topic.
3. Update on Computers in Student Union The computers will be open access but
someone needs to monitor the computers. The computers will be monitored by student
workers. There are three types of infractions: a complaint, access to pornography, and
hacking. If those infractions occur then the network will be limited. There are 10
computers with updated software available to students.
I. Update on rollout of new computers: priorities and procedures (Robert)
a. Discussion about the pros/cons of the establishment of an employee purchasing
program for technology. If an employee does not request a district computer,
maybe a stipend would go to the purchase of a computer by the employee.
b. Robert distributed pricing and specs on PC/MAC desktop and laptops.
c. Discussion about the idea of “pods” for faculty and staff to go to where there is a
central location to access computers/printers/scanners. Such a model is in place
at sites such as Mission and Chinatown.
d. Discussion about providing tablets to faculty.
e. ITAC could approach the VC of Finance to discuss these options.
f. It was pointed out that a set of recommendations for tablets/laptops could be
created to distribute to faculty/staff to guide them in their purchases.
g. It needs to be clear that Wi-Fi is not accessible in all classrooms (a tablet with WiFi only could be limited). Shared drives could not be accessed on a Wi-Fi only
h. Two hundred PCs have already been deployed for faculty/staff. Another 300 have
been identified as requiring replacement this year. About 160 off-lease
computers were deployed last fiscal year. These computers are about 45% of the
cost of a new computer. There are a total of 1500 to 2000 total desktops in the
district. There is about $200k (U fund) in the replacement budget for 13/14.
Three scenarios:
i. Users who need their own computer
Users who can share a computer
Users who would prefer a stipend to purchase a computer
i. There are about 654 full-time faculty.
Minutes from 11/18/13 ITAC Meeting
j. Focus needs to be on replacing those computers that are the oldest.
k. After much discussion, ITAC encourages ITS to replace the existing 300 oldest
computers (PC only) using the $200k and using off-lease computers if necessary.
Some refurbishment of computers may be necessary. In the future we would like
to offer faculty/staff more choices. A survey must be done to gather data about
how faculty/staff use computers and what technology options that would work
best for them (such as departments creating “pod” to decrease the number of
desktops needed).
II. Computer Usage Policy-Status of Board Approval
a. The Computer Usage Policy was approved in 2004. A revision was done in 2012.
Tim will work with Craig to move the policy forward for Board approval. (The
updates will have minimal impact.)
I. Streamlining the new employee email account creation process
a. Currently there is a paper process for employees completing paperwork to get
an employee email.
b. ITAC recommends that HR work with ITS to streamline the process for account
creations for a new employee. New employees need to be given an email account
and windows login as part of the hiring process. Additionally, when an employee
changes roles new accounts may need to be generated.
II. Website search tool: new Google Search Appliance purchase or utilize the
standard Google search capability
a. The search functionality is working on the College’s website however, there is no
redundancy currently in the Google Search Appliance.
b. Joe is suggesting that another option be looked at for stability and redundancy.
c. One option: ITS could purchase the updated Google Search Appliance ($15k a
preliminary figure but ITS is researching options). Advantage is that indexing can
be done in-house so that updated pages in the CMS can be searchable on Google
almost immediately. Also, keywords can be added. It does require onsite attention.
d. Second option: Google University Search is an option. It is free. It is not specific
to our site and does not allow back-end modifications/tuning. The refresh of the
entire index is approximately 30 days.
III. Online training for Argos – feedback from ITAC on the format, quality, etc.
a. Argos is a reporting tool for Banner. Argos has an intermediate tool that allows
the building of data blocks. Currently there are two data blocks: budget and
enrollment. ITS is looking at building more data blocks.
b. The Chancellor recommends putting training for Argos online so that more users
could access the content.
c. Doug created a video on how to use the Argos finance data block. He showed the
video to ITAC.
d. Accounts are being created. Currently the District policy is that any employee can
have an Argos account created.
Minutes from 11/18/13 ITAC Meeting
I. ITS Report (including staffing)
a. Two positions are currently in the hiring process for ITS. One is a Banner
manager. The second is to work on student records. The positions will be on the
Programming team. They are a 1071 and 1063. ITS requested five tier one
positions in their Program Review.
b. The CITO hiring committee sent two candidates forward to the Chancellor.
c. The network upgrade was completed successfully. Another minor update will be
done this Sunday with a five minute delay accessing the website. It is very a
minor upgrade.
II. Education Technology Department Report – Cynthia Dewar
A. We are moving forward with the upgrade to Moodle 2.4. There is a pilot project
happening now. The college needs to be fully migrated by
January 2014.
B. The Department of Education will be conducting a Federal Financial Aid audit the first
week of December. They will be looking to make certain that
there is regular and effective contact in distance learning classes.
Adjourned at 12:56 pm
Submitted by Cynthia Dewar
Minutes from 11/18/13 ITAC Meeting