Panel presentation questions for Professional Entry Preparation:

Panel presentation questions for Professional Entry Preparation:
1. What kind of skills, qualities, knowledge and/or expertise is required/expected
when you hire/contract with interpreters in your workplace?
2. What is the most important value or mission of your agency?
3. What kind of expectations do the Deaf clients have for interpreters they use?
4. Does your agency focus on a specific field of interpreting or is it general?
5. What further training/degree or certification requirements are necessary in
your area, if any?
6. Are there opportunities for professional development in your company? what
kind of support is given for professional development opportunities?
7. What is the process for interpreters to apply for work in your company?
8. How do you screen for interpreters?
9. Is there support for conflicts with interpreters or back up system for
10. What is your service area?
11. Are you hiring now? If not, do you know of any possible leads/suggestions?
12. What advice would you give newly graduated interpreters when they begin
their job seeking?