TBA Gordon Snelgrove Gallery

Gordon Snelgrove Gallery
Department of Art and Art History
Gallery Hours: Monday – Friday 9:30am – 4:30pm
April 4 – 8, 2016
Reception: April 8, 7 − 10pm
TBA features works from both the third and fourth year
photography students from the University of Saskatchewan. The
exhibition displays a variety of photography formats and
presents a vast array of concepts from the students featured.
Nikki Barrington + Raymond T. Chan + Andrew M. J.
Cooper + Michelle Gagné + Taza Iron + Hillary Kirk +
Emily M. Kohlert + Estefania Meza-Alfaro + Linda Muižniece
+ Jannik Plaetner + Sara Sestak + Samra K. Sheikh + Uchi
Uchibeke + Shanyse Wehner + Kyle Zurevinski
Reception: Friday April 8, 7 − 10pm
contact the gallery for press photos and further information
Marcus Miller, Gordon Snelgrove Gallery Director
191 Murray Bldg., University of Saskatchewan, 3 Campus Dr., Saskatoon SK, S7N 5A4
306-966-4208 gordon.snelgrove@usask.ca www.usask.ca/snelgrove