Gordon Snelgrove Gallery WORDS A Recollection Becky Peters


Gordon Snelgrove Gallery

Department of Art and Art History

Gallery Hours: 9am – 4:30pm

April 22 – May 3, 2013

Reception: April 26, 7 !


Gordon Snelgrove is constantly frustrated with the way language and culture can’t seem to hold still.

Becky Peters


Jireh Wong

A Recollection

Becky Peters is interested in words: their relations to things; to other words, and how they embed social and political legacies. Inspired by artists like Martha Rosler (particularly The Semiotics of the

Kitchen, 1975), Peters uses photography and collage to explore the generative possibilities of image, text and the construction of self.

Jireh Wong works in between photography, sculpture and installation. Drawing on her Chinese

Canadian heritage, she deploys ancient practices like paper cutting and resituates them within a contemporary field of meanings to explore hybrid cultural identities. Slipping between traditions,

Wong’s practice functions both as an act of cultural recuperation as well as a revaluation of social and psychic liminality.

Reception: Friday, April 26, 7 !


Please contact the gallery for press photos and further information.

Marcus Miller, Gordon Snelgrove Gallery Director

191 Murray Bldg. University of Saskatchewan 3 Campus Dr. Saskatoon SK S7N 5A4

306-966-4208 marcus.miller@usask.ca www.usask.ca/snelgrove
