Gordon Snelgrove Gallery Nickayla Hyshka Rachel Koshinsky COUNTRYSIDE

Gordon Snelgrove Gallery
Department of Art and Art History
Gallery Hours: 9am – 4:30pm
March 18 – 22, 2013
Reception: March 22, 7 ! 10pm
This week, Gordon Snelgrove conjures the innocence and experience of William Blake.
Nickayla Hyshka COUNTRYSIDE
Rachel Koshinsky Transfigure
Nickayla Hyshka pictures outdoor, recreational culture in rural North America: everyday scenes of
pleasure – with people hiking through the forest, shooting guns, cycling, enjoying a campfire… The
serenity of the figures is belied by the mesmerizing power of gunshots, which function, both as a
leitmotif and the means of the production for a series of abstract sculptures – made with guns.
Rachel Koshinsky’s ethereal figure drawings evoke a Pre-Raphaelite sense of enchantment,
innocence and inner truth. “Each image,” she writes, “is a transformation of the figure from what is
seen with the eyes to what only the imagination can see.” By using chalk pastels to “flow with the
medium rather than control it,” Koshinsky coaxes her images into “creating themselves.”
Reception: Friday, March 22, 7 ! 10pm
Please contact the gallery for press photos and further information.
Marcus Miller, Gordon Snelgrove Gallery Director
191 Murray Bldg. University of Saskatchewan 3 Campus Dr. Saskatoon SK S7N 5A4
306-966-4208 marcus.miller@usask.ca www.usask.ca/snelgrove