Apportionment Meeting September 28, 2009. Meeting called to order at: 5:29pm

Apportionment Meeting
September 28, 2009.
Meeting called to order at: 5:29pm
I. Agenda
a. Ryan McKelley – no longer with us due to scheduling conflicts
b. Approval of minutes 9.14 & 9.21
II. Subcommittee presentations for One-Shots
a. The following list of individuals will present the One-Shots to the subcommittee chairs.
i. Athletics Committee -Eric and Kristen
ii. Student Services and Buildings Committee -Nick
iii. Cultural Affairs Committee - Laura and Shervey
iv. Organizations Committee -Lindsay and Carly
b. A Bylaw review will be conducted by: Lindsey (c), Carly, and Shervey.
III. FormSite allocation
a. Should we support a paid version of formsite (pro 1) $199.99?
i. This program would be used for easy access to forms, such as the
One- Shots. This ease of access would be more beneficial, if it works
right, as opposed to using excel spreadsheets and other documentation.
ii. We feel comfortable to donate 50-100 dollars to help start this up.
b. Motion: To allow $50.00 of spending authority to go for
starting formsite. (Shervey /Cheryl)
i. Motion passes
IV. Carryover discussion/ processes
a. Discussed spread sheet
i. First column is the cash balance of the previous fiscal year. Either we
take money away, or allow it to carry over. This includes the ending
cash balances and cash available.
ii. Last year when the committee was figuring out their segregated fee,
they decided to take $38, 000 out of our reserve to offset the cost of the
segregated fee.
iii. Went through the breakdown by committees.
b. Outliers
i. Art exhibitions and Choir overspent
ii. Theatre: give them there carryover and they won’t ask for any OneShots. It was a signed agreement, for 5 years. The reason for this is that
they rotate the variety of the shows, one year entertaining, the next more
educational. The agreement allows them to carryover there balance to
offset the slower years.
c. Correction for sheet, CAB actually has a large encumbrance of $12,000.
d. Organization grants: applying for a grant to go to conferences. Last year they
were told to overspend and they did.
e. Intramurals overspent by $ 3,720.20. However, it’s not that bad considering the
size of their budget. .
i. The committee decided that up to $65,000 of their carryover could be
used in planning there new budget for this year.
ii. Could we get athletics, intramural non-allocable funds back. Why such
a low carryover? There program revenue consists of ticket sales and
WIAA reimbursement.
f. Last years recommendation was that each group should keep there carry-overs,
including surplus’s. If there not spending there carry-over money, why not use it
for other programs for this year.
V. Carryover Guidelines:
a. If they under spend, all that money should come back into the one shot holding
account. With exceptions: if the program generates revenue they can keep up to
the dollar amount that they raised. This would ensure better budgeting.
b. Negative balances, they overspent, that negative cash balance will carry over
into the current fiscal year, which the organization must work into their
operating budget.
c. Unallocated surpluses will be transferred to the One-Shot holding account and
used to fund One-Shot requests past the $15,000 benchmark.
d. Comments: People may just spend the money so that it doesn’t come back to
SUFAC. Last year just around a $100,000.00 wasn’t spent, that we thought
would be. Our grand total was $277,867.31, minus the $181,715.63 in reserve,
left us with a little over $100,000.00.
VI. How do we want to reward the under spent balances?
a. If you spend within 10% of your budget the organization would receive there
carryover back.
b. Comments: Organizations who under spent, should receive their money back.
However, groups that overspent heavily should be punished.
c. Of the seven groups that over spent, 5 of these organizations have advisors.
The majority of organizations that overspent have faculty advisors.
d. Options
i. Each group takes care of carryovers as it sits.
1. Everyone, positive or negative, will get there carryovers and
either a positive or negative amount will have to be budgeted
into the next years budget.
2. However, the appropriations committee can review each
organization on an individual basis.
ii. Allow people within 10/5 % level to keep carryover, review only
iii. To look at every carryover
e. Motion: to allow each group to take care of their carryovers as is, by adjusting
next years budget.
i. Motion passes.
f. Discussion: Should we have a percentage? If so, should it be 10/5?
i. Large city budgets are option 1.
ii. The problem with this is that the groups didn’t know about this for the
previous year.
iii. At some point it has to be put in our bylaws to stay consistent from
year to year.
g. Recommendation to deny the first option (10/5 percent)
i. The question questions been called.
ii. On first motion: 6 votes to 3.
ii. Motion passes.
h. Why are groups with faculty advisors overspending?
The role of our group is to go to the individual chairs, and let them know that
they need to be more on top of their accounts.
VII. Motion: To zero out the cultural, orgs (organizations), student services, and upass committees’ ending balances; to absorb accounts and put into
the reserve account. (Carly /Kristin)
i. Motion passed
VIII. Meeting adjourned at 7:18pm