Classified Professionals Staffing Request Form

Classified Professionals
Staffing Request Form
Office Use Only
Rec. Date: ___________
Fiscal Year: __________
Program Review: _____
Please fill out one form for each classified staff position that you are requesting for your division/unit. This form
is to be submitted as an appendix in your program review each fiscal year and a copy should be forwarded to
the classified prioritization chair. For positions requested outside the program review cycle (e.g., retirements,
resignations, grant/categorical funded positions), this form should be submitted to the classified prioritization
chair and will be used for information/tracking purposes. (Please see the program review website for more
Division/Unit: Arts & Humanities / Performing Arts Center (PAC)
Position Title Requested: Stage technician
Request Number (i.e., 1 + # of times position requested, but not granted, in past five program reviews):
Please indicate if this is a request for/to:
☐ Fill a currently vacant position (Must attach District job description; see Classified Prioritization Chair for assistance.)
hours per week
months per year
☐ Increase of an existing position (Must attach District job description; see Classified Prioritization Chair for assistance.)
from: ☐ 9, ☐ 10, ☐ 11 month
to: ☐ 10, ☐ 11, ☐ 12 month
☐ New position (Must attach proposed job description; see Classified Prioritization Chair for assistance.)
hours per week
months per year
Estimate Increase / Proposed Annual Salary Cost:
(assume step 1 for vacant position)
$ 45,000.00
Note: total cost of position will include salary + benefits.
Funding Source:
✔ General
☐ Categorical
☐ Grant
Grant name:
Why is this position necessary?
The RLBV& Performing Arts Center currently is busy 175 days/yr. The center supports events hosted
by the College, the District, local community (dance, speakers, concerts, films), and regional, state and
international artists who are drawn to our unique venue and outstanding service. Currently there are
two full time Technicians, which leaves us constantly having to rely on on-calls for the most basic of
events, which at times can be 2-3 in a day or 4-5 over a 3-4 day period. Many of the events are
high-end professional shows that require same level of technical expertise.
What educational programs or institutional purposes does this position support? How does the request
relate specifically to your Program Review, the College’s Strategic Plan, and/or Accreditation Recommendations?
All Chabot Music events, theater, Flex Days, Convocation, Law & Democracy, Daraja, Puente, Applied
Sciences, President's Office, District special events, etc. The PAC also supports graduations for
Nursing, Medical Assistant, Dental Hygiene, and many others.
We also support our service schools as they come here for Music Festivals, Graduations, Seminars,
and many other functions.
Where will the individual work? To whom will the person report? Are there any special equipment/facilities needs
to be considered?
Bldg 1300. Reports to Theater Manager or Operations Coordinator.
What is the consequence of not funding this position?
Major concern at this point is job burn-out from an already overworked staff who have performed
brilliantly under pressure, and always rise to serve. The quality of work will diminish, our reputation will
be tarnished, and revenues diminish as a result.
What alternative approaches have been considered in meeting the programmatic demands of this request?
There is no other alternative to doing good business. Everyone has gone above and beyond during a
great period of growth in event days and revenue. We have tried to add Student Assistants were
applicable but their use is limited due to skill-sets and time.
How will the campus community (students, staff, faculty, and community) be positively impacted by filling this
The simple truth is, if we do not expand the staffing the campus will have to cut back heavily on shows
and therefore revenue generation. Shows that are done may suffer technically, and may not have
enough staff on hand to even complete basic operations.
What other personnel currently provide support to this program and these students?
Sean McGuire, Gene Hale are the only two permanent employees as Stage Techs. We have about six
Stage-Tech On-calls, and about six Professional Expert Audience Services Specialist.
Requested by:
Kari McAllister
Area Manager Notes/Response:
1/8/16 Area Manager: