Narrative questions only

BEdA Federal Reports for 2014-15 – Narrative questions only
Section 1
Annual reporting is in compliance with the year-end federal requirements for Adult & Family
Literacy programs active July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. The statistical, narrative, and fiscal
reports are mandated by Title II of the Workforce Investment Act and fulfill the accountability
responsibilities agreed to by ABE grant recipients and are necessary for fulfillment of mandated
National Reporting System (NRS) requirements. The reports provide OCTAE with critical information
about project successes, program impacts, and the system’s need for training and technical
assistance. Please note that all reports are due September 15, 2015.*
*Note: OGMS may refer to this as an application in some areas, but this document is an actual
REPORT on the execution of activities outlined for implementation in each provider’s 2014-2019
Signed Original FSRs must be retained by the Provider for audit purposes. (Auditors will monitor FRS
during site visits.)
ABE Narrative Report
1.1 Describe initiatives, innovations and changes implemented to meet the transition expectations
from WIA to WIOA (e.g., development and implementation of career pathways, implementation
of CCR Standards, integration of employability skills into all courses, integration of reading
strategies into all courses, contextualization of courses in college and career readiness,
implementation of math for ESL, speaking and listening for ABE, etc.).
1.2 Describe your agency’s DPI project. What hypothesis was researched and tested? What was the
target outcome(s)? As a result of the project, what programmatic changes/interventions were or
will be implemented? How does your current and future DPI project(s) inform transition to
1.3 Were your 2014-2015 program federal outcome targets and internal student achievement (SAI)
targets met? If program targets were met, what strategies were employed to reach expected
targets? If federal target(s) for any level or cohort completions and/or internal SAI targets were
not met, please explain which targets were not met and what plans and strategies are being
implemented to ensure that targets will be met in the coming year.
1.4 Detail the alignment of adult Education and literacy activities with other WIOA core programs
and one-stop partners. Discuss how the program has collaborated with workforce education and
other basic skills providers, and with career development, employment, and training agencies,
including local Workforce Development Councils and One-Stop providers to enhance student
success along a pathway to a sustainable living as outlined in WIOA. *
1.5 If your program was awarded an English Literacy/Civics Grant, briefly describe activities
supported with these funds and the number of adult learners served in the program. Explain
your program’ s plan to transition EL Civics programming to meet the WIOA implementation of
integrated employment and training co-enrolled programming (e.g., I-BEST, etc.).
1.6 What innovations in the use of technology did you implement in basic skills classes in order to
support instruction? Briefly describe that effort in terms of 1) in-class informational (e.g., online
access to syllabi and other materials needed for participation), 2) in-class instructional
enhancement, 3) hybrid instruction (combined face to face and distance), 4) the flipped
classroom, and/or 5) instruction that is fully online with no face to face component. *
1.7 The 2014-2015 Leadership Block Grant funds supported Rendezvous and Implementation of
Washington State Adult Education 5-year Plan 2014-2019 Please detail how funds were used in
support of program improvement and the implementation of WIOA and the state BEdA
Transition Plan.
1.8 The FY 15 ABE Contextualization Project Carry over grant was awarded to 4 providers to fund the
continuation of contextualization of basic skills in support of one or more existing, evolving, or
new innovative initiatives aimed at transforming the current instruction or student support
practices. Please describe the contextualization transformation made permanent to current
programming or processes put in place as a result of this sub-grant. What was learned and how
has it changed on-going practices? Please include baseline data and final results.
*Only the 4 providers funded need to respond.
1.9 The 2014-2015 BEdA State Plan Innovation Grant was awarded to 15 providers for the purpose
of implementation of the Washington State Adult Education 5-year Plan 2014-2019
Pathways to College and Careers for Washington’s Emerging Workforce and innovative
practices around HS21+, Team Teaching, College and Career pathways, Contextualized
and Flipped instruction models. Describe the progress you have made on the
implementation and measureable out comes as a result of the grant.
*Only the 15 providers funded need to respond.
Sections 2-6 - Local Adult Basic Education Provider – Data Quality Standards Checklist AND the Data
Quality Improvement Plan (if needed)
Section 8 – is the budget tab - This is a report, so it does not have a budget to enter, BUT you must still
click on the “check to mark as complete” and hit the save button.
Section 9 – is the attachments tab
Attachment 1 – Financial Status Report (FSR) for Adult Education and Family Literacy Funds – this
report should include ALL Non-Federal Adult Education and Family Literacy funds you expended for
the Basic grant (including any Family Literacy Program and Volunteer Literacy Program activities),
plus all federal Adult Education and Family Literacy Act funds you spent on institutionalized adults.
Please complete and upload the template provided on the Grant Info tab.
9a) I have uploaded the SIGNED Attachment 1 FSR form to the “Attachment Tab” located between
the “Submit Tab” and the “Feedback Tab”
Attachment 2 – Financial Status Report (FSR) for English Literacy and Civics Education (EL/Civics)
Funds – this report should ONLY include Non-Federal EL Civics expenditures and federal EL Civics
funds spent on institutionalized adults. Please complete and upload the template provided on the
Grant Info tab.
9b) I have uploaded the SIGNED Attachment 2 FSR form to the “Attachment Tab” located between
the “Submit Tab” and the “Feedback Tab”