Social Worker News

Social Worker News
Parenting Series
Monday, March 16, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Luke Spiegelhoff, Licensed Social Worker, will
present The Secrets of Parenting. Parents are overwhelmed by information on how to raise
their children. Cut through the noise and discover the most helpful parenting strategies. The
answers are not what you expect. The presentation will be at Meadowview Elementary School;
6100 195 th Street West Farmington. The presentation is free and preregistration is not
required. Child care will not be provided. Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) are available for
a $5.00 fee. ISD 192 and 194 School Districts, Community Education, and Early Childhood Family
Education are sponsoring the event. Visit or for more information.
Connecting Over Mealtime
In today’s busy life, it can seem as though mealtimes are often “sandwiched “between other
activities. Our children are busy with community and school activities. The average adult works
more hours today than 10 years ago, and there are always errands to run, appointments to keep,
and activities to attend. Everything seems to compete with the family mealtime.
Experts agree that children who eat at least five meals with their families each week do better in
school, experience less stress and depression, have better social skills, are healthier and are less likely
to smoke, or use drugs or alcohol.
When we sit down to eat together, we connect with our children. It is a great opportunity to
communicate values, and teach lessons. Most importantly, our children feel loved and connected as
part of a family.
Here are some ideas:
*Get everyone involved. Take turns planning, cooking and cleaning up.
*Keep conversation enjoyable. Don’t use the time to lecture or discipline.
*Take turns leading the conversation, and ensuring everyone participates.
*Take the TV out of the dining area, or turn it off.
*Most of all have fun and enjoy each other!!
Lost and Found
Thanks to our Student Council representatives for the hard work they are doing taking care of the
lost and found. They voted to purchase a clothing rack, and spent time hanging up the items so they
are clearly visible and ready to be claimed by their owners. Please come and claim your coats, hats,
gloves, snow pants, etc.
I am in school Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. If you have questions or concerns, feel
free to stop in, give me a call, or send and email. My confidential voice mail is 651-683-6969, ext.
18795. My direct line is 952-431-8795, and my email is
Diane Johnson, Cedar Park STEM Social Worker 