worksheet 3.3

Module 3 – Self care doing it for ourselves
Worksheet 3.3 Your new way of thinking
One of the best ways to change your thinking is to fill out a thought record.
 Imagine you think like the care worker below. What consequences could this way of thinking have for the people you support?
 Now imagine thinking like a new type of worker. What consequences would this way of thinking have for the people you support?
Care worker thinking
Consequences for the
New types of worker thinking
1. ‘I can only do what’s on
the care plan’
‘If a person makes a choice which is not on their care plan I
can support them to achieve it’
2. ‘I don’t have time to get
people involved in their
‘I do have time to get a person more involved in their tasks’
3. ‘I’m not allowed to set
goals with them’
‘It is the persons choice to set new goals and I can record
these in their individual support plan and we both work
towards them’
4. ‘I tried to get her
involved but she said no,
so that’s it!’
‘It is the persons choice to set new goals and I can record
these in their individual support plan and we both work
towards them’
5. It’s not my job to get
involved in supporting her
‘I can support a person to learn more about how to cope
with their health and well being’
Consequences for the