Principal’s Message: Picking Up and Dropping Off Students: January 2014

January 2014
Principal’s Message:
Picking Up and Dropping Off Students:
On behalf of the staff at Glenbrook, I
would like to wish all parents and
community members a “Happy New
We continue to have parents dropping off students in the front parking lot at
the beginning of the day. This is causing considerable congestion in the parking lot and interferes with the bus that loads and unloads at the school. Parents are reminded that Glenbrook is a walking school. Students should be
able to walk to and from school each day. If you find it necessary to drive your
child to school, please drop students off at the side of the school using the
driveway located between the school and the arena. Students will then be
able to access the playground and enter the school using the appropriate entrance. Your cooperation is sincerely appreciated.
We would like to thank everyone who
supported our Food Bank Food Drive
that took place prior to the holidays.
Glenbrook students brought in well
over 500 food items!
A special thanks to Mr. Henry and his
Grade 8 students for organizing and
advertising our Food Drive and for
providing assistance when these
items were picked up from the
Representatives from the Shelburne
Police Service helped us to celebrate
the success of our food drive. Officers “detained” and “gift wrapped” the
teachers from the classes that
brought in the greatest number of
food items in each division (Primary,
Junior & Intermediate). Congratulations to Mrs. Voigt, Mr. Grin and Mrs.
Whitehouse for being wrapped up for
the season. This was quite an event!
January 17th P. D. Day:
January 17th is a full day Professional Development Day. The staff at
Glenbrook will be engaged in writing
Provincial Report Cards. Teachers
will be meeting to discuss student
progress and to develop the comments that will appear on first term
Report Cards will be
sent home with students
on Friday, February 7th.
Grade 8 Option Sheets & C.D.D.H.S. Info Night:
On Tuesday, January 14th, Ms. Susan Trowell, from Centre Dufferin District
Secondary School will be at Glenbrook Elementary School to meet with our
Grade 8 students. She will be reviewing Grade 9 course selection procedures with students and Grade 8’s will receive their course selection sheets.
The staff at C.D.D.H.S. plan to hold an orientation and
information evening at the high school on Thursday,
January 30th, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. Parents are asked to
accompany their Grade 8 child to this presentation. We
are hoping to have 100% attendance from Glenbrook parents and students at this important meeting. We look forward to seeing you there!
Visiting The School:
School Council Meeting:
We ask that parents come directly
to the front office if visiting the
school to drop off a “forgotten” item.
These items will be delivered to
classrooms by school staff or students will be called to the office to
pick up these items.
The next Glenbrook School Council
Meeting will be held on Thursday,
January 9th, at 6:15 p.m. in the
School Staff Room.
We ask that parents not go to classrooms to deliver these materials.
We would like to minimize classroom disruptions and protect the
time that our teachers have to provide instruction. Your cooperation with this request
is appreciated!
We encourage all parents of students at Glenbrook to attend these
meetings. New members are always
welcome. Come to hear about all of
things that are
Glenbrook E. S.
We look forward
to seeing you at
this meeting.
P.D. Day —Friday, January 17, 2014 (full day)
Rocks and Rings Curling Program:
Grade 8 Grad Photos:
Students from Grade 4 up to Grade 8 will have the opportunity to
participate in the “Rocks and Rings” Curling Program. Representatives from this organization will come to the school on Monday, January 20th, 2014, to teach our students the fundamentals of curling.
Representatives from
Edge Imaging will be
at Glenbrook Elementar y
Sc hool
Wednesday, January
29th, 2014, to take
photos of our Grade 8
students who will be
graduating this June.
We look forward to having our students involved in this program. A special
thanks to Mrs. Whitehouse for arranging to have this sport taught at Glenbrook
this year.
Volleyball at Glenbrook:
Our Boys and Girls Volleyball teams have been practicing and playing hard
over the past two months. Both teams have participated in a number of home
and away games in order to determine who will be eligible to play in the finals.
A special thanks to Mrs. Schafer and Mrs. Eisen for coaching
our Girls team this year and to Mr. Henry for coaching the Boys
team. Both teams have represented Glenbrook exceptionally
Grade 8 students will be bringing
home information regarding these
photo packages. Students will be
informed of the proper attire for these
What To Do If You Discover That Your Child Has Head Lice:
During the fall and winter months, we do receive reports of students who must be treated for head lice. We ask that all
parents periodically check their children for this “nuisance.” Please check all children under bright lights, parting and
lifting strands of hair and looking close to the scalp. The nits (eggs) are sesame seed shaped and are usually found in
the fine hair behind the ears, at the back of the head and above the forehead. If you discover that one child in your family has head lice, please check everyone in the family and notify the school, parents of playmates, and your child’s babysitter(s).
Pharmacies sell products to treat lice. Very young children, pregnant women, nursing mothers and anyone with a skin
irritation should be referred to a doctor because of the chemicals contained in these products. The products sold in
pharmacies often do not kill 100% of the nits. Parents will need to remove the eggs and egg cases manually.
When school personnel discover that students have head lice, we notify parents and ask them to treat their child(ren).
We ask parents ensure that hair has been treated and that all nits have been removed. We recognize that this is labour
intensive but it is one of the best ways to ensure that lice do not return.
If you would be willing to assist the school in checking students’ heads for lice, please contact the
school office. We would like to train a group of parents who could assist when we suspect that
head lice is becoming a problem. We are creating this team in an attempt to prevent an outbreak
of head lice in the school. If you have any questions about this procedure, please feel free to contact us (519) 925-0580. We appreciate all that you do to eliminate this nuisance.
Read This Newsletter and Win a Prize!!!
Win A Pair of Toronto Maple Leaf Mini Hockey Sticks :
After your family has read this newsletter, please sign and detach this coupon. “Our family” must include at least one
parent/guardian who has read the newsletter. This coupon must be placed in the yellow mailbox in the front office at
Glenbrook school. A ballot will be drawn from the yellow mailbox each month indicating the winning family for the
month. This month’s draw will be held on Friday, January 31st, 2014.
Our family has read the newsletter corresponding to this draw.
Family Name:
___________________________Parent’s Signature:
Kindergarten Registration — September 2014:
Students are eligible for the Junior Kindergarten program if they will be four years of age on or before December 31,
2014. Students must be five years of age on or before December 31, 2014 to register for Senior Kindergarten.
Registration will take place from Monday, February 3rd to Friday, February 7th, 2014 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3
p.m. in the main office. Parents will be required to complete the “Student Admission Form” which is found on our website in PDF version and provide the following:
 Proof of Birth
 Proof of Date of Entry, if born outside Canada
 Proof of and Full Address
 Immunization Record
 Custody Order Documentation (if applicable)
If you know of a neighbour or friend who presently does not have children at Glenbrook E. S. and lives within the school
boundary, please give them this information or ask them to contact Mrs. Emmons at the school, 519-925-0580, Ext. 221.
Colds and Illnesses:
Lost & Found:
Year End Trips Planned:
Unfortunately we have a lot of student
and teacher absences due to illness
spread by those who attend school
while sick. Doctors tell us that cold
fresh air aids in recuperation from
most illnesses unless there are respiratory complications, in which case,
children should not be at school.
Glenbrook has a lost and found box
located in the front hallway of the
school. This box is currently FULL
of student clothing including shirts,
jackets, boots and shoes.
strongly encourage parents to come
to the school to examine these
items in order to determine if any
belong to your child(ren).
Our Intermediate staff members (Mrs.
Kennedy, Mrs. Whitehouse & Mr.
Henry) are in the process of organizing the Grade 7 and Grade 8 year
end trips.
We would like to make sure that
this clothing is returned to the
owner. Prior to March Break, these
clothing items will be displayed on
tables for student and parent viewing. All unclaimed items will be
gathered and donated to a
local charity.
Our Grade 8’s will be travelling to
Ottawa for 3 days (June 3rd, 4th and
Please check with your family doctor
before writing a note for children to
remain indoors at recesses. We realize that some children pressure parents to write notes to remain in at recesses for successive days. Your cooperation in appreciated.
Our Grade 7’s will be going to Camp
Kandalore for 3 days (June 9th, 10th
and 11th).
We are confident
that our students
will enjoy participating in these excursions.
Is Conflict The Same As Bullying?:
People may sometimes confuse conflict with bullying, but they are different. Conflict occurs between two or more people
who have a disagreement, a difference of opinion or different views. Conflict between students does not always mean it’s
bullying. Children learn at a young age to understand that others can have a different perspective than their own, but
developing the ability to gain perspective takes time and the process continues into early adulthood. In conflict, each person feels comfortable expressing his or her views, and there is no power imbalance. Each person feels able to state his
or her view point. How people deal with conflict can make it positive or negative.
Conflict becomes negative when an individual behaves aggressively by saying or doing hurtful things. Then the conflict is
an aggressive interaction. Conflict only becomes bullying when it is repeated over and over again and there is a power
imbalance. Over time, a pattern of behaviour may emerge where the person who behaves aggressively in the conflict
may continue or even make it worse. The person who is the recipient of the aggressive conflict may feel less and less
able to express his or her point of view and feel more and more powerless. That is when negative conflict may turn into
bullying. A school will respond to bullying and conflict differently. For example, in the case of a conflict, a school staff
member may try to have the students come together to tell their side of the story and help them resolve the situation together. In the case of bullying, a principal will consider progressive discipline, which may include suspension or expulsion.
J a nu a r y 2 0 1 4
First School Day
for 2014
$50 due for
Grade 8 Ottawa
Grade 7 & Grade
8 Immunization
School Council
Meeting (6:15
JK/SK Skating
Pizza Day
Grade 8 Option
Sheet Presentation
Rocks & Rings
Curling Program
(Grades 4—8)
22 Pizza Day
Primary Skating
Grades 1—3
JK/SK Skating
17 P. A. Day
24 JK/SK Skating
JK/SK Skating
February 1st
(No school for
Junior Skating
Grades 4—6
Grade 8
Library News: In January, we are starting our Forest of Reading book clubs. Kindergarten - grade 3 students will be
reading 10 books over the coming weeks and will vote on their favourite book in the spring. The Silver Birch Express
Club is open to grade 3/4 students, Silver Birch Club is for grades 4-6, and Red Maple is for grade 7-8 students. Students interested in joining these clubs will read at least 5 books and conference with a teacher who has read the books.
Reading 5 books qualifies the student to vote for their favourite. These clubs are running across Ontario and students
will have access to activities through the Ontario Library Association site that allows them to connect with students
across Ontario who are reading the same books.