The perspective on the project camera is from the southwest of the project, looking
northeast. This frontage will change as the project continues, but certain features will appear as
we go along. You can zoom into the picture and drag it left and right as needed.
The level you see now (February 11, 2015) is the 2nd floor, ground level. The 1st floor
basement is at the far corner of the project, near the trees at the back right of the picture.
That’s also the direction to look for the main entrance to the building. That should become
visible in the next few weeks as the entry canopy is formed and poured.
The west stairwell is recognizable at the left side of the image. Next to it is a major
structural shearwall that will rise to the roof, along with the stairwell. The concrete columns
running left to right nearest the camera are on the exterior of the offices for the Physics and
Engineering programs. On the opposite side of the building will be the Engineering labs (known
as the Collaboratorium) and the Physics labs/classrooms.
At the shear wall you can see the narrow steel columns that will support the forms for the
floor PT (post-tensioned) slab. These columns and formwork will cover the west third of the
building, and you will see a forest of these steel columns stretching to about the line between
the 6th and 7th column in the near row.
Below is a section of the structural drawings showing the locations of the features discussed