The Origins of Al Qaeda Perspective

The Origins of Al Qaeda
1. Started in Afghanistan
2. Driving out the infidel
3. Bin Laden’s mentor
4. Formation of Al Qaeda and a new ideology
1. If a foreign nation enters America, how
should the US government respond?
2. If the President of the US asked you to
defend the nation would you?
3. If the foreign nation captures 5000
Americans would you help? Should the US
government help the 5000?
4. What is your duty as an American?
Abdullah Yusuf Azzam 1941-1989
Assassinated in Pakistan
Fights Soviets in Afghanistan
Global Jihad using Qutib’s
Pioneering Vanguard
Mossad (Israel)
Co-Founder of Al Qaeda
Other Islamic
leaders (Bin Laden)
Writes Defense of Muslim
Kuffar: Negative qualities of a person. Used by
extremists to argue the negative qualities by
one is their inability to follow Islamic
guidelines for life. Significance: A Kuffar could
be one not following Islam or an unbeliever to
faith. Thus such forces need to be purged from
the person and even society and even the
World. Remember it’s about PURIFICATION
Kuffar: Negative qualities of a person.
Fard Ayn: Individual obligation.
Fard Kifays: Communal obligation. If many do it
maybe the rest do not have to (possible
Chapter 1 (Two
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Goal: How did Azzam use the Quran to justify events in his life, ideology and events
occurring in nations with Muslim populations?
[40:35] “And Joseph did come to you before
with clear proofs, but you ceased not to be in
doubt concerning that with which he came to
you till, when he died, you said: ‘Allah will
never raise up a Messenger after him.’ Thus
does Allah adjudge as lost those who
transgress, and are doubters,
[25:78] Say to the disbelievers: ‘But for your
prayer to Him my Lord would not care for you.
You have indeed rejected the truth, and the
punishment of your rejection will now cleaveto
[5:33] Indeed, the penalty for those who wage
war against Allah and His Messenger and strive
upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but
that they be killed or crucified or that their
hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or
that they be exiled from the land. That is for
them a disgrace in this world; and for them in
the Hereafter is a great punishment,
[4:91] You will find others who wish to obtain
security from you and [to] obtain security from
their people. Every time they are returned to
[the influence of] disbelief, they fall back into it.
So if they do not withdraw from you or offer you
peace or restrain their hands, then seize them
and kill them wherever you overtake them. And
those - We have made for you against them a
clear authorization.
[40:35] “And Joseph did come to
you before with clear proofs, but
you ceased not to be in doubt
concerning that with which he
came to you till, when he died,
you said: ‘Allah will never raise
up a Messenger after him.’ Thus
does Allah adjudge as lost those
who transgress, and are
[25:78] Say to the disbelievers:
‘But for your prayer to Him my
Lord would not care for you. You
have indeed rejected the truth,
and the punishment of your
rejection will now cleaveto you.’
[5:33] Indeed, the penalty for those who
wage war against Allah and His Messenger
and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption
is none but that they be killed or crucified
or that their hands and feet be cut off from
opposite sides or that they be exiled from
the land. That is for them a disgrace in this
world; and for them in the Hereafter is a
great punishment
[4:91] You will find others who wish to
obtain security from you and [to] obtain
security from their people. Every time
they are returned to [the influence of]
disbelief, they fall back into it. So if they
do not withdraw from you or offer you
peace or restrain their hands, then seize
them and kill them wherever you overtake
them. And those - We have made for you
against them a clear authorization.
Azzam Writes
Quran States
[40:35] “And Joseph did come to you
before with clear proofs, but you
ceased not to be in doubt concerning
that with which he came to you till,
when he died, you said: ‘Allah will
never raise up a Messenger after
him.’ Thus does Allah adjudge as lost
those who transgress, and are
Azzam Writes
Quran States
[25:78] Say to the disbelievers: ‘But
for your prayer to Him my Lord
would not care for you. You have
indeed rejected the truth, and the
punishment of your rejection will
now cleaveto you.’
Azzam Writes
Quran States
[5:33] Indeed, the penalty for those
who wage war against Allah and His
Messenger and strive upon earth [to
cause] corruption is none but that
they be killed or crucified or that
their hands and feet be cut off from
opposite sides or that they be exiled
from the land. That is for them a
disgrace in this world; and for them
in the Hereafter is a great
Azzam Writes
Quran States
[4:91]You will find others who wish
to obtain security from you and [to]
obtain security from their people.
Every time they are returned to [the
influence of] disbelief, they fall back
into it. So if they do not withdraw
from you or offer you peace or
restrain their hands, then seize them
and kill them wherever you overtake
them. And those - We have made for
you against them a clear
Soviets invade
Afghanistan December of
lecturer at Abdulaziz
University (1970s),
Saudi Arabia, where
he influenced
possible Wahhab
including Bin Laden
PhD from al-Azhar
University, Egypt, in
1973 befriends Qutib
Born in
Jordan 1941
Breaks with
Palestinian cause
because it was
more of a secular
1989 Soviets
defeated (Feb 1989)
and the fight goes
global. Azzam and
Bin Laden Break
Writes Declaration of
Muslim Lands and calls for a
holy war.
Establishes MAK (services
Possible Azzam Speeches
What makes Azzam a strict constructionist?
Does this support the slap back thesis?