Holy Cross Parish Council Minutes, April 4, 2011 Members present

Holy Cross Parish Council Minutes, April 4, 2011
Members present: Ron Carpio, Ellen Duran, Ellen Reffel, Jerome Blazon, Alejandra Fuentes, Gary
Sandoval, Colleen Smith, Dennis Bettridge.
Absent: Brian Smith and Richard Mohn
Staff present: Nehemias Ruiz
Absent: Tom Coyte, Ron Marinelli, Amy Vigil, and Russ Halpine
Opening Prayer: Ellen Duran
Review and approval of Parish Council minutes from March, 2011.
Decision Items: Ron C calls for election of Parish Council Chair
1st vote tallies (verified by Ellen R and Jerome): Ellen D.-2, Colleen-2, Ellen R-2, Ron C-1.
Ron C explains that he cannot be considered and calls for a 2nd vote to break the tie.
2nd vote tallies: Gary-1, Ellen R-3, Ellen D-4. Yea! Ellen Duran is our new chair for one year
Discussion Items:
Item A. Ron C. calls for discussion of the June Leadership Retreat.
Ron C-No new goals for this year, so shall we go over the Constitution?
Gary- Talk about the Constitution in July with just the Parish Council members. Jerome agrees
that the other members of Leadership don't need to sit through explanation.
Ellen R-Why is it called a retreat? It's only 2-4 hours long. Ron C says that it's because there is
always a speaker.
Colleen-What do we need to do?
Gary-Stewardship? Ron C-No, we did that in January at Leadership meeting . Ellen R-We have
to survey parishioners by June 5th according to Parish Council objective #3. Last year's notes
show that this occurred the weekend of June 5th.
Gary-We need to check the progress from Commissions. Ellen R-Parish Staff could report at the
June retreat on this.
Jerome-Pat H reported to us that Relig. Ed is already set in their curriculum this year. They
should adjust their curriculum now to the new goals as part of the retreat topics.
Gary-Parish Staff has to make the cards that will get us info. from parishioners.
Colleen-Yes, we need info. from the parishioners-feedback on the goals and our progress.
Ellen D-An usher recently asked me to explain goals 2 an 3. We sat down, had doughnuts, and
talked about it.
Ron C-Do you want to do questions for the parishioner cards now or should a small group meet
and design this?
Colleen: Here are the questions asked last year.
Ellen D-The questions need to be tailored to current issues, goals, and objectives. Let's make a
small committee (both Ellens, Ron C, and Alejandra agree to meet).
Colleen and Ellen R-Maybe the topics need to be prioritized?
Alejandra-Yes, because Spanish parishioners might be concerned about different topics.
Ellen R-like having another mass time?
Nehemias-Father Tom said no to adding another mass.
Ron C-Why?
Nehemias-No reason was given.
Gary-The idea of feedback cards have to go to Liturgy Commission to be approved.
Ellen R-Not if there has been approval before and precedence has been set: which it was last
year apparently when the cards were passed out June 4 and 5th at masses.
Ron C-In May we will address the Leadership retreat agenda. The questionnaire results will be
given in June.
Ron C-set the GS topic/small committee on May agenda.
Gary-Everyone talk to people at your masses about applying to become Parish Council
representatives. We need to have new members at the June retreat.
Ron C-Ask parish staff who represents which commissions on Parish Council.
Ron C-Discussion items move up to Decision items (said to Ellen D).
Item B: Attendance at mass this week as a group.
Alejandra-I will reserve seats for all of you for Saturday night's mass this week.
Colleen-Let's all go to dinner before or after.
Alejandra-My sister has a Mexican restaurant, Trebo. I could ask her.
Colleen-Let's go together.
Reported Items: Gary-I have a 32 inch tv to donate to a family if anyone knows who could use it.
Closing Prayer: Ellen Reffel
Opening Prayer next meeting : Gary
Closing Prayer next meeting: Jerome