2023-12-10T13:28:55+03:00[Europe/Moscow] af true What is maturation, and how is it related to an individual's inherent traits or potential?, Apart from genetic information, what other factors influence our physical self as we grow up?, How does the family contribute to the development of the physical self?, What role do large social groups, influenced by contemporary media, play in shaping perceptions of the ideal body type?, What are some tips for achieving physical well-being according to the text?, Why is it mentioned in the text that there is nothing wrong with enhancing the physical self, but focusing too much on physical beauty can be problematic?, According to the text, what is recommended for achieving physical well-being in terms of lifestyle choices?, How does confidence contribute to physical well-being, according to the text?, What are some tips mentioned in the text for boosting confidence? flashcards
USELF [Module 6]

USELF [Module 6]

  • What is maturation, and how is it related to an individual's inherent traits or potential?
    It is the completion of growth of genetic character within an organism or the unfolding of an individual’s inherent traits or potential.
  • Apart from genetic information, what other factors influence our physical self as we grow up?
    Environmental influences, including social networks, societal expectations, and cultural practices, shape our physical self.
  • How does the family contribute to the development of the physical self?
    Plays a crucial role in the foundation of physical self-development. It influences nutrition, sustenance, and care for the body.
  • What role do large social groups, influenced by contemporary media, play in shaping perceptions of the ideal body type?
    Often portray thin bodies as the ideal for women and muscular bodies for men. This influences adolescents to engage in activities to achieve these body types.
  • What are some tips for achieving physical well-being according to the text?
    Healthy eating with the right combination of food for health and sustenance, Embracing a healthy lifestyle by avoiding unhealthy habits and engaging in physical activities, Maintaining proper hygiene for body care, Building confidence, embracing a positive outlook, and loving and accepting oneself contribute to optimal physical well-being.
  • Why is it mentioned in the text that there is nothing wrong with enhancing the physical self, but focusing too much on physical beauty can be problematic?
    Focusing excessively on physical beauty at the expense of everything else is problematic, as it may lead to neglecting other aspects of well-being.
  • According to the text, what is recommended for achieving physical well-being in terms of lifestyle choices?
    Adopting healthy habits such as avoiding drinking and smoking, engaging in physical activities like walking and sports, and maintaining proper hygiene.
  • How does confidence contribute to physical well-being, according to the text?
    Confidence in oneself, positive self-talk, and a secure outlook contribute to optimal physical well-being.
  • What are some tips mentioned in the text for boosting confidence?
    Listing strengths. Accepting limitations. Avoiding "should" statements. Gaining perspective. Trying new things. Celebrating wins.