2021-05-25T17:23:11+03:00[Europe/Moscow]filtruegrumpy, The grumpy old man., The grumpy old man., cute, little, The cute little girl., <p>The cute girl-child.</p>, The big house is beautiful., naughty, offspring, The naughty child is her daughter., The naughty child is her daughter., generous, The rich man is generous ., The rich man is generous ., The rich man is generous ., strong, The strong wind is cold., slept, The young girl slept, grandfather, My grandfather is an old man., The old woman is Karen, My hot chocolate, hot chocolate, Cloudy weather, flying, bird, shot (past tense), The flying bird was shot., The flying bird was shot., barking, angry, The barking dog is angry., The barking dog is angry., The walking cat is fat., The walking cat is fat., The running man is still young., The running man is still young., father, arrived, tired, My father arrived home tired., My father arrived home tired., My father arrived home tired., ran, fast, She ran fast., My mother cooks fast., My mother cooks fast., slowly, They swim slowly., They swim slowly., ate, quickly, Pablo ate quikly, wrote, clearly, He wrote clearly., Avoid, long in time, feud, Avoid the long feud., Avoid the long feud., Avoid the long feud., watch, truly, Your watch is truly expensive., Your clothes is truly beautiful., Your food is truly delicious., allowed, to leave, left, LEAVE!, The child was allowed to leave, soldier, died, fighting, The soldier died fighting, The boy loves to swim., tree, growing (root=), The tree grows fast., Adverb + adverb =, She came home very late., She came home very late., will return (root), tomorrow, I shall certainly return tomorrow, to pay, I shall certain pay you tomorrow., I ran very fast., Nagluluto siya sa kusina gabing-gabi na., the adjective is repeated to create a superlative., utos, malinaw, Malinaw na malinaw ang utos niya., Mabait na mabait ang aking guro., Mabait na mabait ang aking guro., Malaking malaki ang aking bahay., Ang bahay na iyon ay akin., lupaflashcards
the adjective is repeated to create a superlative.
Adjective + adjective =
Malinaw na malinaw ang utos niya.
Her command is very clear
Mabait na mabait ang aking guro.
My teacher is very kind
Mabait na mabait ang aking guro.
My teacher is very kind
Malaking malaki ang aking bahay.
My house is very big.
Ang bahay na iyon ay akin.
That house is mine.
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